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Forked from ELLIOTTCABLE/.gitignore
Created May 31, 2010 08:37
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require 'time'
require 'json/pure' # require 'json/ext' segfaults for me
require 'twitter'
# There’s probably a way to get the path out of RubyGems itself, but I don’t know how, and the RubyGems
# documentation is a clusterfuck. )’=
require '/Users/elliottcable/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-preview1/gems/twitter-0.9.7/examples/helpers/config_store.rb'
######################################################################################################## Welcome!
# This file is ugly as fuck. Get over it, I was tired… not to mention that I hadn’t written any Ruby in, like, a
# year. C will do this to your head rather fast.
# Anyway. Usage is pretty simple… give it a status ID as an argument, and it will spit out the (ordered) JSON for
# all the tweets and retweets you’ve made since that particular status ID. Mind you, it spits out the JSON on
# STDOUT, but *does* require interaction on STDERR and STDIN: don’t redirect them, and don’t `cron` this.
# (Unless you want to scrape for the OAuth key, which is too much work for me. Sorry!)
# Oh, also, you have to have a ~/.twitter file (YAML) with your OAuth `token` and `secret`. You can create them:
# <>
# Suggested use: accumulatively write the JSON to a local backup file. You can sync this file up to S3 or Dropbox
# or whatever the hell you want.
# $ ruby ItBacksUpYourFuckingTweets.rb `\
# tail -n 1 "$HOME/Documents/tweets.json" |\
# awk -F':' '{ print $1 }'` \
# 1>>"$HOME/Documents/tweets.json"
STDERR.sync = true
config ="#{ENV['HOME']}/.twitter")
oauth =['token'], config['secret'])
config.delete('rtoken', 'rsecret', 'atoken', 'asecret')
# Fuck you, OAuth. All of this is necessary, just to log in… /-:
until config['atoken'] && config['asecret']
if config['rtoken'] && config['rsecret']
`open #{oauth.request_token.authorize_url}`
STDERR.puts "You're being redirected to your browser to authorize me."
STDERR.puts "Please type the PIN that Twitter gives you: "
pin = STDIN.gets.chomp
oauth.authorize_from_request(config['rtoken'], config['rsecret'], pin)
'atoken' => oauth.access_token.token,
'asecret' => oauth.access_token.secret,
}).delete('rtoken', 'rsecret')
'rtoken' => oauth.request_token.token,
'rsecret' => oauth.request_token.secret,
twitter =
STDERR.print " Tweets (per 200): "
results =; request =; page = 1
loop do; begin
request = twitter.user_timeline(count: 200, page: page, since_id: ARGV[0])
results += request; page += 1
request.empty? ? break : STDERR.print(page + 1 % 5 == 0 ? '!' : '.')
rescue Twitter::RateLimitExceeded
minutes = (Time.parse(twitter.rate_limit_status['reset_time']) - / 60
STDERR.print "\nYou're out of requests. Try again in #{minutes}m."
end; end
STDERR.print "\n"
STDERR.print "Retweets (per 200): "
request =; page = 1
loop do; begin
request = twitter.retweeted_by_me(count: 200, page: page, since_id: ARGV[0])
results += request; page += 1
request.empty? ? break : STDERR.print(page + 1 % 5 == 0 ? '!' : '.')
rescue Twitter::RateLimitExceeded
minutes = (Time.parse(twitter.rate_limit_status['reset_time']) - / 60
STDERR.print "\nYou're out of requests. Try again in #{minutes}m."
end; end
STDERR.print "\n"
results.sort {|a, b| a["id"].to_i <=> b["id"].to_i }.each do |t|
# Yes, we *are* round-tripping from Twitter’s JSON, through a Ruby `Hash`, through the Twitter gem’s `Mash`,
# then through the `JSON` gem… back to JSON! Yay! It’s worth it for the Twitter gem’s OAuth handling, though.
puts "#{t['id']}: #{JSON.generate(t.to_hash)}"
config.delete('rtoken', 'rsecret', 'atoken', 'asecret')
# rescue Twitter::Unauthorized, OAuth::Unauthorized
# config.delete('rtoken', 'rsecret', 'atoken', 'asecret') and retry if
# config['rtoken'] || config['rsecret'] || config['atoken'] || config['asecret']
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