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Last active February 27, 2019 17:32
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Trying out workarounds for SI-2712: we are running into it when trying to generically extend the FlowOps / FlowOpsMat types in Akka Streams’ Scala DSL.
import scala.annotation.unchecked.uncheckedVariance
object Trial2712 {
trait NotUsed
import language.higherKinds
* The following are simplified versions of FlowOps / FlowOpsMat and their
* concrete subtypes.
trait FO[+Out, +Mat] {
type Repr[+O] <: FO[O, Mat] {
type Repr[+OO] = FO.this.Repr[OO]
def map[T](f: Out => T): Repr[T] = ???
trait FOM[+Out, +Mat] extends FO[Out, Mat] {
type Repr[+O] <: FOM[O, Mat] {
type Repr[+OO] = FOM.this.Repr[OO]
type ReprMat[+OO, +MM] = FOM.this.ReprMat[OO, MM]
type ReprMat[+O, +M] <: FOM[O, M] {
type Repr[+OO] = FOM.this.ReprMat[OO, M @uncheckedVariance]
type ReprMat[+OO, +MM] = FOM.this.ReprMat[OO, MM]
def mapMat[T](f: Mat => T): ReprMat[Out, T] = ???
class Source[+O, +M] extends FOM[O, M] {
type Repr[+OO] = Source[OO, M @uncheckedVariance]
type ReprMat[+OO, +MM] = Source[OO, MM]
class Flow[-I, +O, +M] extends FOM[O, M] {
type Repr[+OO] = Flow[I @uncheckedVariance, OO, M @uncheckedVariance]
type ReprMat[+OO, +MM] = Flow[I @uncheckedVariance, OO, MM]
class SubSource[+O, +M] extends FO[O, M] {
type Repr[+OO] = SubSource[OO, M @uncheckedVariance]
class SubFlow[-I, +O, +M] extends FO[O, M] {
type Repr[+OO] = SubFlow[I @uncheckedVariance, OO, M @uncheckedVariance]
* These are helpers to work around SI-2712 which could be provided by Akka Streams.
trait U[X] {
type Out
type Mat
type R[+o] <: FO[o, Mat] {
type Repr[+O] = R[O]
def ch(x: X): R[Out]
implicit def uOne[O, M, TC[+o, +m] <: FO[o, m] { type Repr[+O] = TC[O, m @uncheckedVariance] }] =
new U[TC[O, M]] {
type Out = O
type Mat = M
type R[+O] = TC[O, Mat]
def ch(x: TC[O, M]) = x
implicit def uTwo[I, O, M, TC[i, +o, +m] <: FO[o, m] { type Repr[+O] = TC[i, O, m @uncheckedVariance] }] =
new U[TC[I, O, M]] {
type Out = O
type Mat = M
type R[+O] = TC[I, O, Mat]
def ch(x: TC[I, O, M]) = x
trait Umat[X] {
type Out
type Mat
type R[+o, +m] <: FOM[o, m] {
type Repr[+O] = R[O, m @uncheckedVariance]
type ReprMat[+O, +M] = R[O, M]
def ch(x: X): R[Out, Mat]
implicit def uOneMat[O, M, TC[+o, +m] <: FOM[o, m] { type Repr[+O] = TC[O, m @uncheckedVariance]; type ReprMat[+O, +M] = TC[O, M] }] =
new Umat[TC[O, M]] {
type Out = O
type Mat = M
type R[+o, +m] = TC[o, m]
def ch(x: TC[O, M]) = x
implicit def uTwoMat[I, O, M, TC[i, +o, +m] <: FOM[o, m] { type Repr[+O] = TC[i, O, m @uncheckedVariance]; type ReprMat[+O, +M] = TC[i, O, M] }] =
new Umat[TC[I, O, M]] {
type Out = O
type Mat = M
type R[+o, +m] = TC[I, o, m]
def ch(x: TC[I, O, M]) = x
* This is how client code can now use the helpers to write extension methods that
* work across all FlowOps subtypes.
implicit class x[X](val x: X) extends AnyVal {
def xx(i: Int)(implicit u: U[X]) =
def xy(implicit u: U[X]) =
def m[T1, T2](f: T1 => T2)(implicit u: Umat[X] { type Mat <: T1 }) =
* These don’t work as intended: it seems impossible to get the types
* out there. This results in that an expression like
* => "buh")
* might compile, but its returned type will not longer unify with
* Flow et al. It seems that the path-dependent type leaks out in the
* form of an existential.
class Y[X](val x: X)(implicit val u: Umat[X]) {
def mm[T](f: u.Mat => T) =
def xz[T](f: u.Out => T) =
implicit def y[X](x: X)(implicit u: Umat[X]) = new Y(x)
* All these compile successfully. Type ascriptions to lambda arguments are unfortunately
* required, the attempt presented in class Y above does not work.
val s1 = new Source[Int, NotUsed].xx(12).m((_: NotUsed) => "").map(_ + 12)
val s2: Source[Int, String] = s1
val f1 = new Flow[Int, Int, NotUsed].xx(12)
val f2: Flow[Int, Int, NotUsed] = f1
val f3 = f1.m((_: NotUsed) => 42).xy
val f4: Flow[Int, String, Int] = f3
val subs1 = new SubSource[Int, NotUsed].xy
val subs2: SubSource[String, NotUsed] = subs1
val subf1 = new SubFlow[Int, Int, NotUsed].xy
val subf2: SubFlow[Int, String, NotUsed] = subf1
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You're encountering the exact issues that Miles has been trying to solve (and others & me too)...

in UMat, you do not manipulate a R[_] but a R[_, _] and as soon as you try to fix one of the type params to obtain a R[_], scalac isn't able to unify types and fails...

The solution of Miles is to force scalac to "reify" types R[_] using Unapply (as you've done) plus Aux technique (to clearly reify types) plus a macro to brute-force scalac to become aware of type unification.
Have a look at Generic1 in shapeless, this is where those tricks come from...

That's what I've done in a simpler way in Precepte too ... I know what I'm looking for so the macro is much simpler...
This could work in your case too as you know you're manipulating Source/Flow/Sink...

But if scalac could do that in a generic way, it would help so many of us that now use higher-kinds a lot in their code :D

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