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Created February 10, 2009 18:57
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[~/dev/jruby-rack(master)] mvn install
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
WAGON_VERSION: 1.0-beta-2
[INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building JRuby-Rack
[INFO] task-segment: [install]
[INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] [jruby-rake:rake {execution: unpack-gem}]
[INFO] rake already installed
[INFO] (in /Users/richmanalang/dev/jruby-rack)
[WARNING] cp -r src/spec/ruby/merb/gems/gems/merb-core-0.9.7/lib/merb-core target/test-classes
[WARNING] cp -r src/spec/ruby/merb/gems/gems/merb-core-0.9.7/lib/merb-core.rb target/test-classes
[WARNING] cp -r src/main/ruby/cgi target/classes
[WARNING] cp -r src/main/ruby/jruby target/classes
[WARNING] cp -r src/main/ruby/rack target/classes
[WARNING] cp -r target/rack/lib/rack target/classes
[WARNING] cp -r target/rack/lib/rack.rb target/classes
[WARNING] mkdir -p target/classes/META-INF
[WARNING] cp src/main/tld/jruby-rack.tld target/classes/META-INF
[INFO] [resources:resources]
[INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] [compiler:compile]
[INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date
[INFO] [resources:testResources]
[INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] [compiler:testCompile]
[INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date
[INFO] [surefire:test]
[INFO] Surefire report directory: /Users/richmanalang/dev/jruby-rack/target/surefire-reports
There are no tests to run.
Results :
Tests run: 0, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
[INFO] [jruby-rake:rake {execution: spec}]
[INFO] rake already installed
[INFO] (in /Users/richmanalang/dev/jruby-rack)
[WARNING] JRuby limited openssl loaded. gem install jruby-openssl for full support.
[INFO] CGI::Session::JavaServletStore
[INFO] - should raise an error if the servlet request is not present
[INFO] CGI::Session::JavaServletStore#restore
[INFO] - should do nothing if no session established
[INFO] - should do nothing if the session does not have anything in it
[INFO] - should retrieve the marshalled session from the java session
[INFO] - should retrieve values from other keys in the session
[INFO] - should retrieve java objects in the session
[INFO] CGI::Session::JavaServletStore#update
[INFO] - should do nothing if the session data is empty
[INFO] - should marshal the session to the java session
[INFO] - should store entries with string keys and values as java session attributes
[INFO] - should store numeric, nil, or boolean values as java session attributes
[INFO] - should store java object values as java session attributes
[INFO] - should not store entries with non-primitive values in the java session
[INFO] CGI::Session::JavaServletStore#close
[INFO] - should do the same as update
[INFO] CGI::Session::JavaServletStore#delete
[INFO] - should invalidate the servlet session
[INFO] - should do nothing if no session is established
[INFO] CGI::Session::JavaServletStore#generate_digest
[INFO] - should look for the secret in the java session
[INFO] - should generate a secret from the java session id and last accessed time
[INFO] JRuby::Rack::Errors
[INFO] - should determine the response status code based on the exception in the servlet attribute
[INFO] - should return 503 if there is a nested InterruptedException
[INFO] - should invoke the file server with PATH_INFO=/500.html
[INFO] - should cache responses from the file server
[INFO] - should expand and cache the body of the file
[INFO] JRuby::Rack::MerbServletHelper
[INFO] - should determine app_path from the 'merb.root' init parameter
[INFO] - should default app_path to /WEB-INF
[INFO] - should determine merb_environment from the 'merb.environment' init parameter
[INFO] - should default merb_environment to 'production'
