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Created January 11, 2013 22:47
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Save rkuhn/4514637 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
draft of new lockless Timer implementation for Akka
* Copyright (C) 2013 Typesafe Inc. <>
package akka.util
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceArray
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.concurrent.duration.{ Duration, FiniteDuration }
import Unsafe.{ instance ⇒ unsafe }
class Timer(ec: ExecutionContext, wheelShift: Int, _tickDuration: FiniteDuration) {
import Timer._
if (wheelShift < 1 || wheelShift > 31)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("wheelShift must be in the interval [1, 31]")
private val start = System.nanoTime
private val tickDuration = _tickDuration.toNanos
private def wheelSize = 1 << wheelShift
private val wheelMask = wheelSize - 1
private val wheel = new AtomicReferenceArray[TaskHolder](wheelSize)
@volatile private var currentBucket = 0
def schedule(r: Runnable, delay: FiniteDuration)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): TimerTask = {
if (delay <= Duration.Zero) ec.execute(r)
else {
// the check above ensures ticks >= 1
val ticks = ((delay.toNanos + tickDuration - 1) / tickDuration).toInt
val rounds = (ticks >> wheelShift).toInt
* works as follows:
* - ticks are calculated to be never “too early”
* - base off of currentBucket, even after that was moved in the meantime
* - timer thread will swap in Pause, increment currentBucket, swap in null
* - hence spin on Pause, else normal CAS
def rec(t: TaskHolder): TimerTask = {
val bucket = (currentBucket + ticks) & wheelMask
val tail = wheel.get(bucket)
if (tail eq Pause) rec(t)
else { = tail
if (wheel.compareAndSet(bucket, tail, t)) t
else rec(t)
rec(new TaskHolder(r, null, rounds, ec))
// take one thread out of the proffered execution context
ec.execute(new Runnable {
var tick = 0
@tailrec final def run = {
val now = System.nanoTime
val sleepTime = start + tick * tickDuration - now
if (sleepTime > 0) {
val sleepMs =
// see
if (Helpers.isWindows) (sleepTime + 4999999) / 10000000 * 10
else (sleepTime + 999999) / 1000000
} else {
// first get the list of tasks out and turn the wheel
val bucket = currentBucket
val tasks = wheel.getAndSet(bucket, Pause)
val next = bucket + 1
currentBucket = next
wheel.set(next, null)
// then process the tasks and keep the non-ripe ones in a list
var last: TaskHolder = null // the last element of the putBack list
@tailrec def rec1(task: TaskHolder, nonRipe: TaskHolder): TaskHolder = {
if (task == null) nonRipe
else if (task.task == null) rec1(, nonRipe)
else if (task.rounds > 0) {
task.rounds -= 1 = nonRipe
if (last == null) last = task
rec1(, task)
} else {
val t = task.extractTask()
if (t != null)
rec1(, nonRipe)
val putBack = rec1(tasks, null)
// finally put back the non-ripe ones, who had their rounds decremented
@tailrec def rec2() {
val tail = wheel.get(bucket) = tail
if (!wheel.compareAndSet(bucket, tail, putBack)) rec2()
if (last != null) rec2()
// and off to the next tick
tick += 1
object Timer {
private val taskOffset = unsafe.objectFieldOffset(classOf[TaskHolder].getDeclaredField("task"))
private val nextOffset = unsafe.objectFieldOffset(classOf[TaskHolder].getDeclaredField("next"))
private class TaskHolder(@volatile var task: Runnable,
@volatile var next: TaskHolder,
@volatile var rounds: Int,
val ec: ExecutionContext) extends TimerTask {
private[akka] final def extractTask(): Runnable = {
val t = task
if (unsafe.compareAndSwapObject(this, taskOffset, task, null)) t
else extractTask()
def cancel() = extractTask() != null
// marker object during wheel movement
private val Pause = new TaskHolder(null, null, 0, null)
trait TimerTask {
def cancel(): Boolean
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