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Functions for converting a SID to a UID for use with RFC2307 attributes in Active Directory
function Get-UidFromSid
Process {
# convert sid to byte array
$sidBytes = New-Object byte[] $sid.BinaryLength
$sid.GetBinaryForm($sidBytes, 0)
Write-Verbose ("SID bytes: $([System.BitConverter]::ToString($sidBytes))")
# copy the sections we need
$ridDomainBytes = New-Object byte[] 8
[System.Array]::Copy($sidBytes, 16, $ridDomainBytes, 0, 4)
$ridUserBytes = New-Object byte[] 8
[System.Array]::Copy($sidBytes, 24, $ridUserBytes, 0, 4)
Write-Verbose ("Domain portion: $([System.BitConverter]::ToString($ridDomainBytes))")
Write-Verbose ("User portion: $([System.BitConverter]::ToString($ridUserBytes))")
# fix endian'ness if necessary
if (![System.BitConverter]::IsLittleEndian)
# convert the byte arrays to longs
$ridDomain = [System.BitConverter]::ToInt64($ridDomainBytes, 0);
$ridUser = [System.BitConverter]::ToInt64($ridUserBytes, 0);
Write-Verbose "Domain(Int64) = $ridDomain, User(Int64) = $ridUser"
# Now we're going to use the first 9 bits of the domain rid followed by the
# first 22 bits of the user rid to make a single 31 bit integer (32-bit signed)
# that will be the new unique UID value for this SID
$ridDomain = ($ridDomain -band 0x1ff) -shl 22
$ridUser = $ridUser -band 0x3fffff
Write-Verbose "Domain(Int64) = $ridDomain, User(Int64) = $ridUser"
return ($ridDomain + $ridUser)
Calculate the UID value for a Windows SID.
This function duplicates Centrify's algorithm for generating unique UID
values for Active Directory users and groups. The original algorithm was
provided by Centrify and ported to PowerShell by Ryan Bolger.
The SecurityIdentifier (SID) object to calculate against.
System.Int32 value of the resulting UID.
Get-UidFromSid ([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]'S-1-5-21-3040497277-3966670145-4188292625-1137')
Calculate a UID from a fictional SID.
Get-ADUser myuser | Get-UidFromSid
Calculate a UID from an existing Active Directory user via pipeline input.
// using System;
// using System.Security.Principal;
public static long GetUidFromSid(SecurityIdentifier sid)
//convert to byte array
byte[] sidBytes = new byte[sid.BinaryLength];
sid.GetBinaryForm(sidBytes, 0);
// copy the sections we need
byte[] ridDomainBytes = new byte[8];
Array.Copy(sidBytes, 16, ridDomainBytes, 0, 4);
byte[] ridUserBytes = new byte[8];
Array.Copy(sidBytes, 24, ridUserBytes, 0, 4);
// fix endian'ness if necessary
if (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
// convert the byte arrays to longs
long ridDomain = BitConverter.ToInt64(ridDomainBytes, 0);
long ridUser = BitConverter.ToInt64(ridUserBytes, 0);
// Now we're going to use the first 9 bits of the domain rid followed by the
// first 22 bits of the user rid to make a single 31 bit integer (32-bit signed)
// that will be the new unique UID value for this SID
ridDomain = (ridDomain & 0x1ff) << 22;
ridUser = ridUser & 0x3fffff;
return (ridDomain + ridUser);
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
# This script is designed to accept a SID in SDDL format from stdin and output
# a UID value that can be used in the uidNumber or gidNumber attribute on an
# Active Directory domain object. The algorithm was originally provided by
# Centrify and has been ported to Python by Ryan Bolger.
# The code was originally written for Python 2.6.6 on RHEL 6 and has also been
# tested with Python 2.7.6 on Windows.
# All verbose output should be written to stderr and the only output in stdout
# should be the UID/GID value.
# Usage examples:
# echo S-1-5-21-3040497277-3966670145-4188292625-1137 | python
# adquery user da06076 --sid | python
# The SID in the example above should convert to UID 1346372721
def SIDtoUID(strSid):
# An Active Directory SID in SDDL form for non-built-in users/groups should
# always be in the following format:
# The X's are three 32-bit integers that comprise the 96-bit randomly
# generated domain identifier
# The Y's are a single 32-bit integer that is the object's relative ID in
# the domain (RID)
# For the purpose of this algorithm, we only care about the second section of
# the domain identifier and the user/group RID. So instead of fully parsing
# the complete SDDL into its binary form, we're going to take a short cut and
# just grab those chunks with only some basic sanity checking.
# make sure the beginning looks right
if not strSid.startswith('S-1-5-21-'):
print("ERROR: SID string was invalid.", file=sys.stderr)
# make sure we have the right number of elements
elements = strSid.upper().split("-")
if len(elements) != 8:
print("ERROR: Not enough sub-authority elements found.", file=sys.stderr)
# grab the elements we care about
ridDomain = int(elements[5])
ridUser = int(elements[7])
# Now we're going to use the first 9 bits of the domain rid followed by the
# first 22 bits of the user rid to make a single 31 bit integer (32-bit signed)
# that will be the new unique UID value for this SID
ridDomain = (ridDomain & 0x1ff) << 22
ridUser = ridUser & 0x3fffff
uid = ridDomain + ridUser
return uid
for line in sys.stdin:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This script is designed to accept a SID in SDDL format from stdin and output
# a UID value that can be used in the uidNumber or gidNumber attribute on an
# Active Directory domain object. The algorithm was originally provided by
# Centrify and has been ported to Bash by Ryan Bolger.
# All verbose output should be written to stderr and the only output in stdout
# should be the UID/GID value.
# Usage examples:
# echo S-1-5-21-3040497277-3966670145-4188292625-1137 | ./
# adquery user da06076 --sid | ./
# The SID in the example above should convert to UID 1346372721
set -o nounset -o pipefail
#set -x
# make sure the beginning looks right
if [[ $1 != S-1-5-21-* ]]; then
>&2 echo "ERROR: SID string was invalid."
exit 1
# make sure we have the right number of elements
IFS='-' read -ra elements <<< "$1"
if [[ ${#elements[@]} != 8 ]]; then
>&2 echo "ERROR: Not enough sub-authority elements found."
exit 1
# grab the elements we care about
# Now we're going to use the first 9 bits of the domain rid followed by the
# first 22 bits of the user rid to make a single 31 bit integer (32-bit signed)
# that will be the new unique UID value for this SID
let "ridDomain = ($ridDomain & 0x1ff) << 22"
let "ridUser = ($ridUser & 0x3fffff)"
let "uid = $ridDomain + $ridUser"
echo $uid
# grab SIDs from file in first argument or stdin
while read sid; do
SIDtoUID $sid
done < "${1:-/dev/stdin}"
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maximd commented Nov 20, 2018