[INFO] - should determine the public html root from the 'public.root' init parameter
[INFO] - should default public root to '/WEB-INF/public'
[INFO] - should create a Logger that writes messages to the servlet context
[INFO] Java::OrgJrubyRackMerb::MerbRackApplicationFactory getApplication
[INFO] - should load the Merb environment and return an application
[INFO] JRuby::Rack::Queues
[INFO] - #with_jms_connection should yield a JMS connection
[INFO] - #publish_message should create a session, producer and message
[INFO] - #publish_message should accept a block that allows construction of the message
[INFO] - #publish_message should create a text message when handed a string message argument
[INFO] - #register_listener should ensure the queue manager is listening and store the listener
[INFO] - #unregister_listener should remove the listener and close the queue
[INFO] - #receive_message should raise an exception if there is no listener for the queue
[INFO] - #register_listener should allow multiple listeners per queue
[INFO] - #register_listener should only allow a given listener to be registered once per queue
[INFO] - #unregister_listener should only remove the given listener and not close the queue
[INFO] - should deliver the message to all listeners, but raise the first of any exceptions raised
[INFO] JRuby::Rack::Queues::MessageDispatcher
[INFO] - should dispatch to an object that responds to #on_jms_message and provide the JMS message
[INFO] - should unmarshal the message if the marshal payload property is set
[INFO] - should grab text out of the message if it responds to #getText
[INFO] - should pass the message through otherwise
[INFO] - should dispatch to a listener that responds to #call
[INFO] - should dispatch to a listener that responds to #on_message
[INFO] - should instantiate a class and dispatch to it
[INFO] - should log and re-raise any exceptions that are raised during dispatch
[INFO] - should raise an exception if it was unable to dispatch to anything
[INFO] JRuby::Rack::RailsServletHelper
[INFO] - should determine RAILS_ROOT from the 'rails.root' init parameter
[INFO] - should default RAILS_ROOT to /WEB-INF
[INFO] - should determine RAILS_ENV from the 'rails.env' init parameter
[INFO] - should default RAILS_ENV to 'production'
[INFO] - should determine the public html root from the 'public.root' init parameter
[INFO] - should default public root to '/WEB-INF/public'
[INFO] - should create a log device that writes messages to the servlet context
[INFO] - should setup java servlet-based sessions if the session store is the default
[INFO] - should turn off Ruby CGI cookies if the java servlet store is used
[INFO] - should provide the servlet request in the session options if the java servlet store is used
[INFO] - should set the PUBLIC_ROOT constant to the location of the public root
[INFO] JRuby::Rack::RailsServletHelper#load_environment
[INFO] - should default the page cache directory to the public root
[INFO] - should default the session store to the java servlet session store
[INFO] - should set the ActionView ASSETS_DIR constant to the public root
[INFO] - should set the ActionView JAVASCRIPTS_DIR constant to the public root/javascripts
[INFO] - should set the ActionView STYLESHEETS_DIR constant to the public root/stylesheets
[INFO] JRuby::Rack Rails controller extensions
[INFO] - should add a #servlet_request method to ActionController::Base
[INFO] - should add a #forward_to method for forwarding to another servlet
[INFO] JRuby::Rack::RailsRequestSetup
[INFO] - should set up the env hash for Rails
[INFO] - should set env['HTTPS'] == 'on' if env['rack.url_scheme] == 'https'
[INFO] JRuby::Rack::Response
[INFO] - should return the status, headers and body
[INFO] - should write the status to the servlet response
[INFO] - should write the headers to the servlet response
