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Created May 21, 2017 12:02
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;;;; Dreaming of writing Vue frontends in a lispy way.
(defmacro defcomponent (name (&rest imports) &key template data style))
;; Goal:
;; Replicate in CL
(defcomponent hello ()
:template (with-html
(:p "Hello {{ person }}!"))
:data (lambda () (create ...))
:style '())
;; use LASS for css
The above should register the relevant html, js and css in a data structure
The HTML -> <template> tags
The JS & CSS -> grouped into a single uri (eg css/components/hello.css)
We can define a bunch of small 'components' in this way
Goal: generate a bunch of calls to Vue.component with the name, template and
Note: there also needs to be a way to pack all the components up for production.
In my head, web development is one big harmonious endeavour, backend and
frontend all written in lisp, no complicated packaging, etc.
/js/components.js => components compiled into js objects
/css/components.css => all component css
In dev these are regenerated + cached as required. Before production they are
written to disk once and minified.
(defun get-js (&rest components))
(defun get-css (&rest components))
There is one obvious limitation here -- when building components, the script
definitions will never be run in a CommonJS environment, so we cannot use
Imports and similar to manage dependencies.
There is probably a good way of handling this though...
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