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Gradient A-life Modifications that speed it up ~5x
* Gradient: an Artificial Life Experiment
* Copyright (C) 2011 Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert
* This file is part of Gradient.
* Gradient is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Gradient is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Gradient. If not, see <>.
* For more information about this program, please e-mail the
* author, Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert at:
* maximechevalierb /at/ gmail /dot/ com
// Virtual Agents
// Front direction vectors associated with ant directions
new Vector2( 0,-1),
new Vector2( 1, 0),
new Vector2( 0, 1),
new Vector2(-1, 0)
// Side direction vectors associated with ant directions
new Vector2( 1, 0),
new Vector2( 0, 1),
new Vector2(-1, 0),
new Vector2( 0,-1)
// Possible directions
const AGENT_DIR_UP = 0;
const AGENT_DIR_RIGHT = 1;
const AGENT_DIR_DOWN = 2;
const AGENT_DIR_LEFT = 3;
// Possible actions
const ACTION_BUILD = 6;
// Total number of possible actions
// Starting food, water and energy quantities
const START_FOOD = 250;
const START_WATER = 500;
const START_ENERGY = 250;
// Maximum food and water and energy quantities
const MAX_FOOD = 5000;
const MAX_WATER = 5000;
const MAX_ENERGY = 5000;
// Quantities of food and water extracted by consumption
const FOOD_CONS_QTY = 250;
const WATER_CONS_QTY = 500;
// Energy cost to produce offspring
// Energy cost to build a wall block
const BUILD_COST = 50;
Base agent class
function Agent()
// Reset all agent parameters
Reset the agent's parameters to their initial values
Agent.prototype.reset = function ()
// Reset the position
this.position = new Vector2(0, 0);
// Select a random direction for the ant
this.direction = randomInt(AGENT_DIR_UP, AGENT_DIR_LEFT);
// Reset the sleeping state
this.sleeping = false;
// Reset the agent's age
this.age = 0;
// Reset the food amount = START_FOOD;
// Reset the water amount
this.water = START_WATER;
// Reset the energy level = START_ENERGY;
Update the state of the agent
Agent.prototype.update = function ()
// Increment the agent's age
this.age += 1;
// If we have food and water
if ( > 0 && this.water > 0)
// If water is the limiting element
if ( >= this.water)
assert ( > 0,
'no food available'
// Food + water => energy += this.water; -= this.water;
this.water = 0;
assert (
this.water > 0,
'no water available'
// Food + water => energy +=;
this.water -=; = 0;
// Decrement the energy level, living cost energy -= 1;
// Think and choose an action to perform
var action = this.think();
// Switch on the action
switch (action)
// To do nothing
// To move forward
// Attempt to move to the cell just ahead
var pos = this.frontCellPos(0, 1);
world.moveAgent(this, pos.x, pos.y);
// To rotate left
// Shift our direction to the left
this.direction = Math.abs((this.direction - 1) % 4);
// To rotate right
// Shift our direction to the right
this.direction = Math.abs((this.direction + 1) % 4);
// To consume resources
// Attempt to consume what is in front of us
// To make offspring
// Attempt to reproduce
// To build a wall block
// Attempt to build;
error('invalid agent action');
this.direction >= AGENT_DIR_UP &&
this.direction <= AGENT_DIR_LEFT,
'invalid agent direction after update'
Process environmental inputs and choose an action.