[INFO] - should write headers with multiple values multiple addHeader invocations
[INFO] - should call addIntHeader with integer value
[INFO] - should call addDateHeader with date value
[INFO] - should write the body to the servlet response
[INFO] - should write the status first, followed by the headers, and the body last
[INFO] - should forward the request if the special 'Forward' header is present
[INFO] Java::JavaxServletHttp::HttpServletRequest
[INFO] - should allow #[] to access request attributes
[INFO] - should stringify the key, allowing symbols to be used as keys
[INFO] - should allow #[]= to set request attributes
[INFO] - should give an array of keys from getAttributeNames
[INFO] Java::JavaxServletHttp::HttpSession
[INFO] - should allow #[] to access session attributes
[INFO] - should stringify the key, allowing symbols to be used as keys
[INFO] - should allow #[]= to set session attributes
[INFO] - should give an array of keys from getAttributeNames
[INFO] JRuby::Rack::ServletHelper
[INFO] - should determine the public html root from the 'public.root' init parameter
[INFO] - should convert public.root to not have any trailing slashes
[INFO] - should default public root to '/WEB-INF/public'
[INFO] - should determine the gem path from the gem.path init parameter
[INFO] - should default gem path to '/WEB-INF/gems'
[INFO] - should set Gem.path to the value of gem_path
[INFO] - should create a logger that writes messages to the servlet context
[INFO] - should allow a custom initializer script to be evaluated as the helper is initialized
[INFO] JRuby::Rack::Queues::ActiveMQ
[INFO] - configure should start the queue manager and register an at_exit handler to stop it
[INFO] - should put the specified URL in the JNDI properties
[INFO] - should put the username and password in the JNDI properties if present
[INFO] - should add one queue entry for each named queue
[INFO] - should add one topic entry for each named topic
[INFO] JRuby::Rack::Queues::MessagePublisher
[INFO] - should delegate #publish_message to JRuby::Rack::Queues::Registry.publish_message
[INFO] - should allow setting up a default queue name with MessagePublisher::To()
[INFO] - should allow setting up a default queue name with #default_destination
[INFO] - should ignore unnecessary extra arguments
[INFO] - should allow omitting the message argument and specifying a block
[INFO] JRuby::Rack::Queues::ActsAsMessagePublisher in objects
[INFO] - should add an acts_as_publisher method
[INFO] - should add a publish_message method
[INFO] - should setup a default destination when called with a parameter
[INFO] JRuby::Rack::Queues::ActsAsMessagePublisher in classes
[INFO] - should add a publish_message instance method
[INFO] ActiveRecord::Base
[INFO] - should respond to acts_as_publisher
[INFO] - should have a publish_message method when acts_as_publisher is called.
[INFO] - should have a publish_message and default_destination when acts_as_publisher is called with a queue name.
[INFO] ActionController::Base
[INFO] - should respond to acts_as_publisher
[INFO] - should respond to publish_message when acts_as_publisher is called.
[INFO] - should respond to default_destination when acts_as_publisher is called with a queue name.
[INFO] JRuby::Rack::Queues::MessageSubscriber
[INFO] - should allow publishing to a queue when including the module
[INFO] JRuby::Rack::Queues::ActsAsMessageSubscriber
[INFO] - should add an acts_as_subscriber when included
[INFO] - should include MessageSubscriber when acts_as_subscriber is called
[INFO] ActiveRecord::Base
[INFO] - should respond to acts_as_subscriber
[INFO] - should respond to subscribe_to when acts_as_subscriber is called.
[INFO] ActionController::Base
[INFO] - should respond to acts_as_subscriber
[INFO] - should have a subscribes_to method when acts_as_subscriber is called.
