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Created April 24, 2019 19:16
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Demonstrate Erlang's 'busy wait' effect on CPU utilization

Demonstrate Erlang's 'busy wait' effect on CPU utilization


Just make Erlang to do some light-load task in a bunch of relatively short leaving processes. Calculating PI to 80th digit in batches per 10 procs with short, 8 ms, sleep in-between, to give schedulers a breath space, will do.


Run erl with 8 schedulers and no busy waiting on schedulers at all.

erl +sbwt none +S 8:8
1> c(machin).    
2> machin:run().

At the same time in another terminal grab erlang's CPU utilization with 1 sec window. In my case whole thing running for about 12 sec, so I take average by that.

$ pidstat -p `pidof beam.smp` -u 1 12
Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 (jessie) 	08/27/2015 	_x86_64_	(2 CPU)

09:15:29 AM   UID       PID    %usr %system  %guest    %CPU   CPU  Command
09:15:30 AM   900     24803    4.00    1.00    0.00    5.00     1  beam.smp
09:15:31 AM   900     24803   26.00    4.00    0.00   30.00     1  beam.smp
09:15:32 AM   900     24803   24.00    4.00    0.00   28.00     1  beam.smp
09:15:33 AM   900     24803   17.00    6.00    0.00   23.00     1  beam.smp
09:15:34 AM   900     24803   21.00    4.00    0.00   25.00     1  beam.smp
09:15:35 AM   900     24803   19.00    2.00    0.00   21.00     1  beam.smp
09:15:36 AM   900     24803   20.00    3.00    0.00   23.00     1  beam.smp
09:15:37 AM   900     24803   21.00    3.00    0.00   24.00     1  beam.smp
09:15:38 AM   900     24803   14.00   10.00    0.00   24.00     1  beam.smp
09:15:39 AM   900     24803   16.00    9.00    0.00   25.00     1  beam.smp
09:15:40 AM   900     24803    1.00    0.00    0.00    1.00     1  beam.smp
09:15:41 AM   900     24803    0.00    1.00    0.00    1.00     1  beam.smp
Average:      900     24803   15.25    3.92    0.00   19.17     -  beam.smp

Now do the same, but this time make scheduler's busy wait really significant.

erl +sbwt very_long +S 8:8
Erlang/OTP 17 [erts-] [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V6.4.1.2  (abort with ^G)
1> c(machin).
2> machin:run().
$ pidstat -p `pidof beam.smp` -u 1 12
Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 (jessie) 	08/27/2015 	_x86_64_	(2 CPU)

09:18:37 AM   UID       PID    %usr %system  %guest    %CPU   CPU  Command
09:18:38 AM   900     24845    5.00    4.00    0.00    9.00     1  beam.smp
09:18:39 AM   900     24845   15.00   57.00    0.00   72.00     1  beam.smp
09:18:40 AM   900     24845   13.00   62.00    0.00   75.00     1  beam.smp
09:18:41 AM   900     24845   19.00   57.00    0.00   76.00     1  beam.smp
09:18:42 AM   900     24845   16.00   54.00    0.00   70.00     1  beam.smp
09:18:43 AM   900     24845   16.00   54.00    0.00   70.00     1  beam.smp
09:18:44 AM   900     24845   14.00   56.00    0.00   70.00     1  beam.smp
09:18:45 AM   900     24845   15.00   56.00    0.00   71.00     1  beam.smp
09:18:46 AM   900     24845   20.00   55.00    0.00   75.00     1  beam.smp
09:18:47 AM   900     24845   11.00   61.00    0.00   72.00     1  beam.smp
09:18:48 AM   900     24845    0.99    1.98    0.00    2.97     1  beam.smp
09:18:49 AM   900     24845    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00     1  beam.smp
Average:      900     24845   12.07   43.13    0.00   55.20     -  beam.smp


So in the first case we had an average 15.25% of user CPU utilization (this is the work done) with 3.92% of system CPU utilization (this is schedulers' waiting).

In the second case we've got average 12.07% of user CPU with 43.13% of system CPU.

High system CPU in the second case is pure Erlang's schedulers' 'busy wait' manifistation. We've gained a bit of performance on our main task thought, so it might be worth to have it on CPU bound systems. If there are nothing apart from Erlang app on the host, that's it, the schedulers' spinning is not going to hurt erlang's processes, but can push back another system processes.

This is the real consequence of erlang's 'busy wait'. Another one, naturally, empty heat and electricity waste. And the fact that CPU utilization is not a good monitoring metric anymore, using load average instead might be better idea.

-export([run/0, pi/1]).
run() ->
Prec = 80,
Wait = 8,
lists:foreach(fun(I) ->
spawn(fun() -> machin:pi(Prec) end),
case I rem 10 of
0 -> timer:sleep(Wait);
_ -> ok
end, lists:seq(1, 10000)).
%% Calculate Pi with Machin's formula
pi(Digits) ->
Unity = pow(10, Digits + 10),
Pi = 4 * (4 * arccot(5, Unity) - arccot(239, Unity)),
Pi div pow(10, 10).
arccot(X, Unity) ->
Start = Unity div X,
arccot(X, Unity, 0, Start, 1, 1).
arccot(_X, _Unity, Sum, XPower, N, _Sign) when XPower div N =:= 0 ->
arccot(X, Unity, Sum, XPower, N, Sign) ->
Term = XPower div N,
arccot(X, Unity, Sum + Sign * Term, XPower div (X * X), N + 2, -Sign).
pow(Base, Exponent) when Exponent < 0 ->
pow(1 / Base, -Exponent);
pow(Base, Exponent) when is_integer(Exponent) ->
pow(Exponent, 1, Base).
pow(0, Product, _Modifier) ->
pow(Exponent, Product, Modifier) when Exponent rem 2 =:= 1 ->
pow(Exponent div 2, Product * Modifier, Modifier * Modifier);
pow(Exponent, Product, Modifier) ->
pow(Exponent div 2, Product, Modifier * Modifier).
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