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Created October 9, 2019 15:34
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# This YouTube video has a number of other people
# involved and links to them in the description in
# a clean way. Should serve as a good origin node.
import os
import json
import google_auth_oauthlib.flow
import googleapiclient.discovery
import googleapiclient.errors
scopes = [""]
def fetch_description(videoId):
# Disable OAuthlib's HTTPS verification when running locally.
# *DO NOT* leave this option enabled in production.
api_service_name = "youtube"
api_version = "v3"
client_secrets_file = "client_secrets.json"
# Get credentials and create an API client
flow = google_auth_oauthlib.flow.InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file(
client_secrets_file, scopes)
credentials = flow.run_console()
youtube =
api_service_name, api_version, credentials=credentials)
request = youtube.videos().list(
response = request.execute()
description = response["items"][0]["snippet"]["description"]
if __name__ == "__main__":
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