[INFO] Java::OrgJrubyRack::DefaultRackApplication call
[INFO] - should invoke the call method on the ruby object and return the rack response
[INFO] Java::OrgJrubyRack::DefaultRackApplicationFactory init
[INFO] - should create an error application
[INFO] Java::OrgJrubyRack::DefaultRackApplicationFactory newRuntime
[INFO] - should create a new Ruby runtime with the rack environment pre-loaded
[INFO] - should initialize the $servlet_context global variable
[INFO] Java::OrgJrubyRack::DefaultRackApplicationFactory newApplication
[INFO] - should create a Ruby object from the script snippet given
[INFO] - should raise an exception if creation failed
[INFO] - should change directories to /WEB-INF during application initialization
[INFO] Java::OrgJrubyRack::DefaultRackApplicationFactory getApplication
[INFO] - should create an application and initialize it
[INFO] Java::OrgJrubyRack::DefaultRackApplicationFactory finishedWithApplication
[INFO] - should call destroy on the application object
[INFO] Java::OrgJrubyRack::DefaultRackApplicationFactory destroy
[INFO] - should call destroy on the error application
[INFO] Java::OrgJrubyRack::PoolingRackApplicationFactory
[INFO] - should initialize the delegate factory when initialized
[INFO] - should start out empty
[INFO] - should create a new application when empty
[INFO] - should accept an existing application and put it back in the pool
[INFO] - should call destroy on all cached applications when destroyed
[INFO] - should create applications during initialization according
[INFO] to the jruby.min.runtimes context parameter
[INFO] - should not create any new applications beyond the maximum specified
[INFO] by the jruby.max.runtimes context parameter
[INFO] - should also recognize the jruby.pool.minIdle and jruby.pool.maxActive parameters from Goldspike
[INFO] - should force the maximum size to be greater or equal to the initial size
[INFO] - should retrieve the error application from the delegate factory
[INFO] Java::OrgJrubyRack::SharedRackApplicationFactory
[INFO] - should initialize the delegate factory and create the shared application when initialized
[INFO] - should throw a servlet exception if the shared application cannot be initialized
[INFO] - should return a valid application object even if initialization fails
[INFO] - should return the same application for any newApplication or getApplication call
[INFO] - should call destroy on the shared application when destroyed
[INFO] - should retrieve the error application from the delegate factory
[INFO] Java::OrgJrubyRackServlet::DefaultServletDispatcher process
[INFO] - should retrieve a RackApplication and call it
[INFO] - should let the error application handle the error if the application could not be initialized
[INFO] - should stop processing on error if the response is already committed
[INFO] - should send a 500 error if the error application can't successfully handle the error
[INFO] Java::OrgJrubyRack::RackFilter
[INFO] - should dispatch the filter chain and finish if the chain resulted in a successful response
[INFO] - should finish if the chain resulted in a redirect
[INFO] - should dispatch to the rack dispatcher if the chain resulted in a client or server error
[INFO] - should allow downstream entities to flush the buffer in the case of a successful response
[INFO] - should not allow downstream entities in the chain to flush the buffer in the case of an error
[INFO] - should dispatch /some/uri/index to the filter chain as /some/uri/index.html
[INFO] - should dispatch /some/uri/index.html unchanged
[INFO] - should dispatch to /some/uri.html if there is no path info
[INFO] Java::OrgJrubyRackJms::QueueContextListener
[INFO] - should create a new QueueManager, initialize it and store it in the application context
[INFO] - should capture exceptions during initialization and log them to the servlet context
