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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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  • Save rljacob/6041a751ccf89088c514 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rljacob/6041a751ccf89088c514 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
blogin2[136]: git rebase --onto 3519bcd 39c2ebe HEAD
First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...
Applying: Convert MCT to subtree and import v2.9-rc0
Applying: Update to work with mpi-serial2.0
Applying: Build mpi-serial2.0 correctly
Applying: Modify buildlib.mct for mpi-serial2.0 build.
blogin2[]: git branch
* (no branch)
blogin2[137]: git log --graph --decorate --oneline origin/master origin/rljacob/utils/mct.2.9rc0-import HEAD --first-parent
* 86eaa71 (HEAD) Modify buildlib.mct for mpi-serial2.0 build.
* 2a21ecb Build mpi-serial2.0 correctly
* 60a3224 Update to work with mpi-serial2.0
* 952e48e Convert MCT to subtree and import v2.9-rc0
| * c26945e (origin/master, origin/HEAD, master) Merge branch 'eroesler/ATM/RRM-meshfilefixer' into master (PR #168)
| * 589e457 Merge branch 'huiwanpnnl/atm/timestep-cnvg-update' (PR #181)
| * 79632da Merge branch 'jed/remove-obsolete-cesm-artifacts' (PR #151)
| * 946a2cb Merge branch 'jgfouca/scripts/prepare_blues_for_jenkins' (PR #172)
| * 23bde14 Merge branch 'jgfouca/scripts/unbuffer_script_output' (PR #183)
| * 39041c0 Merge branch 'jgfouca/scripts/segregrate_namelist_errors' (PR #182)
| * 6502941 Merge branch 'jgfouca/scripts/new_acme_bisect_etc' (PR #180)
| * ed407de Merge pull request #178 from ACME-Climate/bishtgautam/lnd/bug-fix-pgi
| * 7e2ed7f Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/jayeshkrishna/csm_share_utils/pio_rearranger_options' (PR #159)
| * cab58cf Merge branch 'jgfouca/scripts/edison_machine_file_use_acme' (PR #171)
| * bd30e82 Merge branch 'jgfouca/scripts/setup_edison_on_jenkins' (PR #170)
| * c66c8aa Merge branch 'jgfouca/scripts/jenkins_dont_wait_if_nlonly' (PR #169)
| * 990a063 Merge branch 'jgfouca/scripts/compare_namelists_bugfix' (PR #166)
| * f8c16ce Merge pull request #153 from ACME-Climate/ACME/daliwang/land/icase
| * 32c529c Merge branch 'singhbalwinder/atm/add-demott-ice-nucleation'
| * adeddb4 Merge branch 'singhbalwinder/atm/improve-scavenging-and-resuspension'
| * 26daa16 Merge branch 'singhbalwinder/atm/add-MAM4'
| * ed71343 Merge branch 'jnjohnsonlbl/scripts/lawrencium-fixup' (PR #163)
| * 932499c Merge branch 'tangq/cam/RRM'
| * 455340a Merge branch 'jnjohnsonlbl/scripts/hopper-acme-developer-port' (PR #161)
* 3519bcd (origin/mlbranstetter/atm/v0.1-famip-ensemble) Merge branch 'jgfouca/scripts/cime_merge_helper' into next (PR #160)
* 309452a Merge branch 'jayeshkrishna/machinefiles/cetus_concrete_job_timelimit' (PR #158)
* 24247bd Merge branch 'worleyph/utils/perf_measurement_update' (PR #135)
* 505c664 Merge branch 'azamat/machinefiles/default-pes' (PR #114)
* 7663a00 Merge branch 'agsalin/machinefiles/penn' into next (PR #157)
* 6fa0409 Merge branch 'jgfouca/scripts/cime_merge_helper' into next (PR #155)
* a439472 Merge branch 'rljacob/testsuite/add-blues' (PR #150)
* 1738af6 (tag: jgfouca/scripts/cime_merge_point) Merge branch 'azamat/machinefiles/compiler-version-updates' (PR #116)
* 5fa57ce Merge branch 'jgfouca/scripts/new_jenkins_script'
* e1dde9a Merge branch 'bishtgautam/scripts/added-optional-arg-for-svn-repo' into next (PR #149)
* dbd43ff Merge branch 'jgfouca/scripts/new_jenkins_script'
* e77a0f9 Merge branch 'jgfouca/scripts/new_jenkins_script'
* 34b749f Merge branch 'worleyph/titan/intel_support'
* 03f1e6d Merge branch 'jgfouca/scripts/fix-nlcompareonly-hack-part2'
* b14ed2c Merge branch 'jgfouca/scripts/fix-nlcompareonly-hack'
* 170361c Merge branch 'jgfouca/scripts/handle_jenkins_branches'
blogin2[138]: git push origin +rljacob/utils/mct.2.9rc0-import
Enter passphrase for key '/home/jacob/.ssh/id_rsa':
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