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Last active December 11, 2024 08:03
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Apple System Preferences URL Schemes

macOS 10.15 System Preference Panes

Below are a list of System Preference pane URLs and paths that can be accessed with scripting to assist users with enabling macOS security settings without having to walk them through launching System Preferences, finding panes, and scrolling to settings. Not all panes have an accessible anchor and some are OS specific.

To find the Pane ID of a specific pane, open the System Preferences app and select the desired Preference Pane. With the pane selected, open the and run the following script to copy the current Pane ID to your clipboard and display any available anchors:

tell application "System Preferences"
	set CurrentPane to the id of the current pane
	set the clipboard to CurrentPane
	get the name of every anchor of current pane
end tell

Opening with URL Schemes

If the preference pane supports it, you can open them with a URL in terminal using the following syntax (replace <PaneID> with the desired pane ID):

open "x-apple.systempreferences:<PaneID>"

Open with System Preferences Bundle Identifier and Pane Path

You can also access the main preference panes using the file path to each pane from /System/Library/PreferencePanes/ using the open command with slightly different syntax (replace /Path/To/Pane with your desired pane):

open -b /Path/To/Pane

Preference Panes

Below are all the panes that display on most Macs running 10.15 Catalina but there are a few that are ommitted that are available on later versions of Apple hardware or installed plugins. If the pane supports being opened with URL then it is listed, otherwise you can use the path.

Apple ID Pane


Family Sharing Pane


General Pane


Desktop & Screen Saver Pane


Dock Pane


Mission Control Pane


Siri Pane

Spotlight Pane


Language & Region Pane


Notifications Pane
open -b /System/Library/PreferencePanes/Notifications.prefPane

Internet Accounts Pane


Users & Groups Pane


Accessibility Pane
  • Display

  • Zoom

  • VoiceOver

  • Descriptions

  • Captions

  • Audio

  • Keyboard

  • Mouse & Trackpad

  • Switch Control

  • Dictation

Screen Time

Extensions Pane


Security & Privacy Pane

Tip: The "Advanced" anchor will initially open S&P pane to your last used tab (General, FileValut, Firewall, Privacy)but if the pane is already open it triggers a the panel unlock wherever the user may be at in the Security and Privacy pane. So, if you want them to enable a specific Privacy setting, open the desired Privacy anchor first (e.g. ?Privacy_Contacts) and then open the Advanced anchor (?Advanced) to prompt the user password to unlock the preference pane.

Main Tabs
  • General

  • Advanced

  • FileVault

  • Firewall

  • Privacy Main

Privacy Anchors

  • Location Services

  • Contacts

  • Calendars

  • Reminders

  • Photos

  • Camera

  • Microphone

  • Speech Recognition

  • Accessibility

  • Input Monitoring Not Available

  • Full Disk Access

  • Files and Folders Not Available

  • Screen Recording Not Available

  • Automation

  • Analytics and Improvements

  • Advertising

Software Update Pane


Network Pane


Bluetooth Pane


Sound Pane


Printers & Scanners Pane


Keyboard Pane


  • Dictation

Trackpad Pane


Mouse Pane


Displays Pane


Energy Saver Pane


Date & Time Pane


Sharing Preference Pane
  • Screen Sharing

  • File Sharing

  • Printer Sharing

  • Remote Login

  • Remote Management

  • Remote Apple Events

  • Internet Sharing

  • Bluetooth Sharing

Time Machine Pane


Startup Disk Pane


Profiles Pane


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gingerbeardman commented Sep 3, 2024

There we go then. So your code snippet is for people who have Screen Saver Timing set to "Never". Mine is for the "default" macOS user.

This is a classic example why UI scripting is frowned up and not really a good universal solution.

There are alternate ways of addressing a user interface element than using the index number scheme, but they are more complicated.

  • asking for "last ui element of a certain type", which would return the correct element in both "never" and "default" setups, I can't remember the AppleScript syntax off-hand
  • iterate through each element looking at a specific property until it matches what you are looking for (example) this is slower and more like programming
  • the role of the element we really want is AXOpaqueProviderGroup

Also, I'm interested why you need this functionality? Are you distributing a screensaver and want an easier way for users to find it after install?

