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Created September 7, 2017 11:22
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import random
import argparse
import urllib.request
import json
#top 20 users from contributions
users = ['GrahamCampbell','fabpot', 'weierophinney', 'rkh',
'josh', 'SamyPesse', 'rstacruz', 'tmm1', 'michalbe',
'andrew', 'Ocramius', 'c9s', 'steipete', 'feross',
'afc163', 'ornicar', 'afollestad', 'KrauseFx', 'tmcw',
unboxed = ['carlokruger', 'chriscarter90','cih','ClaireKemp',
'Concetta', 'FriedSock', 'h-lame', 'mybits',
'pawel2105', 'richarcher','richardstobart',
#found which lists the most popular languages on github
#Found probability for each of the languages, then made cumulative distribution
#the probability of javascript (most popular) = 0.197 so lower bound is 0 and upper bound is 0.197
#prob of Java is 0.14 so lower bound is 0.197 upper bound is 0.333 and so on
#[number of watchers for that language, number of repos written in that language, lower bound, upper bound]
#HTML wasn't listed but appears occasionally
languages = {'Ruby': [0,0,0.617,0.698],'Python':[0,0,0.333,0.433],'CSS':[0,0,0.433,0.533],
'C':[0,0,0.751,0.795], 'C#':[0,0,0.835,0.869], 'PHP':[0,0,0.533,0.617],
'Emacs Lisp':[0,0,0.979,0.986],'CoffeeScript':[0,0,0.949,0.958],
'Go':[0,0,0.926,0.939], 'Objective-C':[0,0,0.869,0.891],
'Scala':[0,0,0.973,0.979], 'Clojure':[0,0,0.996,1.0],
'Haskell':[0,0,0.986,0.991], 'TeX': [0,0,0.958,0.966],
'R':[0,0, 0.891,0.912], 'Lua':[0,0,0.991,0.996], 'HTML': [0,0,2,2]}
url = ''
def get_repos(user):
#gets the repos of the user from github API
req = urllib.request.Request(url + user + '/repos')
with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as response:
data = json.load(response)
return data
def random_lang(languages):
#picks a language at random based on the probabilities
# if the user has no repos
r = random.uniform(0,1)
for key in languages.keys():
if r > languages[key][2] and r < languages[key][3]:
print('Favourite Language (from probability)',key)
def fav_language(data, languages, stat):
#compares the language for each repos to the list of languages
#adds up total amount of watchers for each language and
#also counts the number of repos with that language
for i in range(len(data)):
for key in languages.keys():
if data[i]['language'] == key:
languages[key][0] = languages[key][0]+data[i]['watchers']
languages[key][1] = languages[key][1]+ 1
values = languages.values()
watchers = sorted(values, key=lambda x: x[0]) #sorts based on watchers of that language
number = sorted(values, key=lambda x: x[1]) #sorts based on number of repos with that language
most_watchers = watchers[-1] #picks the highest one
highest_number = number[-1] #picks the highest one
for key in languages.keys():
if languages[key] == most_watchers and stat == 'watchers':
print('Favourite Language (by watcher)', key , most_watchers[0])
if languages[key] == highest_number and stat == 'number':
print('Favourite Language (by number)', key, highest_number[1])
def fav(user):
repos = get_repos(user)
if len(repos) == 0:
random_lang(languages) # if no repos find based on probability
fav_language(repos, languages, 'number')
#using argparse for commandline input
# so in the command line type: language_finder username
def Main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("user", help="Finds users favourite language", type=str)
args = parser.parse_args()
result = fav(args.user)
if __name__== '__main__':
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