[INFO] - should remove the QueueManager and destroy it
[INFO] Java::OrgJrubyRackJms::DefaultQueueManager
[INFO] - should set up a connection with a message listener
[INFO] - should shutdown a connection when closed
[INFO] Java::OrgJrubyRack::RackServletContextListener contextInitialized
[INFO] - should create a Rack application factory and store it in the context
[INFO] - should initialize it
[INFO] - should log an error if initialize failed
[INFO] Java::OrgJrubyRack::RackServletContextListener contextDestroyed
[INFO] - should remove the application factory from the servlet context
[INFO] - should destroy it
[INFO] - should do nothing if no application is found in the context
[INFO] Java::OrgJrubyRack::RackServlet service
[INFO] - should delegate to process (ERROR - 1)
[INFO] Java::OrgJrubyRackServlet::ServletRackContext getRealPath
[INFO] - should use getResource when getRealPath returns nil
[INFO] Java::OrgJrubyRack::RackTag
[INFO] - should be able to construct a new tag
[INFO] - should get an application and return it to the pool
[INFO] - should return the application to the pool even when an exception is thrown
[INFO] - should create a request wrapper and invoke the application
[INFO] - should override the path, query params, and http method of the request
[INFO] - should write the response back to the page
[INFO] Rack::Adapter::Rails
[INFO] - should serve a static file first if it exists
[INFO] - should serve a static file with the page cache extension second if it exists
[INFO] - should serve Rails last if no static files are found for the request
[INFO] - should not look for static files if 'rack.dynamic.requests.only' is present in the environment
[INFO] Rack::Adapter::RailsCgi::CGIWrapper#header
[INFO] - should set the Content-Type from the 'type' key in the options
[INFO] - should set the Content-Length if present
[INFO] - should set the Content-Language and Expires from language and expires options
[INFO] - should set the status from the status option
[INFO] - should set cookies as an array of strings in the Set-Cookie header
[INFO] - should not set the Set-Cookie header if the cookie option is an empty array
[INFO] - should pass any other options through as headers
[INFO] Rack::Handler::Servlet create_env
[INFO] - should create a hash with the Rack variables in it
[INFO] - should add all attributes from the servlet request
[INFO] - should be able to override cgi variables with request attributes of the same name
[INFO] - should be able to override headers with request attributes named HTTP_*
[INFO] - should not be able to override CONTENT_TYPE or CONTENT_LENGTH to nil
[INFO] - should set the input and error keys
[INFO] - should add cgi variables
[INFO] - should add all variables under normal operation
[INFO] - should set environment variables to the empty string if their value is nil
[INFO] - should calculate path info from the servlet path and the path info
[INFO] - should include query string in the request URI
[INFO] - should put content type and content length in the hash without the HTTP_ prefix
[INFO] - should put the other headers in the hash upcased and underscored and prefixed with HTTP_
[INFO] - should handle header names that have more than one dash in them
[INFO] Rack::Handler::Servlet call
[INFO] - should delegate to the inner application after constructing the env hash
[INFO] Java::OrgJrubyRackRails::RailsRackApplicationFactory getApplication
[INFO] - should load the Rails environment and return an application
[INFO] 1)
[INFO] NativeException in 'Java::OrgJrubyRack::RackServlet service should delegate to process'
[INFO] java.lang.NullPointerException: null
[INFO] javax/servlet/http/ `service'
[INFO] sun/reflect/ `invoke0'
[INFO] sun/reflect/ `invoke'
[INFO] sun/reflect/ `invoke'
[INFO] java/lang/reflect/ `invoke'
[INFO] org/jruby/javasupport/ `invokeWithExceptionHandling'
[INFO] org/jruby/javasupport/ `invoke'
