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Last active December 8, 2021 19:46
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A simple visualization of Advent of Code 2021 - Day 8 part 2
A simple visualization of Advent of Code 2021 - Day 8 part 2
Get-Content .\d8.txt | .\d8-viz.ps1
Run visualization from input file
Get-Clipboard | .\d8-viz.ps1
Run visualization from clipboard input
Begin {
# pre-"render" all of the digits in a way that makes them easy
# to concatenate
$digits = @{
'0' = @(
' #### '
' # #'
' # #'
' '
' # #'
' # #'
' #### '
'1' = @(
' '
' #'
' #'
' '
' #'
' #'
' '
'2' = @(
' #### '
' #'
' #'
' #### '
' # '
' # '
' #### '
'3' = @(
' #### '
' #'
' #'
' #### '
' #'
' #'
' #### '
'4' = @(
' '
' # #'
' # #'
' #### '
' #'
' #'
' '
'5' = @(
' #### '
' # '
' # '
' #### '
' #'
' #'
' #### '
'6' = @(
' #### '
' # '
' # '
' #### '
' # #'
' # #'
' #### '
'7' = @(
' #### '
' #'
' #'
' '
' #'
' #'
' '
'8' = @(
' #### '
' # #'
' # #'
' #### '
' # #'
' # #'
' #### '
'9' = @(
' #### '
' # #'
' # #'
' #### '
' #'
' #'
' #### '
function Get-SignalViz {
Process {
# parse the scrambled digits
$allDigits = $SignalLine -split '\W+' | %{
# sort each digit's letters so they're consistent
# between instances in this set
,($_[0..($_.Length-1)] | Sort-Object)
$patterns = $allDigits[0..9] | Sort-Object { $_.Count }
$fives = $patterns | ?{ $_.Count -eq 5 }
$sixes = $patterns | ?{ $_.Count -eq 6 }
$output = $allDigits[10..13] | %{ $_ -join '' }
# start a decoder
$decode = @{}
# add the uniques
$patterns | %{
$s = $_ -join ''
if ($_.Count -eq 2) { $decode.$s = '1'; $1 = $_ }
elseif ($_.Count -eq 3) { $decode.$s = '7'; $7 = $_ }
elseif ($_.Count -eq 4) { $decode.$s = '4'; $4 = $_ }
elseif ($_.Count -eq 7) { $decode.$s = '8'; $8 = $_ }
# 3 = Length 5 that contains 1's characters
$fives = $fives | %{
if ($1[0] -in $_ -and $1[1] -in $_) { $3 = $_ }
else { ,$_ }
$decode.($3-join'') = '3'
# 6 = Length 6 that does not contain 1's characters
$sixes = $sixes | %{
if ($1[0] -notin $_ -or $1[1] -notin $_) { $6 = $_ }
else { ,$_ }
$decode.($6-join'') = '6'
# 5 = Length 5 that only diff 6 by one letter
# 2 = Remaining Length 5
if ((Compare-Object $6 $fives[0]).Count -eq 1) {
$5 = $fives[0]
$2 = $fives[1]
} else {
$2 = $fives[0]
$5 = $fives[1]
$decode.($5-join'') = '5'
$decode.($2-join'') = '2'
# 9 = Length 6 that only diff (Unique 4+7) by one letter
# 0 = Remaining Length 6
$47 = $4 + $7 | Sort-Object -Unique
if ((Compare-Object $47 $sixes[0]).Count -eq 1) {
$9 = $sixes[0]
$0 = $sixes[1]
} else {
$0 = $sixes[0]
$9 = $sixes[1]
$decode.($9-join'') = '9'
$decode.($0-join'') = '0'
# return the set of strings to visualize the output
$ret = @(' ==================================')
0..6 | %{
$ret += '|{0}{1}{2}{3} |' -f
$ret += ' =================================='
Process {
$SignalLine | Get-SignalViz | %{
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
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