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Created July 21, 2016 03:48
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Homebrew formula for OpenBR with pull #486
class Openbr < Formula
# This should just temporarily override the official homebrew formula
# until the next release. And it is pointing to a commit on the
# master git branch, so use at your own risk. It does seem
# to get things working with the latest Qt version on homebrew.
# See
# Copy the contents of this file to
# /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-science/openbr.rb
desc "Open Source Biometric Recognition"
homepage ""
version "1.1.0"
revision 1
# bottle do
# sha256 "0e9cecc03ce39f45e26c94a6854bdd1ab922f49cc307209fc008366f67bec309" => :el_capitan
# sha256 "a4809628fb738aee27b5a4ff7d5e3cfd86a788871c89601f1126b5eefc555e0b" => :yosemite
# sha256 "ad3e698e6a00c5e0a785811dd193a52a63f08f9856b13a4a6b216f913ab216d8" => :mavericks
# end
# Use git to get submodules
# url ""
# sha256 "42daf5dc1aa8e61ec8fc3305b0665cde952583ca674826e78e7ca48ae8f78821"
url "",
:revision => "3b12064c07e56251c59d8e899dd0f06523035536"
# :revision => "e6fbbaa60f74fb29bdb432f27f1683526cb84069",
# :tag => "v1.1.0"
head ""
depends_on "cmake" => :build
depends_on "qt5"
depends_on "opencv"
depends_on "eigen"
def install
mkdir "build" do
system "cmake", "..", *std_cmake_args
system "make", "install"
test do
system "#{bin}/br", "-version"
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As of this writing, I had to modify line 33 to get it working with the latest Homebrew dependencies

depends_on "opencv@2"

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