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Async/Await Alternative Demonstration
using System;
namespace System.Threading.Tasks
public static class DelegateInvokeAsyncExtension
public static Task<TResult> InvokeAsync<TResult>(
this Func<TResult> function,
AsyncCallback callback = null,
object state = null,
TaskCreationOptions creationOptions = default(TaskCreationOptions),
TaskScheduler scheduler = default(TaskScheduler))
return Task<TResult>.Factory.FromAsync(
function.BeginInvoke(callback, state),
scheduler ?? TaskScheduler.Current ?? TaskScheduler.Default);
public static Task<TResult> InvokeAsync<TResult, T>(
this Func<T, TResult> function,
T arg,
AsyncCallback callback = null,
object state = null,
TaskCreationOptions creationOptions = default(TaskCreationOptions),
TaskScheduler scheduler = default(TaskScheduler))
return Task<TResult>.Factory.FromAsync(
function.BeginInvoke(arg, callback, state),
scheduler ?? TaskScheduler.Current ?? TaskScheduler.Default);
public static Task<TResult> InvokeAsync<TResult, T1, T2>(
this Func<T1, T2, TResult> function,
T1 arg1, T2 arg2,
AsyncCallback callback = null,
object state = null,
TaskCreationOptions creationOptions = default(TaskCreationOptions),
TaskScheduler scheduler = default(TaskScheduler))
return Task<TResult>.Factory.FromAsync(
function.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, callback, state),
scheduler ?? TaskScheduler.Current ?? TaskScheduler.Default);
public static Task<TResult> InvokeAsync<TResult, T1, T2, T3>(
this Func<T1, T2, T3, TResult> function,
T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3,
AsyncCallback callback = null,
object state = null,
TaskCreationOptions creationOptions = default(TaskCreationOptions),
TaskScheduler scheduler = default(TaskScheduler))
return Task<TResult>.Factory.FromAsync(
function.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, callback, state),
scheduler ?? TaskScheduler.Current ?? TaskScheduler.Default);
public static Task<TResult> InvokeAsync<TResult, T1, T2, T3, T4>(
this Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, TResult> function,
T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4,
AsyncCallback callback = null,
object state = null,
TaskCreationOptions creationOptions = default(TaskCreationOptions),
TaskScheduler scheduler = default(TaskScheduler))
return Task<TResult>.Factory.FromAsync(
function.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, callback, state),
scheduler ?? TaskScheduler.Current ?? TaskScheduler.Default);
public static Task<TResult> InvokeAsync<TResult, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>(
this Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TResult> function,
T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5,
AsyncCallback callback = null,
object state = null,
TaskCreationOptions creationOptions = default(TaskCreationOptions),
TaskScheduler scheduler = default(TaskScheduler))
return Task<TResult>.Factory.FromAsync(
function.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, callback, state),
scheduler ?? TaskScheduler.Current ?? TaskScheduler.Default);
public static Task<TResult> InvokeAsync<TResult, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6>(
this Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, TResult> function,
T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6,
AsyncCallback callback = null,
object state = null,
TaskCreationOptions creationOptions = default(TaskCreationOptions),
TaskScheduler scheduler = default(TaskScheduler))
return Task<TResult>.Factory.FromAsync(
function.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, callback, state),
scheduler ?? TaskScheduler.Current ?? TaskScheduler.Default);
public static Task<TResult> InvokeAsync<TResult, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7>(
this Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, TResult> function,
T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7,
AsyncCallback callback = null,
object state = null,
TaskCreationOptions creationOptions = default(TaskCreationOptions),
TaskScheduler scheduler = default(TaskScheduler))
return Task<TResult>.Factory.FromAsync(
function.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, callback, state),
scheduler ?? TaskScheduler.Current ?? TaskScheduler.Default);
public static Task<TResult> InvokeAsync<TResult, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8>(
this Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, TResult> function,
T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8,
AsyncCallback callback = null,
object state = null,
TaskCreationOptions creationOptions = default(TaskCreationOptions),
TaskScheduler scheduler = default(TaskScheduler))
return Task<TResult>.Factory.FromAsync(
function.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, callback, state),
scheduler ?? TaskScheduler.Current ?? TaskScheduler.Default);
public static Task<TResult> InvokeAsync<TResult, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9>(
this Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, TResult> function,
T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8, T9 arg9,
AsyncCallback callback = null,
object state = null,
TaskCreationOptions creationOptions = default(TaskCreationOptions),
