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Created December 2, 2012 14:49
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directory jumper
# maintains a jump-list of the directories you actually use
# * put something like this in your .bashrc:
# . /path/to/
# In .zshrc, add the following.
#source ~/bin/
#function precwd () ;
#z --add "$(pwd -P)"
# * cd around for a while to build up the db
# * PROFIT!!
# USE:
# * z foo # goes to most frecent dir matching foo
# * z foo bar # goes to most frecent dir matching foo and bar
# * z -r foo # goes to highest ranked dir matching foo
# * z -t foo # goes to most recently accessed dir matching foo
# * z -l foo # list all dirs matching foo (by frecency)
z() {
local datafile="$HOME/.z"
if [ "$1" = "--add" ]; then
# add
# $HOME isn't worth matching
[ "$*" = "$HOME" ] && return
awk -v p="$*" -v t="$(date +%s)" -F"|" '
BEGIN { rank[p] = 1; time[p] = t }
$2 >= 1 {
if( $1 == p ) {
rank[$1] = $2 + 1
time[$1] = t
} else {
rank[$1] = $2
time[$1] = $3
count += $2
if( count > 1000 ) {
for( i in rank ) print i "|" 0.9*rank[i] "|" time[i] # aging
} else for( i in rank ) print i "|" rank[i] "|" time[i]
' "$datafile" 2>/dev/null > "$datafile.tmp"
# silence error since screen runs this in each terminal
# RK 2012-11-4 should i not be using /dev/null and not &1
#mv -f "$datafile.tmp" "$datafile" 2>&1
mv -f "$datafile.tmp" "$datafile" 2>/dev/null
elif [ "$1" = "--complete" ]; then
# tab completion
awk -v q="$2" -F"|" '
if( q == tolower(q) ) nocase = 1
split(substr(q,3),fnd," ")
if( system("test -d \"" $1 "\"") ) next
if( nocase ) {
for( i in fnd ) tolower($1) !~ tolower(fnd[i]) && $1 = ""
if( $1 ) print $1
} else {
for( i in fnd ) $1 !~ fnd[i] && $1 = ""
if( $1 ) print $1
' "$datafile" 2>/dev/null
# list/go
while [ "$1" ]; do case "$1" in
-h) echo "z [-h][-l][-r][-t] args" >&2; return;;
-l) local list=1;;
-r) local typ="rank";;
-t) local typ="recent";;
--) while [ "$1" ]; do shift; local fnd="$fnd $1";done;;
*) local fnd="$fnd $1";;
esac; local last=$1; shift; done
[ "$fnd" ] || local list=1
# if we hit enter on a completion just go there
[ -d "$last" ] && cd "$last" && return
[ -f "$datafile" ] || return
local cd="$(awk -v t="$(date +%s)" -v list="$list" -v typ="$typ" -v q="$fnd" -v tmpfl="$datafile.tmp" -F"|" '
function frecent(rank, time) {
dx = t-time
if( dx < 3600 ) return rank*4
if( dx < 86400 ) return rank*2
if( dx < 604800 ) return rank/2
return rank/4
function output(files, toopen, override) {
if( list ) {
if( typ == "recent" ) {
cmd = "sort -nr >&2"
} else cmd = "sort -n >&2"
for( i in files ) if( files[i] ) printf "%-10s %s\n", files[i], i | cmd
if( override ) printf "%-10s %s\n", "common:", override > "/dev/stderr"
} else {
if( override ) toopen = override
print toopen
function common(matches, fnd, nc) {
for( i in matches ) {
if( matches[i] && (!short || length(i) < length(short)) ) short = i
if( short == "/" ) return
for( i in matches ) if( matches[i] && i !~ short ) x = 1
if( x ) return
if( nc ) {
for( i in fnd ) if( tolower(short) !~ tolower(fnd[i]) ) x = 1
} else for( i in fnd ) if( short !~ fnd[i] ) x = 1
if( !x ) return short
BEGIN { split(q, a, " ") }
if( system("test -d \"" $1 "\"") ) next
print $0 >> tmpfl
if( typ == "rank" ) {
f = $2
} else if( typ == "recent" ) {
f = t-$3
} else f = frecent($2, $3)
wcase[$1] = nocase[$1] = f
for( i in a ) {
if( $1 !~ a[i] ) delete wcase[$1]
if( tolower($1) !~ tolower(a[i]) ) delete nocase[$1]
if( wcase[$1] > oldf ) {
cx = $1
oldf = wcase[$1]
} else if( nocase[$1] > noldf ) {
ncx = $1
noldf = nocase[$1]
if( cx ) {
output(wcase, cx, common(wcase, a, 0))
} else if( ncx ) output(nocase, ncx, common(nocase, a, 1))
' "$datafile")"
if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
rm -f "$datafile.tmp"
# silence error since screen runs this in each terminal
# RK 2012-11-4 should i not be using /dev/null and not &1
#mv -f "$datafile.tmp" "$datafile" 2>&1
mv -f "$datafile.tmp" "$datafile" 2>/dev/null
[ "$cd" ] && cd "$cd"
# tab completion
# added by RK 2011-08-18 trying out for zsh
if [ $ZSH_VERSION ]; then
#compctl -K _compzsh g
compctl -K 'z --complete "$COMP_LINE"' z
complete -C 'z --complete "$COMP_LINE"' z
# populate directory list. avoid clobbering other PROMPT_COMMANDs.
echo $PROMPT_COMMAND | grep -q "z --add"
[ $? -gt 0 ] && PROMPT_COMMAND='z --add "$(pwd -P)";'"$PROMPT_COMMAND"
# print a list of directories from z and allow user to select one for cd'ing
dirnames=($(z -l "$1" 2>&1 | awk '{ print $2; }' ))
Array=($dirnames quit)
# print numbers in reverse, so latest is lowest
for (( i = 1; i <= count; i++ )); do
echo "$x ${Array[$i]}"
# read -p doesn't work the same way in zsh, you would use: read "?> " answer
echo -n "> "
read answer
local target=${Array[$ans]}
if [ -d "${Array[$ans]}" ]; then
echo "$target"
cd "$target"
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