[INFO] org/jruby/java/invokers/ `call'
[INFO] org/jruby/runtime/callsite/ `cacheAndCall'
[INFO] org/jruby/runtime/callsite/ `call'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/runtime/ `evalBlockBody'
[INFO] org/jruby/runtime/ `yield'
[INFO] org/jruby/runtime/ `yield'
[INFO] org/jruby/ `yieldUnder'
[INFO] org/jruby/ `specificEval'
[INFO] org/jruby/ `instance_eval'
[INFO] org/jruby/org/jruby/RubyObject$i_method_multi$RUBYFRAMEDINVOKER$instance_eval.gen:-1:in `call'
[INFO] org/jruby/runtime/callsite/ `cacheAndCall'
[INFO] org/jruby/runtime/callsite/ `call'
[INFO] ruby/jit/ruby/Users/richmanalang/dev/jruby_minus_rack/Users/richmanalang/$_dot_m2/repository/org/jruby/jruby_minus_complete/$1_dot_1_dot_6/jruby_minus_complete_minus_1_dot_1_dot_6_dot_jar/META_minus_INF/jruby_dot_home/lib/ruby/gems/$1_dot_8/gems/rspec_minus_1_dot_1_dot_11/lib/spec/example/example_methods/example_methods.rb:81:in `__file__'
[INFO] org/jruby/internal/runtime/methods/ `call'
[INFO] org/jruby/runtime/callsite/ `cacheAndCall'
[INFO] org/jruby/runtime/callsite/ `call'
[INFO] ruby/jit/ruby/Users/richmanalang/dev/jruby_minus_rack/Users/richmanalang/$_dot_m2/repository/org/jruby/jruby_minus_complete/$1_dot_1_dot_6/jruby_minus_complete_minus_1_dot_1_dot_6_dot_jar/META_minus_INF/jruby_dot_home/lib/ruby/gems/$1_dot_8/gems/rspec_minus_1_dot_1_dot_11/lib/spec/example/example_methods/example_methods.rb:15:in `rescue_1$RUBY$__rescue___0'
[INFO] ruby/jit/ruby/Users/richmanalang/dev/jruby_minus_rack/Users/richmanalang/$_dot_m2/repository/org/jruby/jruby_minus_complete/$1_dot_1_dot_6/jruby_minus_complete_minus_1_dot_1_dot_6_dot_jar/META_minus_INF/jruby_dot_home/lib/ruby/gems/$1_dot_8/gems/rspec_minus_1_dot_1_dot_11/lib/spec/example/example_methods/example_methods.rb:13:in `block_0$RUBY$__block__'
[INFO]$$1_dot_1_dot_6.jruby_minus_complete_minus_1_dot_1_dot_6_dot_jar.META_minus_INF.jruby_dot_home.lib.ruby.gems.$1_dot_8.gems.rspec_minus_1_dot_1_dot_11.lib.spec.example.example_methods.execute1995117351_230777035BlockCallback$block_0$RUBY$__block__xx1:-1:in `call'
[INFO] org/jruby/runtime/ `yield'
[INFO] org/jruby/runtime/ `yield'
[INFO] ruby/jit/ruby/Users/richmanalang/dev/jruby_minus_rack/Users/richmanalang/$_dot_m2/repository/org/jruby/jruby_minus_complete/$1_dot_1_dot_6/jruby_minus_complete_minus_1_dot_1_dot_6_dot_jar/timeout/timeout.rb:48:in `__file__'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/executable/ `__file__'
[INFO] org/jruby/internal/runtime/methods/ `call'
[INFO] org/jruby/internal/runtime/methods/ `call'
[INFO] org/jruby/runtime/callsite/ `callIter'
[INFO] ruby/jit/ruby/Users/richmanalang/dev/jruby_minus_rack/Users/richmanalang/$_dot_m2/repository/org/jruby/jruby_minus_complete/$1_dot_1_dot_6/jruby_minus_complete_minus_1_dot_1_dot_6_dot_jar/META_minus_INF/jruby_dot_home/lib/ruby/gems/$1_dot_8/gems/rspec_minus_1_dot_1_dot_11/lib/spec/example/example_methods/example_methods.rb:12:in `__file__'
[INFO] org/jruby/internal/runtime/methods/ `call'
[INFO] org/jruby/runtime/callsite/ `cacheAndCall'
[INFO] org/jruby/runtime/callsite/ `call'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/runtime/ `evalBlockBody'
[INFO] org/jruby/runtime/ `yield'
[INFO] org/jruby/runtime/ `yield'
[INFO] org/jruby/ `each'
[INFO] org/jruby/org/jruby/RubyArray$i_method_0_0$RUBYFRAMEDINVOKER$each.gen:-1:in `call'
[INFO] org/jruby/runtime/callsite/ `call'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/internal/runtime/methods/ `interpretedCall'
[INFO] org/jruby/internal/runtime/methods/ `call'
[INFO] org/jruby/internal/runtime/methods/ `call'
[INFO] org/jruby/runtime/callsite/ `cacheAndCall'
[INFO] org/jruby/runtime/callsite/ `call'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/internal/runtime/methods/ `interpretedCall'
[INFO] org/jruby/internal/runtime/methods/ `call'
[INFO] org/jruby/internal/runtime/methods/ `call'