TaskScheduler scheduler = default(TaskScheduler))
return Task<TResult>.Factory.FromAsync(
function.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, callback, state),
scheduler ?? TaskScheduler.Current ?? TaskScheduler.Default);
public static Task<TResult> InvokeAsync<TResult, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10>(
this Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, TResult> function,
T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8, T9 arg9, T10 arg10,
AsyncCallback callback = null,
object state = null,
TaskCreationOptions creationOptions = default(TaskCreationOptions),
TaskScheduler scheduler = default(TaskScheduler))
return Task<TResult>.Factory.FromAsync(
function.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, callback, state),
scheduler ?? TaskScheduler.Current ?? TaskScheduler.Default);
public static Task<TResult> InvokeAsync<TResult, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11>(
this Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, TResult> function,
T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8, T9 arg9, T10 arg10, T11 arg11,
AsyncCallback callback = null,
object state = null,
TaskCreationOptions creationOptions = default(TaskCreationOptions),
TaskScheduler scheduler = default(TaskScheduler))
return Task<TResult>.Factory.FromAsync(
function.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, callback, state),
scheduler ?? TaskScheduler.Current ?? TaskScheduler.Default);
public static Task<TResult> InvokeAsync<TResult, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12>(
this Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, TResult> function,
T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8, T9 arg9, T10 arg10, T11 arg11, T12 arg12,
AsyncCallback callback = null,
object state = null,
TaskCreationOptions creationOptions = default(TaskCreationOptions),
TaskScheduler scheduler = default(TaskScheduler))
return Task<TResult>.Factory.FromAsync(
function.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, callback, state),
scheduler ?? TaskScheduler.Current ?? TaskScheduler.Default);
public static Task<TResult> InvokeAsync<TResult, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13>(
this Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, TResult> function,
T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8, T9 arg9, T10 arg10, T11 arg11, T12 arg12, T13 arg13,
AsyncCallback callback = null,
object state = null,
TaskCreationOptions creationOptions = default(TaskCreationOptions),
TaskScheduler scheduler = default(TaskScheduler))
return Task<TResult>.Factory.FromAsync(
function.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13, callback, state),
scheduler ?? TaskScheduler.Current ?? TaskScheduler.Default);
public static Task<TResult> InvokeAsync<TResult, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14>(
this Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, TResult> function,
T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8, T9 arg9, T10 arg10, T11 arg11, T12 arg12, T13 arg13, T14 arg14,
AsyncCallback callback = null,
object state = null,
TaskCreationOptions creationOptions = default(TaskCreationOptions),
TaskScheduler scheduler = default(TaskScheduler))
return Task<TResult>.Factory.FromAsync(
function.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13, arg14, callback, state),
scheduler ?? TaskScheduler.Current ?? TaskScheduler.Default);
public static Task<TResult> InvokeAsync<TResult, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15>(
this Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, TResult> function,
T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8, T9 arg9, T10 arg10, T11 arg11, T12 arg12, T13 arg13, T14 arg14, T15 arg15,
AsyncCallback callback = null,
object state = null,
TaskCreationOptions creationOptions = default(TaskCreationOptions),
TaskScheduler scheduler = default(TaskScheduler))
return Task<TResult>.Factory.FromAsync(
function.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13, arg14, arg15, callback, state),
scheduler ?? TaskScheduler.Current ?? TaskScheduler.Default);
public static Task<TResult> InvokeAsync<TResult, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16>(
this Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, TResult> function,
T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8, T9 arg9, T10 arg10, T11 arg11, T12 arg12, T13 arg13, T14 arg14, T15 arg15, T16 arg16,
AsyncCallback callback = null,
object state = null,
TaskCreationOptions creationOptions = default(TaskCreationOptions),
TaskScheduler scheduler = default(TaskScheduler))
return Task<TResult>.Factory.FromAsync(
function.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13, arg14, arg15, arg16, callback, state),
scheduler ?? TaskScheduler.Current ?? TaskScheduler.Default);
public static Task InvokeAsync(
this Action action,
AsyncCallback callback = null,
object state = null,
TaskCreationOptions creationOptions = default(TaskCreationOptions),
TaskScheduler scheduler = default(TaskScheduler))
return Task.Factory.FromAsync(
action.BeginInvoke(callback, state),
scheduler ?? TaskScheduler.Current ?? TaskScheduler.Default);
public static Task InvokeAsync<T>(
