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Created December 25, 2011 07:34
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selection of directory to cd to (uses
# maintains a jump-list of the directories you actually use
# * put something like this in your .bashrc:
# . /path/to/
# * cd around for a while to build up the db
# * PROFIT!!
# USE:
# * z foo # goes to most frecent dir matching foo
# * z foo bar # goes to most frecent dir matching foo and bar
# * z -r foo # goes to highest ranked dir matching foo
# * z -t foo # goes to most recently accessed dir matching foo
# * z -l foo # list all dirs matching foo (by frecency)
z() {
local datafile="$HOME/.z"
if [ "$1" = "--add" ]; then
# add
# $HOME isn't worth matching
[ "$*" = "$HOME" ] && return
awk -v p="$*" -v t="$(date +%s)" -F"|" '
BEGIN { rank[p] = 1; time[p] = t }
$2 >= 1 {
if( $1 == p ) {
rank[$1] = $2 + 1
time[$1] = t
} else {
rank[$1] = $2
time[$1] = $3
count += $2
if( count > 1000 ) {
for( i in rank ) print i "|" 0.9*rank[i] "|" time[i] # aging
} else for( i in rank ) print i "|" rank[i] "|" time[i]
' "$datafile" 2>/dev/null > "$datafile.tmp"
# silence error since screen runs this in each terminal
mv -f "$datafile.tmp" "$datafile" 2>&1
elif [ "$1" = "--complete" ]; then
# tab completion
awk -v q="$2" -F"|" '
if( q == tolower(q) ) nocase = 1
split(substr(q,3),fnd," ")
if( system("test -d \"" $1 "\"") ) next
if( nocase ) {
for( i in fnd ) tolower($1) !~ tolower(fnd[i]) && $1 = ""
if( $1 ) print $1
} else {
for( i in fnd ) $1 !~ fnd[i] && $1 = ""
if( $1 ) print $1
' "$datafile" 2>/dev/null
# list/go
while [ "$1" ]; do case "$1" in
-h) echo "z [-h][-l][-r][-t] args" >&2; return;;
-l) local list=1;;
-r) local typ="rank";;
-t) local typ="recent";;
--) while [ "$1" ]; do shift; local fnd="$fnd $1";done;;
*) local fnd="$fnd $1";;
esac; local last=$1; shift; done
[ "$fnd" ] || local list=1
# if we hit enter on a completion just go there
[ -d "$last" ] && cd "$last" && return
[ -f "$datafile" ] || return
local cd="$(awk -v t="$(date +%s)" -v list="$list" -v typ="$typ" -v q="$fnd" -v tmpfl="$datafile.tmp" -F"|" '
function frecent(rank, time) {
dx = t-time
if( dx < 3600 ) return rank*4
if( dx < 86400 ) return rank*2
if( dx < 604800 ) return rank/2
return rank/4
function output(files, toopen, override) {
if( list ) {
if( typ == "recent" ) {
cmd = "sort -nr >&2"
} else cmd = "sort -n >&2"
for( i in files ) if( files[i] ) printf "%-10s %s\n", files[i], i | cmd
if( override ) printf "%-10s %s\n", "common:", override > "/dev/stderr"
} else {
if( override ) toopen = override
print toopen
function common(matches, fnd, nc) {
for( i in matches ) {
if( matches[i] && (!short || length(i) < length(short)) ) short = i
if( short == "/" ) return
for( i in matches ) if( matches[i] && i !~ short ) x = 1
if( x ) return
if( nc ) {
for( i in fnd ) if( tolower(short) !~ tolower(fnd[i]) ) x = 1
} else for( i in fnd ) if( short !~ fnd[i] ) x = 1
if( !x ) return short
BEGIN { split(q, a, " ") }
if( system("test -d \"" $1 "\"") ) next
print $0 >> tmpfl
if( typ == "rank" ) {
f = $2
} else if( typ == "recent" ) {
f = t-$3
} else f = frecent($2, $3)
wcase[$1] = nocase[$1] = f
for( i in a ) {
if( $1 !~ a[i] ) delete wcase[$1]
if( tolower($1) !~ tolower(a[i]) ) delete nocase[$1]
if( wcase[$1] > oldf ) {
cx = $1
oldf = wcase[$1]
} else if( nocase[$1] > noldf ) {
ncx = $1
noldf = nocase[$1]
if( cx ) {
output(wcase, cx, common(wcase, a, 0))
} else if( ncx ) output(nocase, ncx, common(nocase, a, 1))
' "$datafile")"
if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
rm -f "$datafile.tmp"
# silence error since screen runs this in each terminal
mv -f "$datafile.tmp" "$datafile" 2>&1
[ "$cd" ] && cd "$cd"
# tab completion
# added by RK 2011-08-18 trying out for zsh
if [ $ZSH_VERSION ]; then
#compctl -K _compzsh g
compctl -K 'z --complete "$COMP_LINE"' z
complete -C 'z --complete "$COMP_LINE"' z
# populate directory list. avoid clobbering other PROMPT_COMMANDs.
echo $PROMPT_COMMAND | grep -q "z --add"
[ $? -gt 0 ] && PROMPT_COMMAND='z --add "$(pwd -P)";'"$PROMPT_COMMAND"
# print a list of directories from z and allow user to select one for cd'ing
dirnames=($(z -l "$1" 2>&1 | awk '{ print $2; }' ))
Array=($dirnames quit)
# print numbers in reverse, so latest is lowest
for (( i = 1; i <= count; i++ )); do
echo "$x ${Array[$i]}"
# read -p doesn't work the same way in zsh, you would use: read "?> " answer
echo -n "> "
read answer
local target=${Array[$ans]}
if [ -d "${Array[$ans]}" ]; then
echo "$target"
cd "$target"
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rkumar commented Dec 25, 2011

Please see the zz function. The previous one is taken from the excellent utility. However, 'z', does not allow menu selection of dir to cd into. I've added that on with 'zz'. Ideally, it should happen on typing 'z' or 'z substring'.

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