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Created August 27, 2018 21:25
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OTPClient is a python class to make requests to the OTP API and process the response according to our needs:
import math
import re
import time
from django.conf import settings
import requests
# used to remove stop id from stop names included into pattern description
regex_stop_id = re.compile('(\(\w+:\d+\))')
regex_to_from = [
'regex': re.compile('([\S\s]+)\s+to\s+([\S\s]+)\s+from\s+([\S\s]+)\s+like trip\s+([\S\s]+)'),
'to': 2,
'from': 3
'regex': re.compile('([\S\s]+)\s+to\s+([\S\s]+)\s+from\s+([\S\s]+)\s+via\s+([\S\s]+)'),
'to': 2,
'from': 3
'regex': re.compile('([\S\s]+)\s+to\s+([\S\s]+)\s+from\s+([\S\s]+)'),
'to': 2,
'from': 3
'regex': re.compile('([\S\s]+)\s+to\s+([\S\s]+)'),
'to': 2,
'from': None
def get_matched_alerts(alerts, route_id, stop_id):
matched_alerts_id = []
matched_alerts = []
for alert in alerts:
for service in alert['affected_services']['services']:
if alert['alert_id'] not in matched_alerts_id:
if ('stop_id' not in service and service['route_id'] == route_id) or (
'stop_id' in service and service['stop_id'] == stop_id):
except KeyError:
return matched_alerts
def calculate_initial_compass_bearing(pointA, pointB):
Calculates the bearing between two points.
- `pointA: The tuple representing the latitude/longitude for the
first point. Latitude and longitude must be in decimal degrees
- `pointB: The tuple representing the latitude/longitude for the
second point. Latitude and longitude must be in decimal degrees
The bearing in degrees
:Returns Type:
if (type(pointA) != tuple) or (type(pointB) != tuple):
raise TypeError("Only tuples are supported as arguments")
lat1 = math.radians(pointA[0])
lat2 = math.radians(pointB[0])
diffLong = math.radians(pointB[1] - pointA[1])
x = math.sin(diffLong) * math.cos(lat2)
y = math.cos(lat1) * math.sin(lat2) - (math.sin(lat1) * math.cos(lat2) * math.cos(diffLong))
initial_bearing = math.atan2(x, y)
# Now we have the initial bearing but math.atan2 return values
# from -180 to + 180 which is not what we want for a compass bearing
# The solution is to normalize the initial bearing as shown below
initial_bearing = math.degrees(initial_bearing)
compass_bearing = (initial_bearing + 360) % 360
return compass_bearing
def get_cardinal_direction(compass_bearing):
directions = ['N', 'NE', 'E', 'SE', 'S', 'SW', 'W', 'NW']
delta = 360 / len(directions)
index = int((compass_bearing + (delta / 2)) / delta)
return directions[index % len(directions)]
class OTPException():
class OTPNotFoundException(OTPException):
class OTPClient(object):
BASE_URL = '%s/otp/routers/default/' % settings.OTP_HOST
def _request(cls, url_path, api_resource='index', params=None):
url = '%s%s%s' % (cls.BASE_URL, api_resource, url_path)
resp = requests.get(url, params=params)
if resp.status_code == 200:
return resp.json()
if resp.status_code == 404:
raise OTPNotFoundException()
return None
def stops(cls, lat, lon, radius):
params = {
'lat': lat,
'lon': lon,
'radius': radius
return cls._request('/stops/', params=params)
def stop_info(cls, stop_id):
return cls._request('/stops/%s/' % stop_id)
def stop_routes(cls, stop_id):
return cls._request('/stops/%s/routes/' % stop_id)
def stop_times(cls, stop_id):
params = {
'omitNonPickups': True,
'numberOfDepartures': 3,
'startTime': int(time.time()),
'timeRange': 2700
return cls._request(
'/stops/%s/stoptimes/' % stop_id, params=params)
def route_stops(cls, route_id):
return cls._request('/routes/%s/stops/' % route_id)
def route_trips(cls, route_id):
return cls._request('/routes/%s/trips' % route_id)
def trip_info(cls, trip_id):
return cls._request('/trips/%s/' % trip_id)
def trip_stop_times(cls, trip_id):
return cls._request('/trips/%s/stoptimes/' % trip_id)
def trip_geometry(cls, trip_id):
resp = cls._request('/trips/%s/geometry/' % trip_id)
return resp
def parse_pattern_description(cls, parsers, value):
_to, _from = None, None
for item in parsers:
match = item['regex'].match(value)
if match:
if item['to']:
_to =['to'])
if item['from']:
_from =['from'])
# removing stop id from the name
if _to:
_to = regex_stop_id.sub('', _to).strip()
if _from:
_from = regex_stop_id.sub('', _from).strip()
return _to, _from
def serialize_time(cls, _time, current_unix_timestamp=None):
data = {
'arrivalDelay': _time['arrivalDelay'],
# 'blockId': time['blockId'],
# 'departureDelay': time['departureDelay'],
'headsign': _time.get('headsign'),
# 'realtime': time['realtime'],
'rA': _time['realtimeArrival'],
# 'realtimeDeparture': time['realtimeDeparture'],
# 'realtimeState': time['realtimeState'],
# 'scheduledArrival': time['scheduledArrival'],
# 'scheduledDeparture': time['scheduledDeparture'],
'serviceDay': _time['serviceDay'],
# 'stopId': time['stopId'],
'timepoint': _time['timepoint'],
