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Created April 21, 2020 11:34
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Getting Started with Safe module development

How develop a Safe module

Add dependencies

  • yarn add

  • Optional for testing

    • yarn add eth-lightwallet

Contract setup

Add Imports.sol contract to build Safe sources:

pragma solidity >=0.5.0 <0.6.0;

import "";

Add Safe imports to module contract:

// Required for triggering execution
import "";
import "";

contract ExampleModule {
    function tokenTransfer(GnosisSafe safe, address token, address to, uint amount) public {
        bytes memory data = abi.encodeWithSignature("transfer(address,uint256)", to, amount);
        require(safe.execTransactionFromModule(token, 0, data, Enum.Operation.Call), "Could not execute token transfer");

Test setup

Setup test artifacts

const GnosisSafe = artifacts.require("./GnosisSafe.sol")
const ProxyFactory = artifacts.require("./ProxyFactory.sol");
const ExampleModule = artifacts.require("./ExampleModule.sol")

Optional: Setup light wallet for signing requests to the Safe (if using off-chain signatures)

contract('ExampleModule', function(accounts) {
    let lw
    beforeEach(async function() {
        // Create lightwallet
        lw = await utils.createLightwallet()
        // More setup code
    // More test code

Create master copy and proxy factory

contract('ExampleModule', function(accounts) {
    const ADDRESS_0 = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
    let gnosisSafeMasterCopy
    let proxyFactory
    beforeEach(async function() {
        // Create lightwallet
        lw = await utils.createLightwallet()

        // Create Master Copy
        gnosisSafeMasterCopy = await
        // create Proxy factory
        proxyFactory = await

    // More test code

Optional: Add helper method to execute Safe transction (if using off-chain signatures)

const utils = require('')
let execTransaction = async function(safe, to, value, data, operation, message) {
    let nonce = await safe.nonce()
    let transactionHash = await safe.getTransactionHash(to, value, data, operation, 0, 0, 0, ADDRESS_0, ADDRESS_0, nonce)
    let sigs = utils.signTransaction(lw, [lw.accounts[0], lw.accounts[1]], transactionHash)
        'execTransaction ' + message,
        await safe.execTransaction(to, value, data, operation, 0, 0, 0, ADDRESS_0, ADDRESS_0, sigs)

Create test with Safe and module

contract('ExampleModule', function(accounts) {
    const CALL = 0
    it('should execute token transfer', async () => {
        const setupData = await gnosisSafeMasterCopy.setup([lw.accounts[0], lw.accounts[1]], 2, ADDRESS_0, "0x", 0, 0, 0, 0)
        // Find event in tx and create contract instance
        const safe = utils.getParamFromTxEvent(
            await proxyFactory.createProxy(gnosisSafeMasterCopy.address, setupData),
            'ProxyCreation', 'proxy', proxyFactory.address, GnosisSafe, 'create Gnosis Safe' 
        // Setup module
        const testModule = await
        const enableModuleData = await safe.enableModule(testModule.address).encodeABI()
        await execTransaction(safe.address, 0, enableModuleData, CALL, "enable module")
        const modules = await safe.getModules()
        assert.equal(1, modules.length)
        assert.equal(testModule.address, modules[0])
        // Setup test token
        const token = await{from: accounts[0]})
        await token.transfer(gnosisSafe.address, 1000, {from: accounts[0]}) 
        assert.equal(1000, await token.balanceOf(gnosisSafe.address))
        assert.equal(0, await token.balanceOf(accounts[1]))
        // Execute token transfer via module
        await testModule.tokenTransfer(
            safe.address, token.address, accounts[1], 600
        assert.equal(400, await token.balanceOf(gnosisSafe.address))
        assert.equal(600, await token.balanceOf(accounts[1]))



  • requires yarn add
pragma solidity >=0.4.21 <0.6.0;

import "";

contract TestToken is GnosisStandardToken{
    constructor() public {
        balances[msg.sender] = 10000000;

Solidity Copiler >= 0.6.0

It is currently not possible to directly use the Safe contracts with the latest compiler version. In this case it is required to define interfaces for the Safe contracts and use a mock Safe for the tests. Also some of the provided utility methods might not work as expected.

An example can be found at


The example code is based on

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fastackl commented Nov 16, 2023

I want to enable a module from a smart contract by calling setUp

The setUp function looks like it's designed to allow this, because it contains a setupModules(address to, bytes memory data) function

I assume to is the address of the proxy. But I'm not sure what to pass into data. I tried passing abi encoded enableModule(address) and the address, but it's not working

any clue how to do this?

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