Hi @rmbolger! You mentionned at (where you posted the powershell version of this script), that you also have bash and python versions of this script. Would it be possible to share them?

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rtomson commented Jan 25, 2022

I too would love a bash version.

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Had to go searching for the old code, but happy to oblige.

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maximd commented Jul 1, 2022

I saw that you updated the gist, thank you very much @rmbolger! May I suggest to edit your answer at to add a link to this gist (so that others can learn from it)?

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rmbolger commented Jul 6, 2022


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tolid commented Feb 13, 2023

Is there known way in Python or bash for converting a SID to a UID like in SSSD ? The provided code is not consistent with SSSD. For example: returns 210303094 for S-1-5-21-527237240-706699826-725345543-587894 and SSSD returns 589787894.

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I'm not super familiar with SSSD, but I would think it is either using a different algorithm to generate the UI or it's not generating anything and simply returning the value that was already set in AD for that user.

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@rmbolger since the same function can also be used to generate GIDs I modified your code a little bit

function Get-UniqueIDFromSid

    Process {
        # convert sid to byte array
        $sidBytes = New-Object byte[] $sid.BinaryLength
        $sid.GetBinaryForm($sidBytes, 0)
        Write-Verbose ("SID bytes: $([System.BitConverter]::ToString($sidBytes))")

        # copy the sections we need
        $ridDomainBytes = New-Object byte[] 8
        [System.Array]::Copy($sidBytes, 16, $ridDomainBytes, 0, 4)
        $ridUserOrGroupBytes = New-Object byte[] 8
        [System.Array]::Copy($sidBytes, 24, $ridUserOrGroupBytes, 0, 4)
        Write-Verbose ("Domain portion: $([System.BitConverter]::ToString($ridDomainBytes))")
        Write-Verbose ("User/Group portion: $([System.BitConverter]::ToString($ridUserOrGroupBytes))")

        # fix endian'ness if necessary
        if (![System.BitConverter]::IsLittleEndian)

        # convert the byte arrays to longs
        $ridDomain = [System.BitConverter]::ToInt64($ridDomainBytes, 0);
        $ridUserOrGroup = [System.BitConverter]::ToInt64($ridUserOrGroupBytes, 0);
        Write-Verbose "Domain(Int64) = $ridDomain, User/Group(Int64) = $ridUserOrGroup"

        # Now we're going to use the first 9 bits of the domain rid followed by the
        # first 22 bits of the user/group rid to make a single 31 bit integer (32-bit signed)
        # that will be the new unique UID/GID value for this SID
        $ridDomain = ($ridDomain -band 0x1ff) -shl 22
        $ridUserOrGroup = $ridUserOrGroup -band 0x3fffff
        Write-Verbose "Domain(Int64) = $ridDomain, User/Group(Int64) = $ridUserOrGroup"

        return ($ridDomain + $ridUserOrGroup)

        Calculate the UID/GID value for a Windows SID.

        This function duplicates Centrify's algorithm for generating unique UID/GID
        values for Active Directory users and groups. The original algorithm was
        provided by Centrify and ported to PowerShell by Ryan Bolger.

    .PARAMETER sid
        The SecurityIdentifier (SID) object to calculate against.

        System.Int32 value of the resulting UID/GID.

        Get-UniqueIDFromSid ([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]'S-1-5-21-3040497277-3966670145-4188292625-1137')

        Calculate a UID/GID from a fictional SID.

        Get-ADUser myuser | Get-UniqueIDFromSid

        Calculate a UID from an existing Active Directory user via pipeline input.

        Get-ADGroup mygroup | Get-UniqueIDFromSid

        Calculate a GID from an existing Active Directory group via pipeline input.


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