'tripId': _time['tripId']
if current_unix_timestamp:
data['rAM'] = (_time['serviceDay'] + _time['realtimeArrival'] - current_unix_timestamp) // 60
return data
def serialize_stop_time(cls, item, current_unix_timestamp=None, stops=None):
data = {
'rA': item['realtimeArrival'],
'stopid': item['stopId'],
'serviceDay': item['serviceDay'],
'headsign': item.get('headsign')
if current_unix_timestamp:
data['rAM'] = (item['serviceDay'] + item['realtimeArrival'] - current_unix_timestamp) // 60
if stops:
data['stop'] = stops.get(item['stopId'])
return data
def trip_details(cls, trip_id):
trip_info = cls.trip_info(trip_id)
route_stops = cls.route_stops(trip_info['route']['id'])
dict_stops = dict([(stop['id'], stop) for stop in route_stops])
geometry = cls.trip_geometry(trip_id)
stops = cls.trip_stop_times(trip_id)
current_unix_timestamp = int(time.time())
stops = [cls.serialize_stop_time(item, current_unix_timestamp=current_unix_timestamp,
stops=dict_stops) for item in stops]
p1 = (stops[0]['stop']['lat'], stops[0]['stop']['lon'])
p2 = (stops[-1]['stop']['lat'], stops[-1]['stop']['lon'])
compass_bearing = calculate_initial_compass_bearing(p1, p2)
cardinal_direction = get_cardinal_direction(compass_bearing)
except Exception:
cardinal_direction = None
return {
'route': trip_info['route'],
'geometry': geometry,
'stops': stops,
'cardinal_direction': cardinal_direction
def get_and_group_arrivals(cls, dict_stops, dict_routes, alerts=None, exclude_stop_at_response=False,
current_unix_timestamp = int(time.time())
grouped_arrivals = {}
for stop_id in dict_stops.keys():
for item in cls.stop_times(stop_id):
pattern = item['pattern']
pattern_bits = pattern['id'].split(':')
route_id = ':'.join(pattern_bits[0:2])
route_id_without_prefix = pattern_bits[1]
if similar_to_trip and (
similar_to_trip['directionId'] != pattern_bits[2] or
similar_to_trip['route']['id'] != route_id):
# filtering times
times = (time for time in item['times']
if 0 <= (time['serviceDay'] + time['realtimeArrival'] - current_unix_timestamp) <= 2700 and
time['stopIndex'] + 1 < time['stopCount'])
for _time in times:
key = ":".join((pattern['id'], _time['stopId'], ))
if key not in grouped_arrivals:
_to, _from = cls.parse_pattern_description(regex_to_from, pattern['desc'])
if not _to:
_to = _time.get('headsign')
# match and attach alerts
matched_alerts = get_matched_alerts(alerts, route_id_without_prefix, stop_id) if alerts else []
grouped_arrivals[key] = {
'route': dict_routes[route_id],
'pattern': pattern,
'times': [cls.serialize_time(_time, current_unix_timestamp=current_unix_timestamp)],
'to': _to,
'from': _from,
'alerts': matched_alerts
if not exclude_stop_at_response:
grouped_arrivals[key]['stop'] = dict_stops[stop_id]
cls.serialize_time(_time, current_unix_timestamp=current_unix_timestamp))
# order times and cap to 3 times
for key, value in grouped_arrivals.items():
grouped_arrivals[key]['times'] = sorted(value['times'])[:3]
return grouped_arrivals.values()
def arrival_times(cls, lat, lon, radius=805, limit_stops=10, alerts=None):
stops = cls.stops(lat, lon, radius)
# sort stops by distance and take the 10 first stops
stops = sorted(stops, key=lambda item: item['dist'])[:limit_stops]
dict_stops = dict([(stop['id'], stop) for stop in stops])
dict_routes = {}
for stop_id in dict_stops.keys():
routes = cls.stop_routes(stop_id)
if not routes:
# remove stop_id from dict_stops since it has not routes
dict_routes.update(dict([(route['id'], route) for route in routes]))
return cls.get_and_group_arrivals(dict_stops, dict_routes, alerts=alerts)
def arrival_times_by_stop(cls, stop_id, alerts=None, similar_to_trip=None):
if isinstance(stop_id, basestring):
stop_ids = [stop_id]
stop_ids = stop_id
if similar_to_trip:
trip_info = cls.trip_info(similar_to_trip)
trip_info = None
dict_stops = dict([(_stop_id, cls.stop_info(_stop_id)) for _stop_id in stop_ids])
dict_routes = {}
for _stop_id in dict_stops.keys():
routes = cls.stop_routes(_stop_id)
if not routes:
dict_routes.update(dict([(route['id'], route) for route in routes]))
if not dict_stops:
return []
exclude_stop_at_response = len(stop_ids) == 1
return cls.get_and_group_arrivals(
dict_stops, dict_routes, alerts=alerts, exclude_stop_at_response=exclude_stop_at_response,
def plan_trip(cls, fromPlace, toPlace, mode, optimize):
return cls._request('', api_resource='plan', params={
'arriveBy': False,
'fromPlace': fromPlace,
'toPlace': toPlace,
'maxWalkDistance': 1.4 * 1609.34,
'mode': mode,
'numItineraries': 1,
'optimize': optimize,
'wheelchair': False,
def bike_rental(cls, lower_left=None, upper_right=None):
params = {}
if lower_left and upper_right:
'lowerLeft': lower_left,
'upperRight': upper_right
response = cls._request('', api_resource='bike_rental', params=params)
return response
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