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Save rmg/6010311 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
FP-inspired C
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "list.h"
* A singly linked list and functions implemented in functional-style C.
* Primary features/novelties:
* - no explicit loop constructs (for, while)
* - use of higher-order functions (within C's own restricitons)
* full definition of node
struct _list_node {
struct _list_node * next;
void * value;
}; // aka node
* node * make( int value )
* - allocates and creates a list node with the given value
node * make(void * value) {
node * new_node = (node*) calloc(sizeof(node), 1);
new_node->value = value;
return new_node;
* void * value( node * e )
* - returns the value of the given list element
void * value(node * e) {
return (void *)e->value;
static inline bool _has_next(node * e) {
return e;
// implementation behind most iteration functions
// map, each, each_with, etc.
static inline node * _each(node * base, node * next, predicate iter_check, iterator fn, void * with) {
if (iter_check(next)) {
fn(next, with);
return _each(base, next->next, iter_check, fn, with);
} else {
return base;
static inline bool _not_last(node * e) {
return e && e->next;
* but_last( node * list, iterator fn )
* - calls fn(e) for all but the last element of the list
node * but_last(node * list, iterator fn) {
return _each(list, list, _not_last, fn, NULL);
* node * last( node * list )
* - returns the last element of the list
node * last(node * list) {
if (list->next)
return last(list->next);
return list;
// implementation for filter()
static inline node * _filter(node * list, node * next, predicate chk) {
if (!next || !next->next) {
return list;
if (chk(next->next)) {
node * tnext = next->next->next;
next->next = tnext;
return _filter(list, next->next, chk);
/* node * filter( node * list, predicate check )
* - removes all elements from the list that the check function returns true
* for
node * filter(node * list, predicate chk) {
if (list) {
if (chk(list)) {
node * tnext = list->next;
return filter(tnext, chk);
} else {
return _filter(list, list, chk);
} else {
return list;
* node * each( node * list, iterator fn )
* - call fn for every element in list
* - fn can modify element
node * each(node * list, iterator fn) {
return _each(list, list, _has_next, fn, NULL);
// implementation behind foldl
static inline void * _foldl(node * list, node * next, iterator fn, void * acc) {
if (next)
return _foldl(list, next->next, fn, fn(next, acc));
return acc;
* void * foldl( node * list, iterator fn, void * accumulator )
* - apply fn( element, accumulator ) to each element in list
* - returns accumulator
void * foldl(node * list, iterator fn, void * initial) {
return _foldl(list, list, fn, initial);
* node * each( node * list, iterator fn )
* - call fn for every element in list, passing provided data
* - fn can modify element
node * each_with(node * list, iterator fn, void * w) {
return _each(list, list, _has_next, fn, w);
// an iterator that takes a map_fn as an argument so that map can be written
// in terms of _each
static inline void * mapper(node * n, void * f) {
map_fn *fn = (map_fn*)f;
n->value = fn(n);
return f;
* node * map( node * list, map_fn fn )
* - apply fn to each element in the list
* - replaces the value of each element with the result of fn
node * map(node * list, map_fn fn) {
return _each(list, list, _has_next, mapper, fn);
// implementation behind append()
static inline node * _append(node * base, node * next, node * new) {
if (next && !next->next) {
next->next = new;
return base;
} else {
return _append(base, next->next, new);
* node * append( node * list, node * new )
* - appends a new element to the end of list
node * append(node * list, node * new) {
if (list) {
return _append(list, list, new);
} else {
return new;
* node * prepend( node * list, node * new )
* - prepends new node to the front of list
* - returns new list by necessity
node * prepend(node * list, node * new) {
new->next = list;
return new;
// implementation behind reverse
static inline node * _reverse(node * head, node * remainder) {
