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Created September 29, 2023 01:06
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A Tkinter model of a spiral galaxy.
import math
import tkinter as tk
from random import randint, uniform, random
# Set scaling factor for galaxy:
SCALE = 225
# set-up tkinter display canvas:
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("A Spiral Galaxy")
c = tk.Canvas(root, width=1000, height=800, bg='black')
c.configure(scrollregion=(-500, -400, 500, 400))
# Define function to build an individual spiral arm:
def build_spiral(b, r, rot_fac, fuz_fac, arm):
"""Build spiral arms for tkinter display using Logarithmic spiral formula.
b = constant for spiral direction and "openess"
r = scaled galactic disc radius
rot_fac = factor to rotate each spiral arm
fuz_fac = random shift in star position in arm, applied to 'fuzz' variable
arm = spiral arm (0 = leading edge, 1 = trailing stars)
spiral_stars = []
fuzz = int(0.030 * abs(r)) # Scalable initial amount to shift locations.
for i in range(0, 800, 2):
theta = math.radians(-i)
x = r * math.exp(b*theta) * math.cos(theta - math.pi * rot_fac)\
- randint(-fuzz, fuzz) * fuz_fac
y = r * math.exp(b*theta) * math.sin(theta - math.pi * rot_fac)\
- randint(-fuzz, fuzz) * fuz_fac
spiral_stars.append((x, y))
for x, y in spiral_stars:
if arm == 0 and int(x % 2) == 0:
c.create_text(x, y,
font=('Helvetica', '6'),
elif arm == 0 and int(x % 2) != 0:
c.create_text(x, y,
font=('Helvetica', '5'),
elif arm == 1:
c.create_text(x, y,
font=('Helvetica', '5'),
# Define functions to distribute star "haze" between spiral arms:
def random_polar_coordinates(scale_factor):
"""Generate uniform random x,y point within a disc for 2-D display."""
n = random()
theta = uniform(0, 2 * math.pi)
x = round(math.sqrt(n) * math.cos(theta) * scale_factor)
y = round(math.sqrt(n) * math.sin(theta) * scale_factor)
return x, y
def star_haze(scale_factor, density):
"""Randomly distribute faint stars in galactic disc.
SCALE = scaled galactic disc radius
density = multiplier to vary number of stars posted
for _ in range(0, scale_factor * density):
x, y = random_polar_coordinates(scale_factor)
c.create_text(x, y,
font=('Helvetica', '3'),
def build_galaxy():
"""Generate the galaxy display with tkinter."""
# Build leading and trailing spiral arms:
build_spiral(b=b, r=SCALE, rot_fac=2, fuz_fac=fuz_fac, arm=0)
build_spiral(b=b, r=SCALE, rot_fac=1.91, fuz_fac=fuz_fac, arm=1)
build_spiral(b=b, r=-SCALE, rot_fac=2, fuz_fac=fuz_fac, arm=0)
build_spiral(b=b, r=-SCALE, rot_fac=-2.09, fuz_fac=fuz_fac, arm=1)
build_spiral(b=b, r=-SCALE, rot_fac=0.5, fuz_fac=fuz_fac, arm=0)
build_spiral(b=b, r=-SCALE, rot_fac=0.4, fuz_fac=fuz_fac, arm=1)
build_spiral(b=b, r=-SCALE, rot_fac=-0.5, fuz_fac=fuz_fac, arm=0)
build_spiral(b=b, r=-SCALE, rot_fac=-0.6, fuz_fac=fuz_fac, arm=1)
# Distribute star haze:
star_haze(SCALE, density=20)
# run tkinter loop:
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