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Created September 25, 2018 11:36
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int ref0, ref1; //reference values to remove offset
int ADCTouch_read(byte ADCChannel, int samples) {
long _value = 0;
for(int _counter = 0; _counter < samples; _counter ++)
pinMode(ADCChannel, INPUT_PULLUP);
ADMUX |= 0b11111;
ADCSRA |= (1<<ADSC); //start conversion
while(!(ADCSRA & (1<<ADIF))); //wait for conversion to finish
ADCSRA |= (1<<ADIF); //reset the flag
pinMode(ADCChannel, INPUT);
_value += analogRead(ADCChannel);
return _value / samples;
void setup() {
// No pins to setup, pins can still be used regularly, although it will affect readings
ref0 = ADCTouch_read(A0, 500); //create reference values to
ref1 = ADCTouch_read(A1, 500); //account for the capacitance of the pad
void loop() {
int value0 = ADCTouch_read(A0, 100); //no second parameter
int value1 = ADCTouch_read(A1, 100); // --> 100 samples
value0 -= ref0; //remove offset
value1 -= ref1;
Serial.print(value0 > 40); //send (boolean) pressed or not pressed
Serial.print("\t"); //use if(value > threshold) to get the state of a button
Serial.print(value1 > 40);
Serial.print(value0); //send actual reading
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