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Created June 11, 2024 04:26
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Sample code to use Mono.TextTemplating in-memory without file input/output
// This sample code requires Mono.TextTemplating.Roslyn >= 2.3.1 nuget package
using System;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating;
using Mono.TextTemplating;
using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
internal static class Program
private static async Task Main(string[] args)
var templateContent = $$"""
<#@ template language="C#" #>
namespace GeneratedNamespace
public class GeneratedClass
<# if (!(bool)Session["machineOrUser"]) { #>
public string UserSid { get; set; } = "<#= TemplatingExtensions.TestVariable #>";
<# } #>
public RegistryValueOptions RegistryValueOptions { get; set; } = RegistryValueOptions.None;
public RegistryView RegistryView { get; set; } = RegistryView.Default;
var result = await templateContent.ProcessTemplateAsync(
sessionConfigurator: s =>
s["machineOrUser"] = false;
templateSettingsConfigurator: s =>
s.InternalVisibility = true;
if (result.CompileSucceed)
await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync(result.Value.AsMemory()).ConfigureAwait(false);
await Console.Error.WriteLineAsync("Text templating/compilation failed.".AsMemory()).ConfigureAwait(false);
public static class TemplatingExtensions
public static string TestVariable = "Hello, World!";
public static async Task<TemplatingResult> ProcessTemplateAsync(
this string templateContent,
bool useInProcessCompiler = true,
Action<ITextTemplatingSession> sessionConfigurator = default,
Action<TemplateSettings> templateSettingsConfigurator = default,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
var generator = new TemplateGenerator();
if (useInProcessCompiler)
var session = generator.GetOrCreateSession();
if (sessionConfigurator != null)
var parsedTemplate = generator.ParseTemplate(default, templateContent);
var templateSettings = TemplatingEngine.GetSettings(generator, parsedTemplate);
if (templateSettingsConfigurator != null)
var engine = new TemplatingEngine();
var compilerResult = await engine.CompileTemplateAsync(
parsedTemplate, null, generator,
templateSettings, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
return new TemplatingResult(
public sealed class TemplatingResult
public TemplatingResult(
CompilerErrorCollection errors,
bool compileSucceed,
string[] references,
string value)
Errors = errors;
CompileSucceed = compileSucceed;
References = references;
Value = value;
public CompilerErrorCollection Errors { get; } = null;
public bool CompileSucceed { get; } = false;
public string[] References { get; } = new string[] { };
public string Value { get; } = null;
public override string ToString() => Value;
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