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Last active December 18, 2020 13:15
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Hetzner Cloud alias IP failover using keepalived
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Inspired by
# This script is to be called from keepalived on the notify action
# and causes the alias IPs to be updated for the configured network,
# possibly promoting a current backup to master.
# The arguments are
# = Type ("GROUP" or "INSTANCE")
# = Name of group or instance
# = Target state of transition ("MASTER", "BACKUP", "FAULT")
# Example config /etc/hcloud-failover/kube-masters.json
# {
# "floating_interface": "eth0",
# "floating_ips": ["my-floating-ip"],
# "alias_ips": [""],
# "alias_interface": "enp7s0",
# "api_token": "<hcloud-api-token>",
# "network": "kubernetes",
# "servers": ["master01", "master02"]
# }
# Example: ./ INSTANCE kube-masters MASTER
import json
import os
import re
import requests
import socket
import sys
import tempfile
import syslog
def log(message):
def get_servers(headers):
r = requests.get("", headers=headers)
return r.json()["servers"]
def get_floating_ips(headers):
r = requests.get("", headers=headers)
return r.json()["floating_ips"]
def get_network(headers, name):
r = requests.get("" + name, headers=headers)
return r.json()["networks"][0]
def change_alias_ips(headers, server_id, payload):
headers = headers.copy()
headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
r ="{}/actions/change_alias_ips".format(server_id), data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers)
def assign_floating_ip(headers, floating_ip_id, payload):
headers = headers.copy()
headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
r ="{}/actions/assign".format(floating_ip_id), data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers)
def add_ip(ip, interface):
os.system("/bin/ip address add {}/32 dev {}".format(ip, interface))
def del_ip(ip, interface):
os.system("/bin/ip address del {}/32 dev {}".format(ip, interface))
def main(arg_type, arg_name, arg_state):
hostname = socket.gethostname()
config_path = "/etc/hcloud-failover/{}.json".format(arg_name)
log("Opening configuration {}".format(config_path))
with open(config_path, "r") as config_file:
config = json.load(config_file)
headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + config["api_token"]
log("Perform action for transition to state {} for {}".format(arg_state, hostname))
if arg_state == "MASTER":
servers = get_servers(headers)
if "floating_ips" in config and len(config["floating_ips"]) > 0:
log("Configuring {} floating ips".format(len(config["floating_ips"])))
server = next(x for x in servers if x["name"] == hostname)
floating_ips = get_floating_ips(headers)
for floating_ip_name in config["floating_ips"]:
floating_ip = next(x for x in floating_ips if x["name"] == floating_ip_name)
log("Adding floating ip {}".format(floating_ip))
add_ip(floating_ip["ip"], config["floating_interface"])
assign_floating_ip(headers, floating_ip["id"], {
"server": server["id"]
log("New master '{}' was assigned floating ip '{}' ({})".format(server["name"], floating_ip["name"], floating_ip["ip"]))
if "alias_ips" in config and len(config["alias_ips"]) > 0:
log("Configuring {} alias ips".format(len(config["alias_ips"])))
network = get_network(headers, config["network"])
for server in [x for x in servers if x["name"] in config["servers"]]:
server_alias_ips = next(x["alias_ips"] for x in server["private_net"] if x["network"] == network["id"])
count = 0
for alias_ip in config["alias_ips"]:
if alias_ip in server_alias_ips:
count = count + 1
if count > 0:
change_alias_ips(headers, server["id"], {
"network": network["id"],
"alias_ips": server_alias_ips
log("Failed master '{}' was unassigned {} alias ips on network '{}' - set aliases are {}".format(server["name"], count, config["network"], server_alias_ips))
server = next(x for x in servers if x["name"] == hostname)
server_alias_ips = next(x["alias_ips"] for x in server["private_net"] if x["network"] == network["id"])
for alias_ip in config["alias_ips"]:
log("Adding alias ip {}".format(alias_ip))
add_ip(alias_ip, config["alias_interface"])
change_alias_ips(headers, server["id"], {
"network": network["id"],
"alias_ips": server_alias_ips
log("New master '{}' was assigned alias ips {} on network '{}' - set aliases are: {}".format(server["name"], config["alias_ips"], config["network"], server_alias_ips))
if "floating_ips" in config:
for floating_ip in config["floating_ips"]:
log("Deleting floating ip {}".format(floating_ip))
del_ip(floating_ip, config["alias_interface"])
if "alias_ips" in config:
for alias_ip in config["alias_ips"]:
log("Deleting alias ip {}".format(alias_ip))
del_ip(alias_ip, config["alias_interface"])
log("All done, exiting gracefully!")
def configure_keepalived_unicast_peer(arg_name):
hostname = socket.gethostname()
config_path = "/etc/hcloud-failover/{}.json".format(arg_name)
log("Opening configuration {}".format(config_path))
with open(config_path, "r") as config_file:
config = json.load(config_file)
headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + config["api_token"]
network = get_network(headers, config["network"])
servers = get_servers(headers)
other_ips = []
for server in [x for x in servers if x["name"] != hostname and x["name"] in config["servers"]]:
ip = next(x["ip"] for x in server["private_net"] if x["network"] == network["id"])
log("Server {} was found to have IP {}".format(server["name"], ip))
keepalived_config_path = "/etc/keepalived/conf/{}.conf".format(arg_name)
with open(keepalived_config_path, "r") as keepalived_conf:
conf =
new_section = "\g<1>unicast_peer {" + os.linesep + os.linesep.join(["\g<1>\g<1>" + ip for ip in other_ips]) + os.linesep + "\g<1>}"
new_conf = re.sub(r"^([^#]\s*)unicast_peer\s+{.*?}", new_section, conf, flags=re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)
with open(keepalived_config_path, "w") as keepalived_conf:
if __name__ == "__main__":
if sys.argv[1] == "--configure-keepalived-unicast-peer":
main(arg_type=sys.argv[1], arg_name=sys.argv[2], arg_state=sys.argv[3])
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