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Last active April 3, 2017 11:35
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Function for checking equality of two tables
import math
from dateutil import parser
from colorclass import Color
from colorclass.toggles import disable_all_colors
from terminaltables import AsciiTable
from terminaltables import SingleTable
from behave.configuration import Configuration
def _highlight_row(row: list, color: str) -> list:
"""Wraps every cell in row in specific Color"""
return [Color('{{{0}}}{1}{{/{0}}}'.format(color, cell)) for cell in row]
def _mark_rows_as(mark: str, rows: list, idx_start: int) -> list:
"""Wraps every cell in rows in Color(red) with row mark"""
return [[Color('{{red}}{0} ({1}){{/red}}'.format(idx_start + idx, mark))]
+ _highlight_row(row, 'red') for idx, row in enumerate(rows)]
def _mark_cell_as_passed(expected: str) -> Color:
"""Wrap cell in Color(green)"""
return Color('{{green}}{}{{/green}}'.format(expected))
def _mark_cell_as_failed(expected: str, actual: str) -> Color:
"""Wraps cell in Color(red) with info about comparison"""
return Color('{{red}}expected: {0}{{/red}}\n{{red}}actual: {1}{{/red}}'.format(expected, actual))
def assert_tables_are_equal(expected: list, actual: list, header: list = None,
title: str = None, datetime: bool = False, dt_delta: int = 60) -> None:
Checks equality of two tables (for Behave test framework)
:param expected: expected table
:param actual: actual table
:param header: header for table with comparison results
:param title: title for table with comparison results
:param datetime: if true, compares time strings by delta.
Time strings should be present in format with `$dt=<timestamp>`.
More information about possible time format can be found here:
Example: $dt=2016-12-28 12:18:43.675448
:param dt_delta: delta for time comparison (seconds)
failed = False
table_data = []
missing_rows = None
surplus_rows = None
len_expected = len(expected)
len_actual = len(actual)
if len_expected > len_actual:
missing_rows = expected[len_actual:]
expected = expected[:len_actual]
elif len_actual > len_expected:
surplus_rows = actual[len_expected:]
actual = actual[:len_expected]
for row_exp, row_act in zip(expected, actual):
if row_exp == row_act:
table_data.append(_highlight_row(row_exp, 'green'))
row = []
for cell_exp, cell_act in zip(row_exp, row_act):
if cell_exp == cell_act:
cell = _mark_cell_as_passed(cell_exp)
elif datetime and cell_exp.startswith('$dt='):
exp = parser.parse(cell_exp.split('=')[1])
act = parser.parse(cell_act)
delta = exp - act
if math.fabs(delta.total_seconds()) > dt_delta:
failed = True
cell = _mark_cell_as_failed(cell_exp.split('=')[1], cell_act)
cell = _mark_cell_as_passed(cell_act)
failed = True
cell = _mark_cell_as_failed(cell_exp, cell_act)
table_data = [[str(idx + 1)] + row for idx, row in enumerate(table_data)]
if missing_rows:
failed = True
message = 'Actual table has missing rows:\n'
table_data += _mark_rows_as('missing', missing_rows, len(table_data) + 1)
elif surplus_rows:
failed = True
message = 'Actual table has surplus rows:\n'
table_data += _mark_rows_as('surplus', surplus_rows, len(table_data) + 1)
message = 'Tables are not equals:\n'
if header:
table_data.insert(0, ['№'] + header)
if ('ttest_out', 'console') in Configuration().userdata.items():
table = SingleTable(table_data)
table = AsciiTable(table_data)
table.inner_row_border = True
table.title = title
if failed:
raise AssertionError(message + table.table)
print('Tables are equals:\n{}\n'.format(table.table))
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