[INFO] org/jruby/runtime/callsite/ `cacheAndCall'
[INFO] org/jruby/runtime/callsite/ `call'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/runtime/ `evalBlockBody'
[INFO] org/jruby/runtime/ `yield'
[INFO] org/jruby/runtime/ `yield'
[INFO] org/jruby/ `each'
[INFO] org/jruby/org/jruby/RubyArray$i_method_0_0$RUBYFRAMEDINVOKER$each.gen:-1:in `call'
[INFO] org/jruby/runtime/callsite/ `cacheAndCall'
[INFO] org/jruby/runtime/callsite/ `call'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/internal/runtime/methods/ `interpretedCall'
[INFO] org/jruby/internal/runtime/methods/ `call'
[INFO] org/jruby/internal/runtime/methods/ `call'
[INFO] org/jruby/runtime/callsite/ `cacheAndCall'
[INFO] org/jruby/runtime/callsite/ `call'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/internal/runtime/methods/ `interpretedCall'
[INFO] org/jruby/internal/runtime/methods/ `call'
[INFO] org/jruby/internal/runtime/methods/ `call'
[INFO] org/jruby/runtime/callsite/ `cacheAndCall'
[INFO] org/jruby/runtime/callsite/ `call'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/internal/runtime/methods/ `interpretedCall'
[INFO] org/jruby/internal/runtime/methods/ `call'
[INFO] org/jruby/internal/runtime/methods/ `call'
[INFO] org/jruby/runtime/callsite/ `cacheAndCall'
[INFO] org/jruby/runtime/callsite/ `call'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/ast/ `interpret'
[INFO] org/jruby/ `loadFile'
[INFO] org/jruby/runtime/load/ `load'
[INFO] org/jruby/runtime/load/ `load'
[INFO] org/jruby/ `load'
[INFO] org/jruby/org/jruby/RubyKernel$s_method_0_1$RUBYFRAMEDINVOKER$load.gen:-1:in `call'
[INFO] org/jruby/internal/runtime/methods/ `call'
[INFO] org/jruby/internal/runtime/methods/ `call'
[INFO] org/jruby/runtime/callsite/ `cacheAndCall'
[INFO] org/jruby/runtime/callsite/ `call'
[INFO] Users/richmanalang/$_dot_gem/ruby/$1_dot_8/bin/spec:19:in `__file__'
[INFO] Users/richmanalang/$_dot_gem/ruby/$1_dot_8/bin/spec:-1:in `__file__'
[INFO] Users/richmanalang/$_dot_gem/ruby/$1_dot_8/bin/spec:-1:in `load'
[INFO] org/jruby/ `runScript'
[WARNING] rake aborted!
[WARNING] Command failed with status (1): [file:/Users/richmanalang/.m2/repository/or...]
[WARNING] /Users/richmanalang/dev/jruby-rack/rakefile:94
[WARNING] (See full trace by running task with --trace)
[INFO] org/jruby/ `runNormally'
[INFO] org/jruby/ `runFromMain'
[INFO] org/jruby/ `run'
[INFO] org/jruby/ `run'
[INFO] org/jruby/util/ `run'
[INFO] java/lang/ `run'
[INFO] file:/Users/richmanalang/.m2/repository/org/jruby/jruby-complete/1.1.6/jruby-complete-1.1.6.jar!/META-INF/jruby.home/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rspec-1.1.11/lib/spec/example/example_methods.rb:81:in `instance_eval'
[INFO] file:/Users/richmanalang/.m2/repository/org/jruby/jruby-complete/1.1.6/jruby-complete-1.1.6.jar!/META-INF/jruby.home/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rspec-1.1.11/lib/spec/example/example_methods.rb:81:in `eval_block'
[INFO] file:/Users/richmanalang/.m2/repository/org/jruby/jruby-complete/1.1.6/jruby-complete-1.1.6.jar!/META-INF/jruby.home/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rspec-1.1.11/lib/spec/example/example_methods.rb:15:in `execute'
[INFO] file:/Users/richmanalang/.m2/repository/org/jruby/jruby-complete/1.1.6/jruby-complete-1.1.6.jar!/timeout.rb:48:in `timeout'
[INFO] file:/Users/richmanalang/.m2/repository/org/jruby/jruby-complete/1.1.6/jruby-complete-1.1.6.jar!/META-INF/jruby.home/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rspec-1.1.11/lib/spec/example/example_methods.rb:12:in `execute'
[INFO] file:/Users/richmanalang/.m2/repository/org/jruby/jruby-complete/1.1.6/jruby-complete-1.1.6.jar!/META-INF/jruby.home/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rspec-1.1.11/lib/spec/example/example_group_methods.rb:245:in `execute_examples'
