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Last active June 9, 2016 16:06
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# Plotting eigenvectors from PCA onto scatterplots
sigmat <- matrix(c(1,-.9,-.9,1), nrow=2)
cent <- c(8,3)
dat <- MASS::mvrnorm(n=100, mu=cent, Sigma=sigmat)
eig <- eigen(cov(dat))
plot(dat, xlim=cent[1]+c(-3,3)*sigmat[1,1],
ylim=cent[2]+c(-3,3)*sigmat[2,2], pch=19, col=grey(0.8))
# important concepts to remember:
# Eigenvectors:
# - Angles (in radians) between PC and original variables
# - cells representing loadings of variable i on PCj
# Eigenvalues:
# - Are variances of the new variables
# - var = SD^2
# - If data are multivariate normal, it'll have a range of approximately 4*SD
# - Therefore ~95% of the data should be between SD*c(-2,2) of the mean
scaleig <- 2*sqrt(eig$value)
meaneig <- colMeans(dat)
# For PCA1, we'll use the first eigenvalue and the first column of eigenvectors
# add mean to center on data
segments(x0= meaneig[1] - scaleig[1]*eig$vector[1,1],
y0= meaneig[2] - scaleig[1]*eig$vector[2,1],
x1= meaneig[1] + scaleig[1]*eig$vector[1,1],
y1= meaneig[2] + scaleig[1]*eig$vector[2,1],
# For PCA2, we'll use the second eigenvalue and the second column of eigenvectors
# add mean to center on data
segments(x0= meaneig[1] - scaleig[2]*eig$vector[1,2],
y0= meaneig[2] - scaleig[2]*eig$vector[2,2],
x1= meaneig[1] + scaleig[2]*eig$vector[1,2],
y1= meaneig[2] + scaleig[2]*eig$vector[2,2],
# validating
# calculated different ways (got from the internet)
eigScl <- eig$vector %*% diag(sqrt(eig$value)) # scale eigenvectors to length = square-root
xMat <- rbind(meaneig[1] + eigScl[1, ], meaneig[1] - eigScl[1, ])
yMat <- rbind(meaneig[2] + eigScl[2, ], meaneig[2] - eigScl[2, ])
matlines(xMat, yMat, lty=1, lwd=2.5, col="#ec7014")
car::ellipse(center=meaneig, shape=sigmat, radius=2, col="#238443", lty=2, center.cex=0)
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