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Last active June 27, 2022 20:01
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* Copyright 2020 Roberto Leibman
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package api.auth
import io.circe.parser.*
import io.circe.syntax.*
import io.circe.{Decoder, Encoder}
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.{DefaultFullHttpRequest, HttpRequest}
import pdi.jwt.{Jwt, JwtAlgorithm, JwtClaim}
import util.ResponseExt
import zhttp.http.*
import zhttp.http.Cookie.SameSite
import zio.clock.Clock
import zio.config.*
import zio.config.magnolia.DeriveConfigDescriptor.descriptor
import zio.config.magnolia.Descriptor
import zio.config.typesafe.*
import zio.duration.*
import zio.magic.*
import zio.{Has, IO, Ref, Schedule, Tag, UIO, ZIO, ZLayer}
import java.time.Instant
/** This is a collection of utilities for authenticating users. Authentication is parametrized on a given Session Type, and we assume you're using
* circe to convert it to/from JSON. We divide the authentication into SessionTransport and SessionStorage, currently I've written these:
* - CookieSessionTransport: uses cookies to store the session TODO: Currently, we only support the session cookie, we do not yet support the
* refresh cookie.
* - TokenEncryptedSessionStorage: The session is not stored as such, instead, the session is stored in a JWT and then encrypted. It works decently
* and uses little memory, but in order to support session invalidation we do have to keep invalidated sessions in memory Possible enhancements
* - TODO: HeaderSessionTransport: uses headers (bearer token) to store the session
* - TODO: InMemorySessionStorage - Store the session in memory.
* - InDiskSessionStorage - Store the session in disk. I don't think we can write this generically, since each system would use a different
* database. TODO: provide an example
* - TODO It'd be nice to have an easy, slam dunk integration with OAuth2
object Auth {
case class SessionError(
message: String,
cause: Option[Throwable] = None
) extends Exception(message, cause.orNull)
// scala3 opaque type
case class SecretKey(key: String) extends AnyVal
case class SessionConfig(
secretKey: SecretKey,
sessionName: String = "_sessiondata",
sessionDomain: Option[String] = None,
sessionPath: Option[Path] = None,
sessionIsSecure: Boolean = true,
sessionIsHttpOnly: Boolean = true,
sessionSameSite: Option[SameSite] = Some(SameSite.Strict),
sessionTTL: Duration = 12.hours
implicit private val secretKeyConfigDescriptor: Descriptor[SecretKey] =
zio.config.magnolia.Descriptor.implicitStringDesc.transform[SecretKey](SecretKey.apply, _.key)
implicit private val durationDescriptor: Descriptor[Duration] =
zio.config.magnolia.Descriptor.implicitLongDesc.transform[Duration](_.minutes, _.toMinutes)
implicit private val pathDescriptor: Descriptor[Path] = zio.config.magnolia.Descriptor.implicitStringDesc.transform[Path](s => Path(s), _.toString)
implicit private val sessionConfigDescriptor: ConfigDescriptor[SessionConfig] = descriptor[SessionConfig]
private val sessionConfig: IO[ReadError[String], SessionConfig] = read(
sessionConfigDescriptor from$("sessionConfig"))
// None, it'd be nice if JwtClaim was parametrized on Content, but this works
// scala3 extension
implicit class JwtClaimExt(claim: JwtClaim) {
def session[SessionType: Decoder]: ZIO[Any, SessionError, SessionType] =
ZIO.fromEither(decode[SessionType](claim.content)).mapError(e => SessionError(e.getMessage, Some(e)))
case class RequestWithSession[SessionType](
session: Option[SessionType],
request: Request
) extends Request {
override def data: HttpData =
override def headers: Headers = request.headers
override def method: Method = request.method
override def url: URL = request.url
override def version: Version = request.version
override def unsafeEncode: HttpRequest = {
new DefaultFullHttpRequest(
(url.kind match {
case URL.Location.Relative => url
case _ => url.copy(kind = URL.Location.Relative)
// override def unsafeContext: ChannelHandlerContext = throw new IOException("Request does not have a context")
override def remoteAddress: Option[InetAddress] = request.remoteAddress
private def jwtEncode[SessionType: Encoder](
session: SessionType
): ZIO[Clock, SessionError, String] =
for {
config <- sessionConfig.orElseFail(SessionError("failed to encode jwtClaim"))
clock <- ZIO.service[Clock.Service].flatMap(_.instant)
} yield {
val json = session.asJson.noSpaces
val claim = JwtClaim(json)
.expiresAt(clock.getEpochSecond + 300)
Jwt.encode(claim, config.secretKey.key, JwtAlgorithm.HS512)
private def jwtDecode(token: String): ZIO[Any, SessionError, JwtClaim] =
for {
config <- sessionConfig.orElseFail(SessionError("failed to decode jwtClaim"))
tok <- ZIO.fromTry(Jwt.decode(token, config.secretKey.key, Seq(JwtAlgorithm.HS512))).mapError(e => SessionError("", Option(e)))
} yield tok
protected def jwtExpire[SessionType: Encoder](
mySession: SessionType
): ZIO[Clock, SessionError, String] =
for {