To be set on each agent
Agent.prototype.think = function ()
error('think function not set');
Test if this agent is still alive
Agent.prototype.isAlive = function ()
// The ant is alive if it still has energy
return ( > 0);
Perform the consumption action
Agent.prototype.consume = function ()
// compute the position of the cell just ahead
var pos = this.frontCellPos(0, 1);
// If this is a plant we can eat
world.eatPlant(pos.x, pos.y) === true)
// Gain food += FOOD_CONS_QTY;
// Eating successful
return true;
// Otherwise, if this cell is water
else if (
this.water + WATER_CONS_QTY <= MAX_WATER &&
world.cellIsType(pos.x, pos.y, CELL_WATER) === true)
// Gain water
this.water += WATER_CONS_QTY;
// Consumption successful
return true;
// Consumption failed
return false;
Attempt to produce offspring
Agent.prototype.reproduce = function ()
// If we do not have enough energy to produce offspring, do nothing
// Subtract the energy required to produce offspring -= OFFSPRING_COST;
// Produce offspring from this agent
To build a wall block
*/ = function ()
// If we do not have enough energy to build a block, do nothing
if ( < BUILD_COST)
// Subtract the energy require to build -= BUILD_COST;
// Get the position of the cell ahead of us
pos = this.frontCellPos(0, 1);
// Try to build a block at the cell in front of us
world.buildBlock(pos.x, pos.y);
Compute a cell position relative to our direction
Agent.prototype.frontCellPos = function (x, y)
// compute the absolute cell position
var frontVec = Vector2.scalarMul(FRONT_VECTORS[this.direction], y);
var sideVec = Vector2.scalarMul(SIDE_VECTORS[this.direction], x);
var cellPos = frontVec.iadd(sideVec).iadd(this.position);
// Return the computed cell position
return cellPos;
@class Ant agent constructor
@extends Agent
function AntAgent(connVecs)
assert (
connVecs instanceof Array,
'expected connection vectors'
assert (
connVecs.length === AntAgent.numStateVars,
'need connection vectors for each state var'
// Store the connection vectors
this.connVecs = connVecs;
if (Float64Array) {
this.inputs = new Float64Array(AntAgent.numInputs + AntAgent.numStateVars);
} else {
this.inputs = new Array(AntAgent.numInputs + AntAgent.numStateVars);
for (var i = 0; i < AntAgent.numInputs + AntAgent.numStateVars; ++i)
this.inputs[i] = 0;
AntAgent.prototype = new Agent();
Number of visible cell inputs.
Agent's view:
L- X X X - R
X A x
8 visible cells x 5 attributes per cell = 40 boolean inputs
AntAgent.numCellInputs = 40;
Number of random inputs
AntAgent.numRndInputs = 4;
Number of field inputs.
3 local properties (food, water, energy).
AntAgent.numFieldInputs = 3;
Total number of agent inputs
AntAgent.numInputs =
AntAgent.numCellInputs +
AntAgent.numRndInputs +
Number of agent state variables
AntAgent.numStateVars = 16 + NUM_ACTIONS;
Maximum number of inputs per connection vector
AntAgent.maxStateInputs = 8;
Maximum neural connection weight
AntAgent.maxWeight = 10.0;
Minimum neural connection weight
AntAgent.minWeight = -10;
Add an input to a state connection vector
AntAgent.addStateInput = function (connVec)
assert (
connVec.inputs.length < AntAgent.maxStateInputs,
'too many inputs'
// Until a new input is added
while (true)
// Choose a random input
if (randomInt(0, 1) === 0)
var varName = randomInt(0, AntAgent.numInputs - 1);
var varName = AntAgent.numInputs + randomInt(0, AntAgent.numStateVars - 1);
// If the variable is already in the list, skip it
if (connVec.inputs.indexOf(varName) !== -1)
// Add the variable to the inputs
// Choose a random weight for the connection
randomFloat(AntAgent.minWeight, AntAgent.maxWeight)
// Break out of the loop
Factory function to create a new ant agent
AntAgent.newAgent = function ()
Generate a connection vector for a state variable
function genConnVector()
// Choose the number of connections for this
var numInputs = randomInt(1, AntAgent.maxStateInputs);
var connVec = {
inputs: [],
weights: []
// Until all inputs are added
