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Last active June 30, 2022 14:13
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Win32RawDevice - A simple class that allows you to read a Disk device like you can on Linux with random-access read/seeks.
This was made to add support for raw block devices on Windows while keeping arbitrary .seek() and .read() support.
Accessing raw block devices on Windows limits seeks to be a multiple of their sector size. Effectively only able to
seek to specific sector numbers and only able to read a full sector.
This class adds a hacky but surprisingly stable method of using a raw block device as if those restrictions were not
in place. Interally it follows the restriction but returns only the data that was requested.
The goal was to add direct support in pycdlib. This has been done as of v1.13.0!
NOTE: You will need administrator access to make the FSCTL call in get_handle() and it's also very much required.
This FSCTL call effectively unlocks the sector boundaries allowing you to access the full disc from top to bottom.
Without this change your full device reads will not match those from ImgBurn, AnyDVD, DVD Decrypter and so on.
A workaround is to install MakeMKV and let it install the `cdarbsvc` (CdRom Device Arbiter service) which effectively
removes that requirement. Sadly I do not know how it's doing that so I could not port it to Python.
import math
import os
import struct
from typing import Optional, Tuple
class Win32RawDevice(object):
Class to read and seek a Windows Raw Device IO object without bother.
It deals with getting the full size, allowing full access to all sectors,
and alignment with the discs sector size.
def __init__(self, target):
# type: (str) -> None
if not win32_has_pywin32: # type: ignore
raise RuntimeError("The 'pywin32' module is missing, which is needed to access raw devices on Windows") = target
self.sector_size = None
self.disc_size = None
self.position = 0
self.handle = self.get_handle()
self.geometry = self.get_geometry()
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, *_, **__):
def __len__(self):
# type: () -> int
return self.geometry[-1]
def dispose(self):
# type: () -> None
"""Close the win32 handle opened by get_handle."""
if self.handle != win32file.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE: # type: ignore
win32file.CloseHandle(self.handle) # type: ignore
def get_target(self):
# type: () -> str
"""Get UNC target name. Can be `E:` or `PhysicalDriveN`."""
target =
if not target.startswith("\\\\.\\"):
target = "\\\\.\\" + target
return target
def get_handle(self):
# type: () -> int
"""Get a direct handle to the raw UNC target, and unlock its IO capabilities."""
handle = win32file.CreateFile( # type: ignore
self.get_target(), # target
win32con.MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, # type: ignore
win32con.FILE_SHARE_READ | win32con.FILE_SHARE_WRITE, # type: ignore
None, # security attributes
win32con.OPEN_EXISTING, # type: ignore
win32con.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, # type: ignore
None # template file
if handle == win32file.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE: # type: ignore
raise RuntimeError("Failed to obtain device handle...")
# elevate accessible sectors, without this the last 5 sectors (in my case) will not be readable
win32file.DeviceIoControl(handle, winioctlcon.FSCTL_ALLOW_EXTENDED_DASD_IO, None, None) # type: ignore
return handle
def get_geometry(self):
# type: () -> Tuple[int, int, int, int, int, int, int]
Retrieves information about the physical disk's geometry.
Returns a tuple of:
Media Type
Tracks Per Cylinder
Sectors Per Track
Bytes Per Sector
Disk Size
geometry_ex = win32file.DeviceIoControl( # type: ignore
self.handle, # handle
winioctlcon.IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY_EX, # type: ignore
None, # in buffer
32 # out buffer
geometry = struct.unpack("6L", geometry_ex[:24])
disk_size = struct.unpack("<Q", geometry_ex[24:])[0]
return (geometry[0], geometry[1], geometry[2], geometry[3], geometry[4], geometry[5], disk_size)
def tell(self):
# type: () -> int
"""Get current (spoofed) position."""
return self.position
def _tell(self):
# type: () -> int
"""Get current real position."""
if not self.handle:
self.handle = self.get_handle()
return win32file.SetFilePointer(self.handle, 0, win32file.FILE_CURRENT) # type: ignore
def seek(self, offset, whence=os.SEEK_SET):
# type: (int, int) -> int
"""Seek at any point in the stream, in an aligned way."""
if whence == os.SEEK_CUR:
whence = self.tell()
elif whence == os.SEEK_END:
whence = len(self)
to = whence + offset
closest = self.align(to) # get as close as we can while being aligned
if not self.handle:
self.handle = self.get_handle()
pos = win32file.SetFilePointer(self.handle, closest, win32file.FILE_BEGIN) # type: ignore
if pos != closest:
raise IOError("Seek was not precise...")
self.position = to # not actually at this location, read will deal with it
return to
def read(self, size=-1):
# type: (int) -> bytes
"""Read any amount of bytes in the stream, in an aligned way."""
if not self.handle:
self.handle = self.get_handle()
sector_size = self.geometry[-2]
offset = abs(self._tell() - self.tell())
has_data = b''
while self._tell() < self.tell() + size:
res, data = win32file.ReadFile(self.handle, sector_size, None) # type: ignore
if res != 0:
raise IOError("An error occurred: %d %s" % (res, data))
if len(data) < sector_size:
raise IOError("Read %d less bytes than requested..." % (sector_size - len(data)))
has_data += data
# seek to the position wanted + size read, which will then be re-aligned + size)
return has_data[offset:offset + size]
def align(self, size, to=None):
# type: (int, Optional[int]) -> int
Align size to the closest but floor mod `to` value.
align(513, to=512)
align(1023, to=512)
align(1026, to=512)
align(12, to=10)
if to is None:
to = self.geometry[-2] # logical bytes per sector value
return math.floor(size / to) * to
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