if (remainder) {
node * next = remainder->next;
head = prepend(head, remainder);
return _reverse(head, next);
} else {
return head;
* node * reverse( node * list )
* - reverses the order of the elements in list
node * reverse(node *list) {
if (list) {
node * next = list->next;
list->next = NULL;
return _reverse(list, next);
} else {
return list;
// counting iterator
static inline void * counter(node * e, void * vcount) {
int * total = (int*) vcount;
if (e)
*total = *total + 1;
return total;
* int len( node * list )
* - returns the number of elements in list
int len(node * list) {
int total = 0;
foldl(list, counter, &total);
return total;
#pragma once
typedef struct _list_node node;
typedef bool (predicate)(node *);
typedef void * (iterator)(node *, void *);
// TODO: implement sorting
typedef int (cmp)(node *, node *);
typedef void * (map_fn)(node *);
node * make(void * value);
void * value(node * e);
node * filter(node * list, predicate chk);
node * each(node * list, iterator fn);
node * but_last(node * list, iterator fn);
node * last(node * list);
node * each_with(node * list, iterator fn, void * w);
void * foldl(node * list, iterator fn, void * initial);
node * map(node * list, map_fn fn);
node * append(node * list, node * new);
node * prepend(node * list, node * new);
node * reverse(node *list);
int len(node * list);
#define complement(_original_, _complement_) \
static inline bool _complement_(node * e) { \
return !_original_(e); \
#define getter(_type_, _name_) \
static inline _type_ _name_(node * e) { \
return (_type_)value(e); \
#define maker(_type_, _name_) \
static inline node * _name_(_type_ v) { \
return make((void *)v); \
#define def_list(_type_, _name_) \
getter(_type_, _name_##_value) \
maker(_type_, _name_##_init)
// TODO: Implement embeddable lists
// struct my_list {
// int my;
// int data;
// node list;
// };
// will require fully-defined node type and a bunch of other changes
#define embedded_getter(_container_, _member_, _name_) \
static _container_ _name_(node * e) { \
void * p = (void *)e - offsetof(_container_, _member_); \
return (_container_ *)p; \
#define embedded_list(_container_, _member_, _name_) \
embedded_getter(_container_, _member_, _name_##_value)
CFLAGS += --std=c11 -Wall -Wextra -Winline -finline-functions
CFLAGS += -save-temps
# CFLAGS += -g
#LDFLAGS += -flto
run_tests: tests
$(wildcard *.o): list.h
tests: tests.o list.o range.o
tests4: tests.c list.c range.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -O4 -o $@ $^
fast: range.c list.c tests.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^
$(CC) -O3 -S $< -o $@
-rm *.o *.i *.s *.res *.out tests fast tests4
#include "range.h"
static inline void * _range(int start, int end, int step, iter fn, void *d) {
if (start == end)
return d;
return _range(start + step, end, step, fn, fn(start, d));
void * range(int start, int end, iter fn, void *d) {
if (start > end)
return _range(start, end, -1, fn, d);
return _range(start, end, 1, fn, d);
#pragma once
typedef void *(iter)(int, void *);
void * range(int start, int end, iter fn, void *d);
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "list.h"
#include "range.h"
def_list(int, ilist);
static inline bool odd(node * e) {
if (ilist_value(e) % 2 != 0)
return true;
return false;
//complement(even, odd);
static inline void * doubler(node * e) {
return (void *)(ilist_value(e) * 2);
static inline void * new_node(int i, void * vl) {
node * list = (node*)(vl);
return append(list, ilist_init(i));
static inline void * printer(node * e, void * _) {
printf("%d,", ilist_value(e));
return _;
static node * list_print(node * list) {
but_last(list, printer);
printf("%d\n", ilist_value(last(list)));
return list;
int main(void) {
node * list;
node * long_list = range(1, 10000, new_node, 0);
printf("len: %d\n", len(long_list));
list = range(1, 30, new_node, 0);
list = list_print(list);
list = filter(list, odd);
list = list_print(list);
list = map(list, doubler);
list = list_print(list);
list = reverse(list);
list = list_print(list);
printf("len: %d\n", len(list));
return 0;
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