[INFO] file:/Users/richmanalang/.m2/repository/org/jruby/jruby-complete/1.1.6/jruby-complete-1.1.6.jar!/META-INF/jruby.home/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rspec-1.1.11/lib/spec/example/example_group_methods.rb:244:in `each'
[INFO] file:/Users/richmanalang/.m2/repository/org/jruby/jruby-complete/1.1.6/jruby-complete-1.1.6.jar!/META-INF/jruby.home/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rspec-1.1.11/lib/spec/example/example_group_methods.rb:244:in `execute_examples'
[INFO] file:/Users/richmanalang/.m2/repository/org/jruby/jruby-complete/1.1.6/jruby-complete-1.1.6.jar!/META-INF/jruby.home/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rspec-1.1.11/lib/spec/example/example_group_methods.rb:141:in `run'
[INFO] file:/Users/richmanalang/.m2/repository/org/jruby/jruby-complete/1.1.6/jruby-complete-1.1.6.jar!/META-INF/jruby.home/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rspec-1.1.11/lib/spec/runner/example_group_runner.rb:22:in `run'
[INFO] file:/Users/richmanalang/.m2/repository/org/jruby/jruby-complete/1.1.6/jruby-complete-1.1.6.jar!/META-INF/jruby.home/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rspec-1.1.11/lib/spec/runner/example_group_runner.rb:21:in `each'
[INFO] file:/Users/richmanalang/.m2/repository/org/jruby/jruby-complete/1.1.6/jruby-complete-1.1.6.jar!/META-INF/jruby.home/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rspec-1.1.11/lib/spec/runner/example_group_runner.rb:21:in `run'
[INFO] file:/Users/richmanalang/.m2/repository/org/jruby/jruby-complete/1.1.6/jruby-complete-1.1.6.jar!/META-INF/jruby.home/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rspec-1.1.11/lib/spec/runner/options.rb:115:in `run_examples'
[INFO] file:/Users/richmanalang/.m2/repository/org/jruby/jruby-complete/1.1.6/jruby-complete-1.1.6.jar!/META-INF/jruby.home/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rspec-1.1.11/lib/spec/runner/command_line.rb:10:in `run'
[INFO] file:/Users/richmanalang/.m2/repository/org/jruby/jruby-complete/1.1.6/jruby-complete-1.1.6.jar!/META-INF/jruby.home/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rspec-1.1.11/bin/spec:4
[INFO] file:/Users/richmanalang/.m2/repository/org/jruby/jruby-complete/1.1.6/jruby-complete-1.1.6.jar!/META-INF/jruby.home/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rspec-1.1.11/bin/spec:19:in `load'
[INFO] /Users/richmanalang/.gem/ruby/1.8/bin/spec:19:
[INFO] Finished in 16.133209 seconds
[INFO] 206 examples, 1 failure
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Java returned: 1
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Trace
Java returned: 1
at org.jruby.maven.RakeMojo.execute(
at org.apache.maven.plugin.DefaultPluginManager.executeMojo(
at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleExecutor.executeGoals(
at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleExecutor.executeGoalWithLifecycle(
at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleExecutor.executeGoal(
at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleExecutor.executeGoalAndHandleFailures(
at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleExecutor.executeTaskSegments(
at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleExecutor.execute(
at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.doExecute(
at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.execute(
at org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.main(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.launchEnhanced(
at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.launch(
at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.mainWithExitCode(
at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.main(
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 39 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Tue Feb 10 10:57:45 PST 2009
[INFO] Final Memory: 18M/220M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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