for (var numAdded = 0; numAdded < numInputs;)
// Add an input connection
// Increment the number of inputs added
// Return the connection vector
return connVec;
assert (
AntAgent.numStateVars >= NUM_ACTIONS,
'insufficient number of state variables'
// Array for the state variable connection vectors
var connVecs = new Array(AntAgent.numStateVars);
// Generate connections for each state variable
for (var i = 0; i < AntAgent.numStateVars; ++i)
connVecs[i] = genConnVector();
// Create the new agent
return new AntAgent(connVecs);
Return a mutated version of an agent
AntAgent.mutate = function (agent, mutProb)
assert (
agent instanceof AntAgent,
'expected ant agent'
assert (
mutProb >= 0 && mutProb <= 1,
'invalid mutation probability'
// Array of connection vectors
var connVecs = [];
// For each connection vector
for (var i = 0; i < agent.connVecs.length; ++i)
var oldVec = agent.connVecs[i];
// Copy the inputs and weights
var newVec = {
inputs : oldVec.inputs.slice(0),
weights: oldVec.weights.slice(0)
// For each mutation attempt
for (var j = 0; j < AntAgent.maxStateInputs; ++j)
// If the mutation probability is not met, try again
if (randomFloat(0, 1) >= mutProb)
// Get the current number of inputs
var numInputs = newVec.inputs.length;
// If we should remove an input
if (randomBool() === true)
// If there are too few inputs, try again
if (numInputs <= 1)
// Choose a random input and remove it
var idx = randomInt(0, numInputs - 1);
newVec.inputs.splice(idx, 1);
newVec.weights.splice(idx, 1);
// If we should add an input
// If there are too many inputs, try again
if (numInputs >= AntAgent.maxStateInputs)
// Add an input to the rule
// Add the mutated connection vector
// Create the new agent
return new AntAgent(connVecs);
Neural network activation function.
Fast approximation to tanh(x/2)
AntAgent.actFunc = function (x)
if (x < 0)
x = -x;
x = x * (6 + x * (3 + x));
return -x / (x + 12);
x = x * (6 + x * (3 + x));
return x / (x + 12);
AntAgent.prototype.updateInputs = function ()
var cellInIdx = 0;
// For each horizontal cell position
for (var x = -1; x <= 1; ++x)
// For each vertical cell position
for (var y = 0; y <= 2; ++y)
// If this is the agent's position, skip it
if (x === 0 && y === 0)
// Compute the absolute cell position
var pos = this.frontCellPos(x, y);
var cell = world.getCell(pos.x, pos.y);
this.inputs[cellInIdx + 0] = (cell.agent !== null)? 1:0;
this.inputs[cellInIdx + 1] = (cell.type === CELL_WALL)? 1:0;
this.inputs[cellInIdx + 2] = (cell.type === CELL_WATER)? 1:0;
this.inputs[cellInIdx + 3] = (cell.type === CELL_PLANT)? 1:0;
this.inputs[cellInIdx + 4] = (cell.type === CELL_EATEN)? 1:0;
// Increment the cell input index
cellInIdx += 5;
this.inputs[cellInIdx + 0] = randomUnitFloat();
this.inputs[cellInIdx + 1] = randomUnitFloat();
this.inputs[cellInIdx + 2] = randomUnitFloat();
this.inputs[cellInIdx + 3] = randomUnitFloat();
this.inputs[cellInIdx + 4] =;
this.inputs[cellInIdx + 5] = this.water;
this.inputs[cellInIdx + 6] =;
AntAgent.prototype.think = function ()
var stateOffset = AntAgent.numInputs;
for (var i = 0; i < this.connVecs.length; ++i)
var accum = 0;
var connVec = this.connVecs[i];
for (var j = 0; j < connVec.inputs.length; ++j)
accum += this.inputs[connVec.inputs[j]] * connVec.weights[j];
this.inputs[stateOffset + i] = AntAgent.actFunc(accum);
var actionOffset = stateOffset + AntAgent.numStateVars - NUM_ACTIONS;
var maxVal = -Infinity;
var action = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < NUM_ACTIONS; ++i)
var actionVal = this.inputs[actionOffset + i]
if (actionVal > maxVal) {
maxVal = actionVal;
action = i;
return action;
* Gradient: an Artificial Life Experiment
* Copyright (C) 2011 Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert
* This file is part of Gradient.
* Gradient is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Gradient is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Gradient. If not, see <>.