config <- sessionConfig.orElseFail(SessionError("failed to expire jwtClaim"))
clock <- ZIO.service[Clock.Service].flatMap(_.instant)
} yield {
val json = mySession.asJson.noSpaces
val claim = JwtClaim(json)
Jwt.encode(claim, config.secretKey.key, JwtAlgorithm.HS512)
object SessionTransport {
trait Service[SessionType] {
def auth: Middleware[Any, Nothing, RequestWithSession[SessionType], Response, Request, Response]
def getSession(request: Request): IO[SessionError, Option[SessionType]]
def invalidateSession(
session: SessionType,
response: Response
): IO[SessionError, Response]
def cleanUp: UIO[Unit]
def isValid(session: SessionType): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Boolean]
def refreshSession(
session: SessionType,
response: Response
): IO[SessionError, Response]
def cookieSessionTransport[
SessionType: Encoder: Decoder: Tag
]: ZLayer[Clock & SessionStorage[SessionType, String], Nothing, SessionTransport[SessionType]] =
for {
invalidSessions <- Ref.make(Map.empty[SessionType, Instant])
sessionStorage <- ZIO.service[SessionStorage.Service[SessionType, String]]
mgr <- ZIO.succeed(CookieSessionTransport(sessionStorage, invalidSessions))
_ <- mgr.cleanUp.repeat(Schedule.fixed(1.hour)).forkDaemon
} yield mgr
type SessionTransport[SessionType] = Has[SessionTransport.Service[SessionType]]
type SessionStorage[SessionType, PK] = Has[SessionStorage.Service[SessionType, PK]]
object SessionStorage {
trait Service[SessionType, PK] {
def storeSession(session: SessionType): IO[SessionError, PK]
def getSession(sessionId: PK): IO[SessionError, Option[SessionType]]
def deleteSession(sessionId: PK): IO[SessionError, Boolean]
def tokenEncripted[SessionType: Encoder: Decoder: Tag]: ZLayer[Clock, Nothing, SessionStorage[SessionType, String]] = {
for {
clock <- ZIO.service[Clock.Service]
} yield new SessionStorage.Service[SessionType, String] {
override def storeSession(session: SessionType): IO[SessionError, String] = jwtEncode(session).inject(ZLayer.succeed(clock))
override def getSession(sessionId: String): IO[SessionError, Option[SessionType]] =
for {
decoded <- jwtDecode(sessionId)
session <- decoded.session
} yield Option(session)
override def deleteSession(sessionId: String): IO[SessionError, Boolean] = ZIO.succeed(true)
private case class CookieSessionTransport[SessionType: Encoder: Decoder: Tag](
sessionStorage: SessionStorage.Service[SessionType, String],
invalidSessions: Ref[Map[SessionType, Instant]]
) extends SessionTransport.Service[SessionType] {
override def invalidateSession(
session: SessionType,
response: Response
): IO[SessionError, Response] =
(for {
config <- sessionConfig
_ <- invalidSessions.update(_ + (session -> + 60)))
} yield {
val deleteCookie = Cookie(
name = config.sessionName,
content = "deleted",
maxAge = Option(Duration.Zero.toSeconds.toInt),
domain = config.sessionDomain,
path = config.sessionPath,
isSecure = config.sessionIsSecure,
isHttpOnly = config.sessionIsHttpOnly,
sameSite = config.sessionSameSite
}).mapError(e => SessionError("Could not invalidate session", Some(e)))
override def refreshSession(
session: SessionType,
response: Response
): IO[SessionError, Response] =
for {
config <- sessionConfig.mapError(e => SessionError("Could not touch session", Some(e)))
isValid <- isValid(session)
_ <-"Session is invalid")).when(!isValid)
sessionStr <- sessionStorage.storeSession(session)
} yield {
name = config.sessionName,
content = sessionStr,
maxAge = Option(config.sessionTTL.toSeconds.toInt),
domain = config.sessionDomain,
path = config.sessionPath,
isSecure = config.sessionIsSecure,
isHttpOnly = config.sessionIsHttpOnly,
sameSite = config.sessionSameSite
override def cleanUp: UIO[Unit] = invalidSessions.update(_.filter(_._2.isAfter(
override def isValid(session: SessionType): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Boolean] =!_.exists(_._1 == session))
override def getSession(request: Request): IO[SessionError, Option[SessionType]] =
for {
config <- sessionConfig.mapError(e => SessionError(e.getMessage, Some(e)))
str <- ZIO
.fromOption(request.cookiesDecoded.find( == config.sessionName).map(_.content)).orElseFail(SessionError("No session cookie found"))
session <- sessionStorage.getSession(str)
} yield session
override def auth: Middleware[Any, Nothing, RequestWithSession[SessionType], Response, Request, Response] = {
new Middleware[Any, Nothing, RequestWithSession[SessionType], Response, Request, Response] {
override def apply[R1, E1](http: Http[R1, E1, RequestWithSession[SessionType], Response]): HttpApp[R1, E1] =
.fromFunctionZIO[Request] { request =>
(for {
config <- sessionConfig.mapError(e => SessionError(e.getMessage, Some(e)))
session <- getSession(request)
} yield {
session match {
case _ if request.path.startsWith(Path("/loginForm")) => http.contramap[Request](req => RequestWithSession(None, req))
case _ => http.contramap[Request](req => RequestWithSession(session, req))
}).catchAll(_ => ZIO.succeed(Http.response(ResponseExt.seeOther("/loginForm"))))
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