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Created November 7, 2022 09:32
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postprocessing of downloaded data
import argparse
import pickle
import yaml
import logging
import h5py
from os.path import join
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
import scipy.sparse as sp_sparse
import cupy as cp
import cupyx.scipy.sparse as cp_sparse
def rcn_infer_cpu(w_in,w_res,w_bi,w_out,leak,r_prev,u):
# applying input weights to the input.
# Sparse and dense matrix multiplication is different in Python
if sp_sparse.issparse(w_in):
a1 = w_in * u
else:, u)
a2 = w_res * r_prev # applying recurrent weights to the previous reservoir states
r_now = np.tanh(a1 + a2 + w_bi) # adding bias and applying activation function
r_now = (1 - leak) * r_prev + leak * r_now # applying leak rate
y =[1],r_now),w_out) # applying the output weight
return r_now,y
def rcn_infer_gpu(w_in, w_res, w_bi, w_out, leak, r_prev, u):
# applying input weights to the input.
# Sparse and dense matrix multiplication is different in Python
if cp_sparse.issparse(w_in):
a1 = w_in * u
a1 =, u)
a2 = w_res * r_prev # applying recurrent weights to the previous reservoir states
r_now = cp.tanh(a1 + a2 + w_bi) # adding bias and applying activation function
r_now = (1 - leak) * r_prev + leak * r_now # applying leak rate
y =[1], r_now), w_out) # applying the output weight
return r_now, y
def generate_AE_labels(rcn_datafile, shotlist, subsample, datadir):
"""Generete Alfven Eignemmode labels
This method performs Alfven Eigenmode detection using ECE data
using the RCN algorithm described in:
(See Jalalvand 2022:
For each shot, the ECE data is assumed to be stored in an HDF5 file:
AE_RT_dataset1/xxxxxx.h5, where
* DS_PATH is the path to the dataset
* xxxxxx.h5 is the HDF5 file of the shot name
The fast ECE data are assumed to be in datasets, one for each channel:
|---- /tece01/zdata
| ...
|---- /tece40/zdata
The output of the RCN algorithm is stored in the same h5 file as
|---- /AE_modes---/xdata
Where xdata is the time-base and zdata a link to the timebase of tece01.
- rcn_datafile (str): Location of the weights to load.
- shotlist (list[int]): List of shots to process
- subsample (int): Subsample only every n-th frame
- datadir (str): Location of the xxxxxx.h5 files
print("Generating AE labels")
with open(rcn_datafile, 'rb') as df:
infer_data = pickle.load(df)
n_res_l1 = infer_data['layer1']['w_in'].shape[0]
n_res_l2 = infer_data['layer2']['w_in'].shape[0]
for shotnr in shotlist[:1]:
with h5py.File(join(datadir, f"{shotnr:6d}.h5"), "a") as fp:
tb = fp["tecef01"]["xdata"][:]
good_idx = (tb > 0.0) & (tb < 5000.0)
ece_data = np.vstack([fp[f"tecef{i:02d}"]["zdata"][:] for i in range(1, 41)]).T
tb = tb[good_idx][::subsample]
ece_data = cp.array(ece_data[good_idx, :][::subsample])
print(tb.shape, ece_data.shape, ece_data.dtype)
ae_probs_gpu = cp.zeros([ece_data.shape[0], 5], dtype=np.float32)
ece_data = cp.array((ece_data - infer_data["mean"]) / infer_data["std"])
# Initialize to zero, overwrite in for loop
r_prev = {"layer1": cp.zeros(n_res_l1),
"layer2": cp.zeros(n_res_l2)}
infer_data["layer1"]["w_in"] = cp_sparse.csc_matrix(infer_data["layer1"]["w_in"])
infer_data["layer1"]["w_res"] = cp_sparse.csc_matrix(infer_data["layer1"]["w_res"])
infer_data["layer1"]["w_bi"] = cp.array(infer_data["layer1"]["w_bi"])
infer_data["layer1"]["w_out"] = cp.array(infer_data["layer1"]["w_out"])
infer_data["layer2"]["w_in"] = cp.array(infer_data["layer2"]["w_in"])
infer_data["layer2"]["w_res"] = cp_sparse.csc_matrix(infer_data["layer2"]["w_res"])
infer_data["layer2"]["w_bi"] = cp.array(infer_data["layer2"]["w_bi"])
infer_data["layer2"]["w_out"] = cp.array(infer_data["layer2"]["w_out"])
# Iterate over time index 0
for idx, u in tqdm(enumerate(ece_data)):
L = "layer1"
r_prev[L], y = rcn_infer_gpu(infer_data[L]['w_in'], infer_data[L]['w_res'],
infer_data[L]['w_bi'], infer_data[L]['w_out'],
infer_data[L]['leak_rate'], r_prev[L], u.T)
L = "layer2"
r_prev[L], y = rcn_infer_gpu(infer_data[L]['w_in'], infer_data[L]['w_res'],
infer_data[L]['w_bi'], infer_data[L]['w_out'],
infer_data[L]['leak_rate'], r_prev[L], y)
ae_probs_gpu[idx, :] = y[:]
ae_probs = ae_probs_gpu.get()
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Post-processes D3D datasets")
parser.add_argument("--dataset_def", type=str,
help="YAML file that contains definition of the dataset",
parser.add_argument("--datadir", type=str,
help="Location of the xxxxxx.h5 files",
parser.add_argument("--signal_defs_0d", type=str,
help="YAML file that contains 0d signal informations")
parser.add_argument("--signal_defs_1d", type=str,
help="YAML file that contains 1d signal informations")
parser.add_argument("--rcn_datafile", type=str,
help="Location of RCN data file")
args = parser.parse_args()
with open(args.dataset_def, "r") as stream:
dataset_def = yaml.safe_load(stream)
generate_AE_labels(args.rcn_datafile, dataset_def["shots"], 2, args.datadir)
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