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Created March 3, 2009 23:11
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gem install actionmailer actionpack actionwebservice activerecord activerecord-jdbc-adapter activeresource activesupport acts_as_ferret addressable addresslogic andre-geokit ar_mailer arrayfields attributes authlogic bcrypt-ruby bj bones capistrano cgi_multipart_eof_fix cheat cldwalker-console_update cmdparse columnize configuration daemons data_objects diff-lcs directory_watcher dm-aggregates dm-core dm-migrations dm-timestamps dm-types dm-validations dnssd do_sqlite3 dust echoe eventmachine extlib facets faker fast_xs fastercsv fastthread fattr fcgi feedvalidator ferret flexmock foca-integrity foca-sinatra-diddies gem_plugin giraffesoft-is_taggable giraffesoft-timeline_fu gitjour grit haml hawler highline hoe hpricot httpclient jamis-fuzzy_file_finder jeremymcanally-context jeremymcanally-matchy jeremymcanally-pending jeremymcanally-stump josevalim-rails-footnotes json kode launchy libxml-ruby linecache lockfile logging mailfactory main maruku memcache-client mime-types mislav-will_paginate mocha mojombo-grit mongrel mysql ncr-background_fu needle net-scp net-sftp net-ssh net-ssh-gateway nifty-generators notahat-machinist open4 orderedhash passenger rack rails rak rake ramaze rapt rcov RedCloth redgreen rest-client right_aws right_http_connection rspec rspec-rails ruby-debug ruby-debug-base ruby-net-ldap ruby-openid ruby-yadis rubyforge rubygems-update RubyInline rubynode rufus-scheduler searchlogic sinatra soap4r sources spec_ui sqlite3-ruby syntax systemu termios test-unit thin thor thoughtbot-paperclip thoughtbot-quietbacktrace thoughtbot-shoulda tlsmail unit_record uuidtools vim-ruby warbler webby webgen wirble ZenTest --no-rdoc --no-ri
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