this Action<T> action,
T obj,
AsyncCallback callback = null,
object state = null,
TaskCreationOptions creationOptions = default(TaskCreationOptions),
TaskScheduler scheduler = default(TaskScheduler))
return Task.Factory.FromAsync(
action.BeginInvoke(obj, callback, state),
scheduler ?? TaskScheduler.Current ?? TaskScheduler.Default);
public static Task InvokeAsync<T1, T2>(
this Action<T1, T2> action,
T1 arg1, T2 arg2,
AsyncCallback callback = null,
object state = null,
TaskCreationOptions creationOptions = default(TaskCreationOptions),
TaskScheduler scheduler = default(TaskScheduler))
return Task.Factory.FromAsync(
action.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, callback, state),
scheduler ?? TaskScheduler.Current ?? TaskScheduler.Default);
public static Task InvokeAsync<T1, T2, T3>(
this Action<T1, T2, T3> action,
T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3,
AsyncCallback callback = null,
object state = null,
TaskCreationOptions creationOptions = default(TaskCreationOptions),
TaskScheduler scheduler = default(TaskScheduler))
return Task.Factory.FromAsync(
action.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, callback, state),
scheduler ?? TaskScheduler.Current ?? TaskScheduler.Default);
public static Task InvokeAsync<T1, T2, T3, T4>(
this Action<T1, T2, T3, T4> action,
T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4,
AsyncCallback callback = null,
object state = null,
TaskCreationOptions creationOptions = default(TaskCreationOptions),
TaskScheduler scheduler = default(TaskScheduler))
return Task.Factory.FromAsync(
action.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, callback, state),
scheduler ?? TaskScheduler.Current ?? TaskScheduler.Default);
public static Task InvokeAsync<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>(
this Action<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5> action,
T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5,
AsyncCallback callback = null,
object state = null,
TaskCreationOptions creationOptions = default(TaskCreationOptions),
TaskScheduler scheduler = default(TaskScheduler))
return Task.Factory.FromAsync(
action.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, callback, state),
scheduler ?? TaskScheduler.Current ?? TaskScheduler.Default);
public static Task InvokeAsync<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6>(
this Action<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6> action,
T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6,
AsyncCallback callback = null,
object state = null,
TaskCreationOptions creationOptions = default(TaskCreationOptions),
TaskScheduler scheduler = default(TaskScheduler))
return Task.Factory.FromAsync(
action.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, callback, state),
scheduler ?? TaskScheduler.Current ?? TaskScheduler.Default);
public static Task InvokeAsync<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7>(
this Action<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7> action,
T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7,
AsyncCallback callback = null,
object state = null,
TaskCreationOptions creationOptions = default(TaskCreationOptions),
TaskScheduler scheduler = default(TaskScheduler))
return Task.Factory.FromAsync(
action.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, callback, state),
scheduler ?? TaskScheduler.Current ?? TaskScheduler.Default);
public static Task InvokeAsync<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8>(
this Action<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8> action,
T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8,
AsyncCallback callback = null,
object state = null,
TaskCreationOptions creationOptions = default(TaskCreationOptions),
TaskScheduler scheduler = default(TaskScheduler))
return Task.Factory.FromAsync(
action.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, callback, state),
scheduler ?? TaskScheduler.Current ?? TaskScheduler.Default);
public static Task InvokeAsync<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9>(
this Action<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9> action,
T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8, T9 arg9,
AsyncCallback callback = null,
object state = null,
TaskCreationOptions creationOptions = default(TaskCreationOptions),
TaskScheduler scheduler = default(TaskScheduler))
return Task.Factory.FromAsync(
action.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, callback, state),
scheduler ?? TaskScheduler.Current ?? TaskScheduler.Default);
public static Task InvokeAsync<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10>(
this Action<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10> action,
T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8, T9 arg9, T10 arg10,
AsyncCallback callback = null,
object state = null,
TaskCreationOptions creationOptions = default(TaskCreationOptions),
TaskScheduler scheduler = default(TaskScheduler))
return Task.Factory.FromAsync(
action.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, callback, state),
scheduler ?? TaskScheduler.Current ?? TaskScheduler.Default);
public static Task InvokeAsync<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11>(