* For more information about this program, please e-mail the
* author, Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert at:
* maximechevalierb /at/ gmail /dot/ com
// Genetic Algorithm Implementation
Constructor for agent evolution GA
function GenAlg(agentClass)
Agent class function
this.agentClass = agentClass;
Population vector
this.population = [];
Minimum population size
this.minPopSize = 25;
Mutation probability, for asexual reproduction.
this.mutProb = 0.02;
Produced individual count
this.indCount = 0;
Seed individual count
this.seedCount = 0;
Update the state of the GA
GenAlg.prototype.update = function ()
// Count of live agents
var liveCount = 0;
// For each individual in the population
for (var i = 0; i < this.population.length; ++i)
var agent = this.population[i];
// If the agent is alive
if (agent.isAlive())
// Increment the live agent count
// Remove the agent from the population
this.population.splice(i, 1);
// While the population size is below the minimum
while (liveCount < this.minPopSize)
// Create a new agent
var agent = this.newIndividual();
// Add the agent to the population
// Place the agent at random coordinates
// Increment the live count
// Increment the seed individuals count
Create a new individual
GenAlg.prototype.newIndividual = function ()
// Create a new agent
var newAgent = this.agentClass.newAgent();
// Increment the count of individuals created
// Return the new agent
return newAgent;
Mutate an individual
GenAlg.prototype.mutate = function (agent)
// Mutate the agent
var newAgent = this.agentClass.mutate(agent, this.mutProb);
// Increment the count of individuals created
// Return a pointer to the new agent
return newAgent;
Create offspring for an agent
GenAlg.prototype.makeOffspring = function (agent)
// Create a new agent through mutation
var newAgent = this.mutate(agent);
// Add the new agent to the population
// Place the new agent in the world near the parent
world.placeAgentNear(newAgent, agent.position.x, agent.position.y);
* Gradient: an Artificial Life Experiment
* Copyright (C) 2011 Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert
* This file is part of Gradient.
* Gradient is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Gradient is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Gradient. If not, see <>.
* For more information about this program, please e-mail the
* author, Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert at:
* maximechevalierb /at/ gmail /dot/ com
// Page interface code
// GUI redrawing delay
const GUI_REDRAW_DELAY = 0.2;
// Speed count interval
// Movement controls
const CTRL_UP = 0;
const CTRL_DOWN = 1;
const CTRL_LEFT = 2;
const CTRL_RIGHT = 3;
Called after page load to initialize needed resources
function init()
// Find the debug and stats text elements
debugTextElem = findElementById("debug_text");
statsTextElem = findElementById("stats_text");
// Find the control button elements
zoomInButton = findElementById("zoom_in_button");
zoomOutButton = findElementById("zoom_out_button");
realTimeButton = findElementById("real_time_button");
fastModeButton = findElementById("fast_mode_button");
// Get a reference to the canvas
canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
// Set the canvas size
canvas.width = 512;
canvas.height = 512;
// Get a 2D context for the drawing canvas
canvasCtx = canvas.getContext("2d");
// Clear the canvas
clearCanvas(canvas, canvasCtx);
// Create the genetic algorithm instance
genAlg = new GenAlg(AntAgent);
// Create the world instance
world = new World();
// Generate the world map
128, // Width
128, // Height
true, // Plants respawn flag
10, // Row walls mean
1, // Row walls var
10, // Col walls mean
1 // Col walls var
// Initialize the camera coordinates
xCoord = 0;
yCoord = 0;
// Initialize the zoom level
zoomLevel = WORLD_ZOOM_MAX - 4;
// Movement control states
controls = [];
