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Last active September 24, 2020 17:10
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Sorting classes for FQDNs and CIDR strings
# I like to add these to my PowerShell profile so I can more easily sort FQDNs and CIDR network strings.
# The FQDN sorter will sort based on the labels in reverse order. So .com's will sort near each other,
# everything within the same domain will sort near each other, etc.
# '','','','' | sort {[Fqdn]$_}
class Fqdn : IComparable
hidden [string] $_namespaceOrder = $null
$this.Fqdn = $_fqdn
if($other -isnot [Fqdn]){
throw [ArgumentException]::new('other')
return [string]::Compare(
hidden [string] GetNamespaceOrder()
if (-not $this._namespaceOrder) {
$labels = $this.Fqdn.Split('.')
$this._namespaceOrder = $labels -join '.'
return $this._namespaceOrder
return $this.Fqdn.ToString()
# The CIDR sorter expects strings such as,,
# It will sort by the IP portion first and if the IPs match, then use the mask integer.
# '','','' | sort {[Cidr]$_}
class Cidr : IComparable
hidden [version] $_ip
hidden [int] $_mask
$this.Cidr = $_Cidr
if ($other -isnot [Cidr]) {
throw [ArgumentException]::new('other')
$ipCompare = $this.GetIP().CompareTo($other.GetIP())
if (0 -ne $ipCompare) {
return $ipCompare
} else {
return ($this.GetMask().CompareTo($other.GetMask()))
hidden [version] GetIP()
if (-not $this._ip) {
$this._ip = [version]$this.Cidr.Substring(0, $this.Cidr.IndexOf('/'))
return $this._ip
hidden [int] GetMask()
if (-not $this._mask) {
$this._mask = [int]$this.Cidr.Substring($this.Cidr.IndexOf('/')+1)
return $this._mask
return $this.Cidr.ToString()
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