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xmddmx commented Sep 3, 2024

Also, I'm interested why you need this functionality? Are you distributing a screensaver and want an easier way for users to find it after install?

Ideally, yes, this would be for a custom screensaver installer. The problem with this AppleScript solution is that calling into System Events requires the Accessibility permission, which means the installer would need to have extra permissions granted to function, so this is probably not a feasible solution for my use case.

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buddax2 commented Sep 10, 2024

in macOS Sequoia How to Open the Endpoint Security Extensions Pane. is there any anchor available for

open ""

Screenshot 2024-07-31 at 6 30 36 PM

Did you find a way to open the modal view?

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You might be able to dig into it using this technique:

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buddax2 commented Sep 10, 2024

You might be able to dig into it using this technique:

That didn't work but I figured out how to open the needed modal view with this script:

activate application "System Settings"
tell application "System Events"
	tell application process "System Settings"
		-- click Other's Show All button
		click button 2 of group 3 of scroll area 1 of group 1 of group 2 of splitter group 1 of group 1 of window "Login Items & Extensions"
	end tell
end tell

But still need to figure out how to open "Login Items & Extensions" window.

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Be aware some people (like me) don't have the items you're looking for, so this results in an error.

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You might be able to dig into it using this technique:

That didn't work but I figured out how to open the needed modal view with this script:

activate application "System Settings"
tell application "System Events"
	tell application process "System Settings"
		-- click Other's Show All button
		click button 2 of group 3 of scroll area 1 of group 1 of group 2 of splitter group 1 of group 1 of window "Login Items & Extensions"
	end tell
end tell

But still need to figure out how to open "Login Items & Extensions" window.

I found this one to open "Login Items & Extensions", but can't find the way to open Endpoint Security Extension modal itself.

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Anyone know the URI for "Printer Options" within System Settings? I see the two options about PrintAndFax and PrintAndScan, but when you open a printer and click Options & Supplies... it appears to open a window that has a different URI than these preference panes. Anyone know the URI for this window?

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Anyone know the URI for "Printer Options" within System Settings? I see the two options about PrintAndFax and PrintAndScan, but when you open a printer and click Options & Supplies... it appears to open a window that has a different URI than these preference panes. Anyone know the URI for this window?

Actually, it looks like these two options might not work at all for the Printers and Scanners pref pane. I think it's a new URI entirely.

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Not sure if it helps anyone, but I found some deeplink URLs e.g. Passkey Access using the method below (requires jq)

plutil -convert json -o - -- $TCC_SVC_PLIST |
jq '"" as $p |
  map(select(.revealElementKeyName) | {
    tcc: .tcc,
    serviceName: .serviceName,
    url: ($p + .revealElementKeyName)

Example output on my 15.0.1 system:

    "tcc": "kTCCServiceAddressBook",
    "serviceName": "CONTACTS",
    "url": ""
    "tcc": "kTCCServiceReminders",
    "serviceName": "REMINDERS",
    "url": ""
    "tcc": "kTCCServiceBluetoothAlways",
    "serviceName": "BLUETOOTH",
    "url": ""
    "tcc": "kTCCServiceMotion",
    "serviceName": "MOTION",
    "url": ""
    "tcc": "kTCCServiceWillow",
    "serviceName": "HOMEKIT",
    "url": ""
    "tcc": "kTCCServiceSpeechRecognition",
    "serviceName": "SPEECH_RECOGNITION",
    "url": ""
    "tcc": "kTCCServiceMediaLibrary",
    "serviceName": "MEDIA",
    "url": ""
    "tcc": "kTCCServiceSystemPolicyAllFiles",
    "serviceName": "ALL_FILES",
    "url": ""
    "tcc": "kTCCServiceFocusStatus",
    "serviceName": "DND",
    "url": ""
    "tcc": "kTCCServiceListenEvent",
    "serviceName": "LISTEN_EVENT",
    "url": ""
    "tcc": "kTCCServiceRemoteDesktop",
    "serviceName": "REMOTE_DESKTOP",
    "url": ""
    "tcc": "kTCCServiceWebBrowserPublicKeyCredential",
    "serviceName": "WEB_BROWSER_PASSKEY_ACCESS",
    "url": ""
    "tcc": "kTCCServiceSystemPolicyAppBundles",
    "serviceName": "APPLICATION_BUNDLES",
    "url": ""

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dilames commented Oct 9, 2024

Hope it is what you were looking for.

