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Created September 17, 2023 19:05
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Get total RAM memory usage of Bloomberg Terminal
# Define the process names
$processNames = @("wintrv", "bplus.wtk2", "bplus64")
# Initialize a variable to store the total memory usage
$totalMemoryUsageBytes = 0
# Loop through each process name
foreach ($name in $processNames) {
# Get the processes with the current name
$processes = Get-Process | Where-Object { $_.ProcessName -eq $name }
# Calculate and add up the memory usage of each process with the current name
$totalMemoryUsageBytes += $processes | Measure-Object -Property WorkingSet -Sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum
# Convert total memory usage to megabytes (MB) with digit grouping
$totalMemoryUsageMB = [math]::Round($totalMemoryUsageBytes / 1MB, 2)
$totalMemoryUsageFormatted = $totalMemoryUsageMB.ToString("N0")
# Display the total memory usage in MB with digit grouping
Write-Host "Total Memory Usage for $($processNames -join ', '): $totalMemoryUsageFormatted MB"
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