this Action<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11> action,
T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8, T9 arg9, T10 arg10, T11 arg11,
AsyncCallback callback = null,
object state = null,
TaskCreationOptions creationOptions = default(TaskCreationOptions),
TaskScheduler scheduler = default(TaskScheduler))
return Task.Factory.FromAsync(
action.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, callback, state),
scheduler ?? TaskScheduler.Current ?? TaskScheduler.Default);
public static Task InvokeAsync<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12>(
this Action<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12> action,
T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8, T9 arg9, T10 arg10, T11 arg11, T12 arg12,
AsyncCallback callback = null,
object state = null,
TaskCreationOptions creationOptions = default(TaskCreationOptions),
TaskScheduler scheduler = default(TaskScheduler))
return Task.Factory.FromAsync(
action.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, callback, state),
scheduler ?? TaskScheduler.Current ?? TaskScheduler.Default);
public static Task InvokeAsync<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13>(
this Action<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13> action,
T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8, T9 arg9, T10 arg10, T11 arg11, T12 arg12, T13 arg13,
AsyncCallback callback = null,
object state = null,
TaskCreationOptions creationOptions = default(TaskCreationOptions),
TaskScheduler scheduler = default(TaskScheduler))
return Task.Factory.FromAsync(
action.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13, callback, state),
scheduler ?? TaskScheduler.Current ?? TaskScheduler.Default);
public static Task InvokeAsync<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14>(
this Action<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14> action,
T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8, T9 arg9, T10 arg10, T11 arg11, T12 arg12, T13 arg13, T14 arg14,
AsyncCallback callback = null,
object state = null,
TaskCreationOptions creationOptions = default(TaskCreationOptions),
TaskScheduler scheduler = default(TaskScheduler))
return Task.Factory.FromAsync(
action.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13, arg14, callback, state),
scheduler ?? TaskScheduler.Current ?? TaskScheduler.Default);
public static Task InvokeAsync<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15>(
this Action<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15> action,
T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8, T9 arg9, T10 arg10, T11 arg11, T12 arg12, T13 arg13, T14 arg14, T15 arg15,
AsyncCallback callback = null,
object state = null,
TaskCreationOptions creationOptions = default(TaskCreationOptions),
TaskScheduler scheduler = default(TaskScheduler))
return Task.Factory.FromAsync(
action.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13, arg14, arg15, callback, state),
scheduler ?? TaskScheduler.Current ?? TaskScheduler.Default);
public static Task InvokeAsync<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16>(
this Action<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16> action,
T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8, T9 arg9, T10 arg10, T11 arg11, T12 arg12, T13 arg13, T14 arg14, T15 arg15, T16 arg16,
AsyncCallback callback = null,
object state = null,
TaskCreationOptions creationOptions = default(TaskCreationOptions),
TaskScheduler scheduler = default(TaskScheduler))
return Task.Factory.FromAsync(
action.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13, arg14, arg15, arg16, callback, state),
scheduler ?? TaskScheduler.Current ?? TaskScheduler.Default);
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace AsyncAwaitAlternative
static class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int length = SampleCode().ToTask<int>().Result;
static IEnumerable<Task> SampleCode()
bool result = false;
string name = String.Empty;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
yield return ((Action<string>)Console.Write)
.InvokeAsync("What is your name? ");
yield return ((Func<string>)Console.ReadLine)
.ContinueWith(x => name = x.Result);
yield return ((Func<string, bool>)String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace)
.ContinueWith(x => result = x.Result);
if (result)
yield return ((Action<string>)Console.WriteLine)
.InvokeAsync("I want to know your name. Please answer me again.");
yield return ((Func<string, bool>)String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace)
.ContinueWith(x => result = x.Result);
if (!result)
yield return ((Action<string, string>)Console.WriteLine)
.InvokeAsync("Your name is {0}. Nice to meet you!", name);
yield return TaskEx.FromResult(name.Length);
yield return TaskEx.FromResult(default(int));
// License: CPOL at
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace System.Threading.Tasks
/// <summary>Extensions related to the <see cref="Task"/> classes. Supports implementing "async"-style methods in C#4 using iterators.</summary>
public static class TaskEx
/// <summary>
/// Return a Completed <see cref="Task{TResult}"/> with a specific <see cref="Task{TResult}.Result"/> value.
