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Created June 12, 2017 01:48
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extractHTMLFromTextMorph (via dom range)
export function extractHTMLFromTextMorph(textMorph, range) {
// let html = extractHTMLFromTextMorph(this, this.selection);
evt.domEvt.clipboardData.setData("text/html", textLayerNode.outerHTML);
let node = textMorph.env.renderer.getNodeForMorph(textMorph),
textLength = this.document.stringSize,
firstLineNode = node.querySelector(".newtext-text-layer.actual"),
// _ = console.log(`START, looking for ${textMorph.positionToIndex(range.start)}`),
start = findNodeWithOffsetAt(textMorph.positionToIndex(range.start), firstLineNode, undefined, textLength, false),
// _3 = console.log(`END, looking for ${textMorph.positionToIndex(range.end)}`),
end = findNodeWithOffsetAt(textMorph.positionToIndex(range.end), firstLineNode, undefined, textLength, false),
el = document.createElement("div"),
r = document.createRange()
r.setStart(start.node, start.offset);
r.setEnd(end.node, end.offset);
return el.innerHTML;
function findNodeWithOffsetAt(index, node, currentIndex = 0, maxLength = Infinity, debug = false) {
if (index >= maxLength) return {offset: 0, node, found: true};
if (index == currentIndex) return {offset: 0, node, found: true};
if (node.nodeType === TEXT_NODE) {
debug && console.log(`In text node ${currentIndex} "${node.textContent}"`);
var nextIndex = currentIndex + node.length;
if (index < nextIndex) {
debug && console.log({node, found: true, offset: index - currentIndex}, currentIndex);
return {node, found: true, offset: index - currentIndex};
} else if (index === nextIndex) {
// at line end = newline
debug && console.log({node, found: true, offset: node.length});
return {node, found: true, offset: node.length};
currentIndex = nextIndex;
} else if (node.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) {
if (String(node.tagName).toLowerCase() === "br") {
currentIndex = currentIndex + 1;
if (index === currentIndex) {
debug && console.log({node, found: true, offset: 0})
return {node, found: true, offset: 0};
} else {
debug && console.log(`In element node ${currentIndex} "${node}"`);
for (let child of node.childNodes) {
let result = findNodeWithOffsetAt(index, child, currentIndex, maxLength, debug);
if (result.found) return result;
currentIndex = result.currentIndex;
return {offset: 0, node, found: false, currentIndex};
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