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Created April 8, 2012 17:53
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//===-- - DCPU16 Instruction Formats -*- tablegen -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// DCPU16 instruction formats
// Format specifies the encoding used by the instruction. This is part of the
// ad-hoc solution used to emit machine instruction encodings by our machine
// code emitter.
class Format<bits<2> val> {
bits<2> Value = val;
def Basic : Format<0>;
def Special : Format<1>;
class ValMode<bits<6> val> {
bits<6> Value = val;
def ValReg : ValMode<0>; // register (includes SP/PC/O)
def ValRegInd : ValMode<1>; // [register] (includes SP)
def ValRegOff : ValMode<2>; // [next word + register]
def ValImmInd : ValMode<3>; // [next word]
def ValImm : ValMode<4>; // next word (literal)
def ValLit : ValMode<5>; // literal value 0x00-0x1f
// Generic DCPU16 Format
class DCPU16Inst<dag outs, dag ins, Format f,
string asmstr> : Instruction {
field bits<16> Inst;
let Namespace = "DCPU16";
dag OutOperandList = outs;
dag InOperandList = ins;
Format Form = f;
// Define how we want to layout our TargetSpecific information field... This
// should be kept up-to-date with the fields in the DCPU16InstrInfo.h file.
let TSFlags{1-0} = Form.Value;
let AsmString = asmstr;
// DCPU16 Basic Instructions
class BForm<bits<4> opcode, ValMode a, ValMode b, string asmstr,
dag outs, dag ins, list<dag> pattern>
: DCPU16Inst<outs, ins, Basic, asmstr> {
let Pattern = pattern;
ValMode va = a;
ValMode vb = b;
let Inst{0-3} = opcode;
def addr : ComplexPattern<iPTR, 2, "SelectAddr", [], []>;
IBasic: all the different addressing modes.
r : Register -- X, SP, PC...
m : Memory -- [X]...
i : Immediate (0x405)
a : Address ([0x1234])
o : Register + Offset ([X+12])
include "InstrMulti.gen"
//===- - DCPU16 Register defs ----------*- tblgen -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// Declarations that describe the DCPU16 register file
class DCPU16Reg<bits<6> num, string n>: Register<n> {
field bits<6> Num = num;
let Namespace = "DCPU16";
// Registers
def A : DCPU16Reg<0x00, "A">;
def B : DCPU16Reg<0x01, "B">;
def C : DCPU16Reg<0x02, "C">;
def X : DCPU16Reg<0x03, "X">;
def Y : DCPU16Reg<0x04, "Y">;
def Z : DCPU16Reg<0x05, "Z">;
def I : DCPU16Reg<0x06, "I">;
def J : DCPU16Reg<0x07, "J">;
def SP : DCPU16Reg<0x1b, "SP">;
def PC : DCPU16Reg<0x1c, "PC">;
def O : DCPU16Reg<0x1d, "O">;
def GPR : RegisterClass<"DCPU16", [i16], 16,
(add A, B, C, X, Y, Z, I, J, SP, PC, O)>;
def GPRInd : RegisterClass<"DCPU16", [i16], 16,
(add A, B, C, X, Y, Z, I, J, SP)>;
def GPROff : RegisterClass<"DCPU16", [i16], 16,
(add A, B, C, X, Y, Z, I, J)>;
modes = [
("Reg", "r", "GPRC", ""),
("RegInd", "m", "GPRIndC"),
("RedOff", "o", "GPRIndOffC"),
("Imm", "i", "i16imm"),
("IndImm", "a", 1, "i16imm"),
valmode = {
"r": "Reg",
"m": "RegInd",
"i": "Imm",
"a": "ImmInd",
"o": "RegOff",
regclass = {
"r": "GPR",
"m": "GPRInd",
"i": "i16imm",
"a": "i16imm",
"o": "GPROff"
asmstr = {
"r": "{0}",
"m": "[{0}]",
"i": "{0}",
"a": "[{0}]",
"o": "[{0}+{1}]"
apat = {
"r": "{0}:$a",
"m": "{0}:$a",
"i": "{0}:$a",
"a": "addr:$a",
"o": "(add {0}:$a, i16imm:$ao)"
bpat = {
"r": "{0}:$b",
"m": "{0}:$b",
"i": "{0}:$b",
"a": "addr:$b",
"o": "(add {0}:$b, i16imm:$bo)"
print 'multiclass IBasic<bits<4> opc, string OpcStr, SDNode OpNode> {'
for a in "rmao":
for b in "rmiao":
va = valmode[a]
vb = valmode[b]
astr = asmstr[a].format('$a', '$oa')
bstr = asmstr[b].format('$b', '$ob')
ins = ["%s:$a" % regclass[a]]
if a == "r":
outs = " %s:$dst" % regclass[a]
outs = ''
if a == 'o':
ins += ["i16imm:$oa"]
ins += ["%s:$b" % regclass[b]]
if b == 'o':
ins += ["i16imm:$ob"]
pa = apat[a].format(regclass[a])
pb = bpat[b].format(regclass[b])
if a in 'mao':
pat = "(store (OpNode (load {pa}), {pb}), {pa})".format(pa=pa,pb=pb)
pat = "(set {ra}:$dst, (OpNode {pa}, {pb}))".format(ra=regclass[a], pa=pa, pb=pb)
print '''
def {a}{b} : BForm<opc, Val{va}, Val{vb}, OpcStr # " {astr}, {bstr}",
(outs{outs}), (ins {ins}),
[{pat}]>;'''.format(a=a, b=b, va=va, vb=vb, outs=outs, ins=', '.join(ins),
astr=astr, bstr=bstr, pat=pat)
print '}'
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