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Created May 5, 2013 23:43
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RMSD calculation, via quaterion-based characteristic polynomial in pure python/numpy. (Rapid calculation of RMSDs using a quaternion-based characteristic polynomial. Acta Crystallogr A 61(4):478-480.)
RMSD calculation, via quaterion-based characteristic polynomial in
pure python/numpy.
Rapid calculation of RMSDs using a quaternion-based characteristic polynomial.
Acta Crystallogr A 61(4):478-480.
import numpy as np
def _center(conformation):
"""Center and typecheck the conformation"""
conformation = np.asarray(conformation)
if not conformation.ndim == 2:
raise ValueError('conformation must be two dimensional')
_, three = conformation.shape
if not three == 3:
raise ValueError('conformation second dimension must be 3')
centroid = np.mean(conformation, axis=0)
centered = conformation - centroid
return centered
def rmsd_qcp(conformation1, conformation2):
"""Compute the RMSD with Theobald's quaterion-based characteristic
Rapid calculation of RMSDs using a quaternion-based characteristic polynomial.
Acta Crystallogr A 61(4):478-480.
conformation1 : np.ndarray, shape=(n_atoms, 3)
The cartesian coordinates of the first conformation
conformation2 : np.ndarray, shape=(n_atoms, 3)
The cartesian coordinates of the second conformation
rmsd : float
The root-mean square deviation after alignment between the two pointsets
# center and typecheck the conformations
A = _center(conformation1)
B = _center(conformation2)
if not A.shape[0] == B.shape[0]:
raise ValueError('conformation1 and conformation2 must have same number of atoms')
n_atoms = len(A)
#the inner product of the structures A and B
G_A = np.einsum('ij,ij', A, A)
G_B = np.einsum('ij,ij', B, B)
#print 'GA', G_A, np.trace(, A))
#print 'GB', G_B, np.trace(, B))
# M is the inner product of the matrices A and B
M =, A)
# unpack the elements
Sxx, Sxy, Sxz = M[0, :]
Syx, Syy, Syz = M[1, :]
Szx, Szy, Szz = M[2, :]
# do some intermediate computations to assemble the characteristic
# polynomial
Sxx2 = Sxx * Sxx
Syy2 = Syy * Syy
Szz2 = Szz * Szz
Sxy2 = Sxy * Sxy
Syz2 = Syz * Syz
Sxz2 = Sxz * Sxz
Syx2 = Syx * Syx
Szy2 = Szy * Szy
Szx2 = Szx * Szx
SyzSzymSyySzz2 = 2.0*(Syz*Szy - Syy*Szz)
Sxx2Syy2Szz2Syz2Szy2 = Syy2 + Szz2 - Sxx2 + Syz2 + Szy2
# two of the coefficients
C2 = -2.0 * (Sxx2 + Syy2 + Szz2 + Sxy2 + Syx2 + Sxz2 + Szx2 + Syz2 + Szy2)
C1 = 8.0 * (Sxx*Syz*Szy + Syy*Szx*Sxz + Szz*Sxy*Syx - Sxx*Syy*Szz - Syz*Szx*Sxy - Szy*Syx*Sxz)
SxzpSzx = Sxz + Szx
SyzpSzy = Syz + Szy
SxypSyx = Sxy + Syx
SyzmSzy = Syz - Szy
SxzmSzx = Sxz - Szx
SxymSyx = Sxy - Syx
SxxpSyy = Sxx + Syy
SxxmSyy = Sxx - Syy
Sxy2Sxz2Syx2Szx2 = Sxy2 + Sxz2 - Syx2 - Szx2
# the other coefficient
C0 = Sxy2Sxz2Syx2Szx2 * Sxy2Sxz2Syx2Szx2 \
+ (Sxx2Syy2Szz2Syz2Szy2 + SyzSzymSyySzz2) * (Sxx2Syy2Szz2Syz2Szy2 - SyzSzymSyySzz2) \
+ (-(SxzpSzx)*(SyzmSzy)+(SxymSyx)*(SxxmSyy-Szz)) * (-(SxzmSzx)*(SyzpSzy)+(SxymSyx)*(SxxmSyy+Szz)) \
+ (-(SxzpSzx)*(SyzpSzy)-(SxypSyx)*(SxxpSyy-Szz)) * (-(SxzmSzx)*(SyzmSzy)-(SxypSyx)*(SxxpSyy+Szz)) \
+ (+(SxypSyx)*(SyzpSzy)+(SxzpSzx)*(SxxmSyy+Szz)) * (-(SxymSyx)*(SyzmSzy)+(SxzpSzx)*(SxxpSyy+Szz)) \
+ (+(SxypSyx)*(SyzmSzy)+(SxzmSzx)*(SxxmSyy-Szz)) * (-(SxymSyx)*(SyzpSzy)+(SxzmSzx)*(SxxpSyy-Szz))
# Netwtorn-Raphson
E0 = (G_A + G_B) / 2.0
max_eigenvalue = E0
for i in range(50):
old_g = max_eigenvalue
x2 = max_eigenvalue * max_eigenvalue
b = (x2 + C2) * max_eigenvalue
a = b + C1
delta = ((a * max_eigenvalue + C0)/(2.0 * x2 * max_eigenvalue + b + a))
max_eigenvalue -= delta
if abs(max_eigenvalue - old_g) < abs(1e-11 * max_eigenvalue):
if i >= 50:
raise ValueError('More than 50 iterations needed.')
rmsd = np.sqrt(np.abs(2.0 * (E0 - max_eigenvalue) / n_atoms))
return rmsd
def rmsd_msmb(conf1, conf2):
from msmbuilder.metrics.rmsd import RMSD
rmsd = RMSD()
A = rmsd.prepare_trajectory({'XYZList': np.array([conf1])})
B = rmsd.prepare_trajectory({'XYZList': np.array([conf2])})
return rmsd.one_to_all(A, B, 0)[0]
def test():
A = np.arange(120).reshape(40,3) / 50.0
B = np.arange(120).reshape(40,3) / 50.0
A[2,0] += .1
np.testing.assert_approx_equal(rmsd_qcp(A, B), rmsd_msmb(A, B), significant=4)
print 'passed'
if __name__ == '__main__':
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