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Last active December 25, 2015 14:39
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Graphite data migration : ./ -u <user> -f <folder (/opt/graphite/storage/whisper/)> -s <source_host (> -d <dest_host (>
import sys, getopt, time
from subprocess import *
def main(argv):
source_host = ''
dest_host = ''
user = ''
folder = ''
opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"hu:f:b:s:d:",["user=","folder=","sourcehost=","desthost="])
except getopt.GetoptError:
print ' -u <user> -f <folder> -s <sourcehost> -d <desthost>'
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt == '-h':
print ' -u <user> -f <folder> -s <sourcehost> -d <desthost>'
elif opt in ("-f", "--folder"):
folder = arg
elif opt in ("-u", "--user"):
user = arg
elif opt in ("-s", "--sourcehost"):
source_host = arg
elif opt in ("-d", "--desthost"):
dest_host = arg
print 'Args : '
print ' - User :', user
print ' - Folder :', folder
print ' - Source host :', source_host
print ' - Destination host :', dest_host
print '\n'
migrate_whisper_files(user, folder, source_host, dest_host)
def migrate_whisper_files(user, folder, source_host, dest_host):
print "Retrieving file list from", source_host
p = Popen('ssh ' + user + '@' + source_host + ' "sudo find ' + folder + ' | grep .wsp"', shell=True, stdout=PIPE)
source_files = p.stdout.readlines()
print "File list retrieved from", source_host
print "\n"
print "Retrieving file list from", dest_host
p = Popen('ssh ' + user + '@' + dest_host + ' "sudo find ' + folder + ' | grep .wsp"', shell=True, stdout=PIPE)
dest_files = p.stdout.readlines()
print "File list retrieved from", dest_host
print "\n"
for common_files in [set(source_files).intersection(dest_files)]:
if len(common_files) > 0:
i = 0
metric_files = []
for common_file in common_files:
print "File detected :", common_file.replace('\n', '')
i += 1
metric_files.append(common_file.replace('\n', ''))
if i > 0 and (i%500 == 0 or i == len(common_files)):
tar_name = 'migration_' + str(int(time.time())) + '.tar.gz'
migrate_files(user, folder, source_host, dest_host, tar_name, metric_files)
metric_files = []
print "No file to migrate"
def migrate_files(user, folder, source_host, dest_host, tar_name, metric_files):
print "\nPacking metrics files into " + tar_name + " on " + source_host + " " + user + " home"
p = Popen('ssh ' + user + '@' + source_host + ' -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "tar -cvzf ' + tar_name + ' ' + ' '.join(metric_files) + '"', shell=True)
print "Copying " + tar_name + " on " + dest_host + " " + user + " home"
p = Popen('ssh ' + user + '@' + source_host + ' -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "scp ' + tar_name + ' ' + user + '@' + dest_host + ':' + tar_name + '"', shell=True)
print "Unpacking " + tar_name + " on " + dest_host + " folder " + folder
p = Popen('ssh ' + user + '@' + dest_host + ' -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "sudo tar -C / --overwrite -zxvf ' + tar_name + '"', shell=True)
print "Removing " + tar_name + " on " + dest_host + " " + user + " home"
p = Popen('ssh ' + user + '@' + dest_host + ' -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "rm ' + tar_name + '"', shell=True)
for metric_file in metric_files:
print "Removing metric file " + metric_file + " on " + source_host
p = Popen('ssh ' + user + '@' + source_host + ' -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "sudo rm ' + metric_file + '"', shell=True)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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