/// </summary>
public static Task<TResult> FromResult<TResult>(TResult resultValue)
var completionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<TResult>();
return completionSource.Task;
/// <summary>Internal marker type for using <see cref="ToTask{T}"/> to implement <see cref="ToTask"/>.</summary>
private abstract class VoidResult { }
/// <summary>
/// Transform an enumeration of <see cref="Task"/> into a single non-Result <see cref="Task"/>.
/// </summary>
public static Task ToTask(this IEnumerable<Task> tasks)
return ToTask<VoidResult>(tasks);
/// <summary>
/// Transform an enumeration of <see cref="Task"/> into a single <see cref="Task{TResult}"/>.
/// The final <see cref="Task"/> in <paramref name="tasks"/> must be a <see cref="Task{TResult}"/>.
/// </summary>
public static Task<TResult> ToTask<TResult>(this IEnumerable<Task> tasks)
var taskScheduler =
SynchronizationContext.Current == null
? TaskScheduler.Default : TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext();
var taskEnumerator = tasks.GetEnumerator();
var completionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<TResult>();
ToTaskDoOneStep(taskEnumerator, taskScheduler, completionSource, null);
return completionSource.Task;
/// <summary>
/// If the previous task Canceled or Faulted, complete the master task with the same <see cref="Task.Status"/>.
/// Obtain the next <see cref="Task"/> from the <paramref name="taskEnumerator"/>.
/// If none, complete the master task, possibly with the <see cref="Task{T}.Result"/> of the last task.
/// Otherwise, set up the task with a continuation to come do this again when it completes.
/// </summary>
private static void ToTaskDoOneStep<TResult>(
IEnumerator<Task> taskEnumerator, TaskScheduler taskScheduler,
TaskCompletionSource<TResult> completionSource, Task completedTask)
// Check status of previous nested task (if any), and stop if Canceled or Faulted.
// In these cases, we are abandoning the enumerator, so we must dispose it.
TaskStatus status;
if (completedTask == null)
// This is the first task from the iterator; skip status check.
else if ((status = completedTask.Status) == TaskStatus.Canceled)
else if (status == TaskStatus.Faulted)
catch (Exception ex)
// Return exception from disposing the enumerator.
// Find the next Task in the iterator; handle cancellation and other exceptions.
Boolean haveMore;
// Enumerator disposes itself if it throws an exception or completes (returns false).
haveMore = taskEnumerator.MoveNext();
catch (OperationCanceledException)
//if (cancExc.CancellationToken == cancellationToken) completionSource.SetCanceled();
//else completionSource.SetException(cancExc);
catch (Exception exc)
if (!haveMore)
// No more tasks; set the result from the last completed task (if any, unless no result is requested).
// We know it's not Canceled or Faulted because we checked at the start of this method.
if (typeof(TResult) == typeof(VoidResult))
{ // No result
else if (!(completedTask is Task<TResult>))
{ // Wrong result
completionSource.SetException(new InvalidOperationException(
"Asynchronous iterator " + taskEnumerator +
" requires a final result task of type " + typeof(Task<TResult>).FullName +
(completedTask == null ? ", but none was provided." :
"; the actual task type was " + completedTask.GetType().FullName)));
// When the nested task completes, continue by performing this function again.
// Note: This is NOT a recursive call; the current method activation will complete
// almost immediately and independently of the lambda continuation.
nextTask => ToTaskDoOneStep(taskEnumerator, taskScheduler, completionSource, nextTask),
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