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Created August 28, 2022 14:32
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Post-processing of tracer output
using Plots
using ADIOS2
using Random
#using BenchmarkTools
sim_name = "pe459_v7"
#sim_path = f"/global/cfs/cdirs/m499/rkube/xgc1-runs/tracers-em/{sim_name}"
sim_path = "/global/cscratch1/sd/rkube/xgc_runs/tracers-em/$(sim_name)"
# Number of particles that we track.
num_ptl = 8000
# Time steps
tstep_rg = 2750:4330
# Sub-cycles per time-step
ncycle_e = 200
ncycle_i = 1
adios = adios_init_serial()
Extract GIDs of particle we are tracking from the first time-step.
function get_gids_tracked(num_ptl)
# Open .bp file,
io = declare_io(adios, "IO_first_$(rand(Int))")
engine = open(io, "$(sim_path)/xgc.particle.ele.02750.bp", mode_read)
gid_var = inquire_variable(io, "gid")
gid_tracked = Array{Int64}(undef, shape(gid_var)...);
get(engine, gid_var, gid_tracked)
# These are the GIDs of the particles we are tracking
# Pick num_ptl random particles and return their GID
tracked_gids = shuffle(gid_tracked)[1:num_ptl]
# The GIDs are located at different places in subsequent time-steps.
# This expression returns their index in the gid variable at the new time-step.
function read_collected!(output_arr, tstep, tracked_gids)
# output_arr: bp-file processed data is stored in this array
# tstep: Int, time step
# tracked_gids: Index array with indices corresponding to the GIDs that we track
#io = declare_io(adios, "IO$(rand(Int, 10000000))")
io = declare_io(adios, "IO$(tstep)")
engine = open(io, "$(sim_path)/xgc.particle.ele.0$(tstep).bp", mode_read)
phase_var = inquire_variable(io, "phase")
gid_var = inquire_variable(io, "gid")
nsteps = steps(phase_var)
# Phase over all sub-cycles
#ephase = zeros(Float32, 2, length(tracked_gids), nsteps);
# Read-out for GIDs
gid = Array{Int64}(undef, shape(gid_var)...);
# Read-out for phase
tmp = Array{Float32}(undef, shape(phase_var)...);
# Fetch phase data from all steps
for icycle = 1:nsteps
# At the first step we need to read the gid.
if icycle == 1
get(engine, gid_var, gid)
# Read the phase into a temporary array.
get(engine, phase_var, tmp)
# Access all variables only after perform_gets has been called
# First, obtain the indices of the tracked_gids in the GIDs of the current step.
tracked_gid_idx = [findfirst(gid .== g) for g in tracked_gids]
tracked_gid_idx[tracked_gid_idx .== nothing] .= 1
if icycle == 1
@show sum(tracked_gid_idx .== 1)
# Store the tracked particles only in gid. Use tracked_gid_idx
# to permute the scattered, tracked particles in-order in ephase
output_arr[:, :, icycle] = Float32.(tmp[1:2, tracked_gid_idx])
# Track 8000 particles
gids_tracked = get_gids_tracked(8000);
# Store only R and Z
phase_all = zeros(Float32, 2, num_ptl, ncycle_e, length(tstep_rg));
for (idx, t) in enumerate(tstep_rg)
@show t
read_collected!(@view(phase_all[:, :, :, idx]), t, gids_tracked)
Store phase_all in a bp file
function write_phase(phase)
io = declare_io(adios, "io_ph2")
engine = open(io, "$(sim_name)_phase_all.bp", mode_write)
phase_var = define_variable(io, "phase_all", phase)
put!(engine, phase_var, phase)
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