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buddax2 commented Oct 9, 2024

@dilames this is awesome! Thank you! How did you find that?

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dilames commented Oct 9, 2024


Disassembled one of the Security Apps for macOS.

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@dilames possible for us to do it with other apps?

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dilames commented Oct 9, 2024

@gingerbeardman yes.

If you already have an app on the mac that opens preference pane you are looking for, just use and look for hardcoded strings with prefix "x-apple.systempreferences".

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Thanks, I'll keep that in mind!

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Thanks @dilames, very helpful information.

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here's some more after I ran this command

strings "/System/Library/ExtensionKit/Extensions/SecurityPrivacyExtension.appex/Contents/MacOS/SecurityPrivacyExtension" | grep "Privacy_"


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I successfully opened the Network Extensions using:

However, I couldn't open the popup window.

If I click the button in the system alert window, it opens correctly. Does anyone have any ideas?
CleanShot 2024-10-31 at 14 46 12@2x

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ChokWah commented Oct 31, 2024

Thx @buddax2 @dilames
Open driver extension link: only work for macos 15.0

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buddax2 commented Oct 31, 2024

I successfully opened the Network Extensions using:

However, I couldn't open the popup window.

If I click the button in the system alert window, it opens correctly. Does anyone have any ideas? CleanShot 2024-10-31 at 14 46 12@2x

Here is the link you are looking for:

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ChokWah commented Nov 1, 2024

@buddax2 @dilames thank you guys. I found it . Open driver extension link: only work for macos 15.0

But in Macos 14 and other . It's a button name "Details..." . I try this way to found the anchor of it by Apple Script. It‘s not work.


As I know, use, it will locate to the Details button location.
I can't found the parameter to open details window.

Do you have any idea ?


**If you click the Details button , it will request your password. Then it will display the driver extension window. **

SCR-20241101-kfqx SCR-20241101-kdep

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Great work everyone. Here is a command to start the install of a configuration profile and open the PrefPane so you can easily install it:

open /path/to/profile.mobileconfig

I don't install a lot of these, but in MacOS 15 one is required to bypass gatekeeper so I assume a lot more people will be running them now.

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@brandon-fryslie Is there a way to achieve the same with Text Replacements? Like we open the Text Replacements and import the .plist file via the command line?


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I successfully opened the Network Extensions using:
However, I couldn't open the popup window.
If I click the button in the system alert window, it opens correctly. Does anyone have any ideas? CleanShot 2024-10-31 at 14 46 12@2x

Here is the link you are looking for:

That's awesome! Thank you. How can you make it?

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aviwad commented Nov 15, 2024

Is there any URL for the new translation page?

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@brandon-fryslie Is there a way to achieve the same with Text Replacements? Like we open the Text Replacements and import the .plist file via the command line?


Yes, there is. I asked ChatGPT. Here is how to do it:

Stored in the file '~/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist', under the key 'NSUserDictionaryReplacementItems'.

However to export and import, don't edit the file directly. Use the defaults command.

  • See existing text replacements (output in json): defaults read -g NSUserDictionaryReplacementItems
  • Import existing plist containing text replacements: defaults import -g /path/to/your-plist-file.plist

This will import a plist in the following format:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
        <string>be right back</string>
        <string>on my way</string>

(Note: you likely need to reboot after importing text replacements)

  • Export current text replacements: defaults export -g ~/Desktop/text_replacements_backup.plist

You don't actually need to open the panel to import or export text replacements. Hope this helps. Here is the prompt I used:

Where are Text Replacements stored in MacOS?  please provide me the specific plist, as well as explain how I can import Text Replacements from a plist from the terminal

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ChokWah commented Nov 20, 2024

Is there any URL for the new translation page?
image image

@aviwad I believe this url would be work:

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aviwad commented Nov 20, 2024

Thank you so much @ChokWah :)

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luckman212 commented Nov 20, 2024

Anyone know of a URL to get directly to Privacy → Local Network?

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