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Created September 22, 2023 09:50
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class Node(BaseModel):
Node class for the knowledge graph. Each node represents an entity.
id (int): Unique identifier for the node.
label (str): Label or name of the node.
color (str): Color of the node.
num_targets (int): Number of target nodes connected to this node.
num_sources (int): Number of source nodes this node is connected from.
list_target_ids (List[int]): List of unique identifiers of target nodes for which this node is the source node.
num_edges (int): Total number of edges that this node is a part of, either soruce or target.
id: int
label: str
color: str
num_targets: int
num_sources: int
list_target_ids: List[int] = Field(default_factory=list)
num_edges: int = 0
class Edge(BaseModel):
source: int
target: int
label: str
color: str = "black"
class KnowledgeGraph(BaseModel):
nodes: List[Node] = Field(default_factory=list)
edges: List[Edge] = Field(default_factory=list)
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