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rly /
Last active May 10, 2021 21:31
Script to trim the Frank Lab beans20190718.nwb file to 2 GB
import pynwb
import ndx_franklab_novela
with pynwb.NWBHDF5IO('beans20190718.nwb', 'r') as io:
nwbfile =
orig_eseries = nwbfile.acquisition['e-series']
n_timestamps = 4000000 # / 20000 Hz sampling rate = 200 seconds
data =[0:n_timestamps, :]
ts = orig_eseries.timestamps[0:n_timestamps]
electrodes = nwbfile.create_electrode_table_region(
rly /
Last active May 13, 2021 15:05
Script to add marks per electrode per spike time per unit (doubly indexed column) to Units table
import datetime
import numpy as np
from pynwb import NWBFile, NWBHDF5IO, validate
nwbfile = NWBFile(
rly /
Last active January 21, 2022 17:23
Demonstration of how to move a container from one location to another after it has been written to disk.
from pynwb import NWBFile, NWBHDF5IO
from pynwb.ecephys import LFP, ElectricalSeries
import numpy as np
import datetime
# Create a test file
nwb = NWBFile(
rly / demo_insert_labmemberinfo.ipynb
Last active January 25, 2022 01:21
Demonstration of how to insert a row into the LabMemberInfo table in nwb_datajoint
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rly /
Created June 20, 2022 16:36
Demonstration of how to trim and repack (change compression, chunking, etc.) of a very large HDF5 dataset in an NWB file
from pynwb import NWBHDF5IO
import pynwb
from hdmf.data_utils import GenericDataChunkIterator
from hdmf.backends.hdf5.h5_utils import H5DataIO
filepath = r"D:\GiocomoData_dandiset53\000053\sub-npI1\sub-npI1_ses-20190413_behavior+ecephys.nwb"
class H5DatasetDataChunkIterator(GenericDataChunkIterator):
"""A data chunk iterator that reads chunks over the 0th dimension of an HDF5 dataset up to a max length.
rly /
Created July 1, 2022 16:11
Demonstration of the loading of NWB namespaces in different contexts
import pynwb
from pynwb.spec import NWBDatasetSpec, NWBGroupSpec, NWBNamespace
from hdmf.spec import NamespaceCatalog
from import TypeMap
def print_namespace_versions(type_map):
"""Print the namespace name and version of all namespaces in the given type map."""
for ns_name in type_map.namespace_catalog.namespaces:
rly / print_namespaces.ipynb
Last active July 6, 2022 06:51
Notebook demonstrating the loading of NWB namespaces in different contexts
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rly /
Last active July 25, 2023 14:12
Function to return all PyNWB objects in the file that are instances of the neurodata_type class
from pynwb import NWBHDF5IO, NWBFile
def get_neurodata_type_objs_io(io: NWBHDF5IO, neurodata_type: str, namespace: str):
"""Return all PyNWB objects in the file that have a neurodata type from a namespace.
This works regardless of whether the extension was imported earlier in the python execution.
All objects that are instances of the class associated with the given neurodata_type in the
given namespace will be returned. This includes objects that are instances of a subclass.
rly / get_num_chunks.ipynb
Created January 10, 2023 22:59
Get the number of chunks in an h5py.Dataset
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rly /
Last active February 24, 2023 23:31
Tailored Python script to replace particular values in an NWB file to conform with DANDI upload requirements
import glob
import h5py
import numpy as np
import argparse
import pynwb
STR_DTYPE = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str)