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Last active October 16, 2015 17:02
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Tests for monadic reactimate
-- Provide your own manSprite.bmp
-- Creates a basic SDL screen and makes an image bounce along the screen
-- I've included some little utility functions which would normally be better
-- tucked out the way in little modules.
import Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL
import FRP.Yampa as Y
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Data.IORef
data Environment = Environment {screen :: Surface, object :: Surface}
type ProgEnviron = ReaderT Environment IO
input :: ProgEnviron (Maybe Bool)
input = fmap Just $ liftIO wasQuitEvent
output :: ((Double, Double), Bool) -> ProgEnviron Bool
output ((x,y),exit) = do
env <- ask
let scr = screen env
obj = object env
liftIO (wipe scr)
liftIO (blitSurface obj Nothing scr (Just $ Rect (round x) (round y) 0 0))
liftIO (SDL.flip scr)
return exit
-- sigFun describes a basic sinusoidal wave, while passing the boolean value through
-- untouched
sigFun :: SF Bool ((Double, Double), Bool)
sigFun = ((arr (*4) <<< time) &&& (arr ((+100).(*10).sin.(*10)) <<< time)) &&& identity
main = do
SDL.init [InitEverything]
screen <- setVideoMode 640 480 32 [SWSurface]
person <- loadBMP "manSprite.bmp"
let enviro = Environment screen person
-- yampaMain is a friendly version of reactimate defined at
-- the bottom of this file
runReaderT (yampaMain (return False) input output sigFun) $ enviro
-- The rest of this file consists of just utility functions
-- used in the above.
-- (normally I put these in various modules I import)
-- Poll Events gets all the pending events in one go for processing
pollEvents :: IO [SDL.Event]
pollEvents = do
event <- pollEvent
if event == SDL.NoEvent then return [] else (fmap (event:) pollEvents)
wasQuitEvent :: IO Bool
wasQuitEvent = do
events <- pollEvents
let quitAsked = or $ map (==SDL.Quit) events
return quitAsked
-- wipe clears a surface (paints it black)
wipe :: Surface -> IO Bool
wipe surface = fillRect surface Nothing (Pixel $ 0)
-- Yampa utility functions follow to simplify reactimate
sReactimate :: (Monad m) => m a -> m (DTime, Maybe a) -> (b -> m Bool) -> SF a b -> m ()
sReactimate init inp out sigFun = Y.reactimate init (sInput inp) (sOutput out) sigFun
where sInput inp _ = inp
sOutput out _ = out
yampaMain :: (MonadIO m) => m a -> m (Maybe a) -> (b -> m Bool) -> SF a b -> m ()
yampaMain init input output sigFun = do
t <-liftIO getPOSIXTime
timeRef <- liftIO (newIORef t)
let timeWrapInput ins = do
inV <- ins
t' <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
t <- liftIO (readIORef timeRef)
let dt = realToFrac (t' - t)
liftIO (writeIORef timeRef t')
return (dt, inV)
sReactimate init (timeWrapInput input) output sigFun
module Main where
import FRP.Yampa as Y
-- Lazy or strict? I'm using small lists, so lazy.
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy
-- We will represent computing with Yampa along a list by using the
-- state monad on a zipper-like structure, which encodes the input
-- and output streams as they are processed. Input is the first
-- component, output is the second component (which like with a zipper
-- will be written out backwards).
type ProcessStream a b c = ([(a, Maybe b)], [(a, c)])
-- The following encapsulates the process of taking an output value,
-- and moving along the process stream with it. Notice also this
-- function converts time steps into total time.
writeOut :: (Num a) => c -> ProcessStream a b c -> ProcessStream a b c
writeOut _ ([],[]) = ([],[])
writeOut _ ([], ys) = ([], ys)
writeOut v (x:xs, []) = (xs, [(fst x, v)])
writeOut v (x:xs, y:ys) = let (dt, _) = x
(t, _) = y in
(xs, (t+dt , v):y:ys)
-- A (YampaFeed a b) should be processed with an (SF a b)
-- The processing of the list is stored in the state, while
-- the encapsulated value is used to interact with reactimate
-- (as it must)
type YampaFeed a b = State (ProcessStream DTime a b)
initFunc :: a -> (YampaFeed a b) a
initFunc val = do
st <- get
let (xs, ys) = st
newst = ((0,Just val):xs, ys)
put newst
return val
input :: (YampaFeed a b) (DTime, Maybe a)
input = do
st <- get
return.head $ fst st
output :: b -> (YampaFeed a b) Bool
output out = do
prev <- get
let curr = writeOut out prev
put curr
let (x, y) = curr
return (if null x then True else False)
-- The following wraps reactimate in a more friendly format.
-- It removes the redundancy of the Bool inputs.
sReactimate :: (Monad m) => m a -> m (DTime, Maybe a) -> (b -> m Bool) -> SF a b -> m ()
sReactimate init inp out sigFun = Y.reactimate init (sInput inp) (sOutput out) sigFun
where sInput inp _ = inp
sOutput out _ = out
sillyEmbed :: SF a b -> (a, [(DTime, Maybe a)]) -> [b]
sillyEmbed sf (v, ins) = map snd.reverse $ snd streamed
where streamed = execState (sReactimate (initFunc v) input output sf) $ (ins, [])
-- Opening sillyEmbed.hs in ghci (with cabal repl in a sandbox),
-- we can try the following.
-- Integration test
steps = take 10000 $ repeat 0.0001
totTime = scanl (+) 0 steps
inp = zip steps (map Just $ map sin totTime)
-- Compare
embedTest = last $ sillyEmbed integral (0, inp)
-- and the analytic value
actual = 1 - cos 1
-- Timing using the state monad (transformer)
-- yampaMain keeps track of time by wrapping the MonadIO
-- with an additional StateT, where the state is the last
-- recorded time. It is read and updated at each input step
-- (see timeWrapInput, internal to yampaMain).
import FRP.Yampa as Y
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
sigFun :: SF () Bool
sigFun = time >>> arr (>=2)
output :: Bool -> IO Bool
output exit = do
if exit then putStrLn "World!" >> return True else return False
main = do
putStrLn "Hello, "
-- yampaMain is a friendly version of reactimate defined at
-- the bottom of this file using the state monad
yampaMain (return ()) (return Nothing) output sigFun
sReactimate :: (Monad m) => m a -> m (DTime, Maybe a) -> (b -> m Bool) -> SF a b -> m ()
sReactimate init inp out sigFun = Y.reactimate init (sInput inp) (sOutput out) sigFun
where sInput inp _ = inp
sOutput out _ = out
yampaMain :: (MonadIO m) => m a -> m (Maybe a) -> (b -> m Bool) -> SF a b -> m ()
yampaMain init input output sigFun = do
t <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
evalStateT (sReactimate (lift init) (timeWrapInput input) (\b -> lift (output b)) sigFun) $ t
where timeWrapInput inF = do
inV <- lift inF
oldt <- get
t <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
put t
let dt = realToFrac (t - oldt)
return (dt, inV)
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