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Last active October 1, 2021 19:15
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Find Expired R3 Intermediate Certificates on Windows
#Requires -Version 5.1
#Requires -RunAsAdministrator
$InformationPreference = 'Continue'
if ($Quiet) { $InformationPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' }
# check the Local Computer Intermediate store
$hklmR3Path = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\CA\Certificates\48504E974C0DAC5B5CD476C8202274B24C8C7172"
Write-Information "Checking Local Computer Intermediate store"
if ($hklmR3 = (Get-Item $hklmR3Path -EA Ignore)) {
if ($Remediate) {
Write-Information " - Removing expired R3"
$hklmR3 | Remove-Item
else {
Write-Information " - Found expired R3"
# mount a PSDrive for HKEY_USERS if it doesn't already exist
if (-not (Get-PSDrive | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'HKU' })) {
Write-Verbose "Mounting HKEY_USERS to check SYSTEM user's hive"
New-PSDrive -Name HKU -PSProvider Registry -Root HKEY_USERS | Out-Null
# enumerate the currently loaded user hives
$hiveSIDs = Get-ChildItem HKU:\ | Where-Object {
$_.Name -notlike '*\.DEFAULT' -and $_.Name -notlike '*_Classes'
} | Sort-Object Name | ForEach-Object {
# check each user hive's Intermediate store
$hiveSIDs | ForEach-Object {
# try to translate the SID to a human-readable username
$sid = [System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new($_)
try {
$sidUsername = $sid.Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]).Value
} catch {
$sidUsername = $_
$r3Path = "HKU:\$_\Software\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\CA\Certificates\48504E974C0DAC5B5CD476C8202274B24C8C7172"
Write-Information "Checking $sidUsername Intermediate store"
if ($r3 = (Get-Item $r3Path -EA Ignore)) {
if ($Remediate) {
Write-Information " - Removing expired R3"
$r3 | Remove-Item
else {
Write-Information " - Found expired R3"
Find and optionally remove copies of Let's Encrypt's expired R3 intermediate certificate
Some Windows systems present certificate validation errors connecting to sites using Let's Encrypt certificates due to a cached copy of an expired intermediate certificate called R3. This script attempts to find those cached copies and optionally remove them.
You must be running PowerShell 5.1 as Administrator for this script to function properly.
.PARAMETER Remediate
If specified, the script will attempt to delete any copies of the expired R3 that it finds.
If specified, no console output will be produced. This should only be used with the -Remediate switch.
Check for copies of the expired R3 certificate, but do not remove them.
.\Find-ExpiredR3.ps1 -Remediate
Check for and remove copies of the expired R3 certificate.
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