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Created April 19, 2017 01:09
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Local<Object> TermQuery(Local<Value> termString) {
Local<Object> variables = Nan::New<Object>();
String::Utf8Value string(termString);
term_t t = PL_new_term_ref();
if (!PL_chars_to_term(*string, t)) {
Nan::ThrowError("PL_chars_to_term failed.");
return variables;
functor_t f;
if (!PL_get_functor(t, &f)) {
Nan::ThrowError("PL_get_functor failed.");
return variables;
int arity = PL_functor_arity(f);
term_t args = PL_new_term_refs(arity);
for (int i = 1; i <= arity; ++i) {
if (!PL_get_arg(i, t, args + i - 1)) {
Nan::ThrowError("PL_get_arg failed.");
return variables;
int type = PL_term_type(args + i - 1);
char *msg;
if (type == PL_VARIABLE) {
if (!PL_get_chars(args + i - 1, &msg, CVT_VARIABLE)) {
Nan::ThrowError("PL_get_chars failed.");
return variables;
variables->Set(Nan::New<String>(msg).ToLocalChecked(), Nan::Null());
predicate_t p = PL_pred(f, NULL);
qid_t q = PL_open_query(NULL, flags, p, args);
if (!PL_next_solution(q)) {
Nan::ThrowError("PL_next_solution failed.");
return variables;
return variables;
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