// Last redrawing time
lastRedraw = 0;
// Set the update function to be called regularly
this.updateInterv = setInterval(
// Initialize the button states
zoomInButton.disabled = (zoomLevel >= WORLD_ZOOM_MAX);
zoomOutButton.disabled = (zoomLevel <= WORLD_ZOOM_MIN);
realTimeButton.disabled = (world.fastMode === false);
fastModeButton.disabled = (world.fastMode === true);
// Store the starting time in seconds
startTimeSecs = getTimeSecs();
// Initialize the speed count parameters
speedCountStartTime = getTimeSecs();
speedCountStartItrs = 0;
speedCountStartUpdates = 0;
itrsPerSec = 0;
updatesPerSec = 0;
window.addEventListener("load", init, false);
Key press handler
function keyDown(event)
switch (event.keyCode)
case 37: controls[CTRL_LEFT] = true; break;
case 38: controls[CTRL_UP] = true; break;
case 39: controls[CTRL_RIGHT] = true; break;
case 40: controls[CTRL_DOWN] = true; break;
default: return true;
// Prevent the default key behavior (window movement)
window.addEventListener("keydown", keyDown, false);
Key release handler
function keyUp(event)
switch (event.keyCode)
case 37: controls[CTRL_LEFT] = false; break;
case 38: controls[CTRL_UP] = false; break;
case 39: controls[CTRL_RIGHT] = false; break;
case 40: controls[CTRL_DOWN] = false; break;
default: return true;
// Prevent the default key behavior (window movement)
window.addEventListener("keyup", keyUp, false);
Find an element in the HTML document by its id
function findElementById(id, elem)
if (elem === undefined)
elem = document
for (k in elem.childNodes)
var child = elem.childNodes[k];
if (child.attributes)
var childId = child.getAttribute('id');
if (childId == id)
return child;
var nestedElem = findElementById(id, child);
if (nestedElem)
return nestedElem;
return null;
Print text to the page, for debugging purposes
function dprintln(text)
debugTextElem.innerHTML += escapeHTML(text + '\n');
Set the text in the stats box
function printStats(text)
statsTextElem.innerHTML = escapeHTML(text);
Clear a canvas
function clearCanvas(canvas, canvasCtx)
canvasCtx.fillStyle = "#111111";
canvasCtx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
Update the state of the system
function update()
// Update the camera movement
if (controls[CTRL_LEFT])
if (controls[CTRL_RIGHT])
if (controls[CTRL_UP])
if (controls[CTRL_DOWN])
// If running in fast mode, update the world at every update
if (world.fastMode === true)
// If the GUI needs to be redrawn
if (getTimeSecs() > lastRedraw + GUI_REDRAW_DELAY)
// If running in real-time, update only before rendering
if (world.fastMode === false)
// Render the world
world.render(canvas, canvasCtx, xCoord, yCoord, zoomLevel);
// Compute the time spent running
var timeRunningSecs = Math.round(getTimeSecs() - startTimeSecs);
// Compute the percentage of plants still available
var plantPercent = (100 * world.availPlants / world.numPlants).toFixed(1);
// Print some statistics
'time running: ' + timeRunningSecs + 's\n' +
'iterations/s: ' + itrsPerSec + '\n' +
'agent upd./s: ' + updatesPerSec + '\n' +
'\n' +
'ind. count : ' + genAlg.indCount + '\n' +
'seed inds. : ' + genAlg.seedCount + '\n' +
'itr. count : ' + world.itrCount + '\n' +
'eaten plants: ' + world.eatenPlantCount + '\n' +
'\n' +
'live agents : ' + world.population.length + '\n' +
'avail. plants: ' + plantPercent + '%\n' +
//'built blocks : ' + world.builtBlocks.length + '\n' +
'\n' +
'zoom level: ' + zoomLevel + '\n' +
'camera x : ' + xCoord + '\n' +
'camera y : ' + yCoord
// Update the last redraw time
lastRedraw = getTimeSecs();
// If the speed count is to be update
if (getTimeSecs() > speedCountStartTime + SPEED_COUNT_INTERV)
// Recompute the update rate
var itrCount = world.itrCount - speedCountStartItrs;
itrsPerSec = Math.round(itrCount / SPEED_COUNT_INTERV);
speedCountStartItrs = world.itrCount;
speedCountStartTime = getTimeSecs();
var updateCount = world.updateCount - speedCountStartUpdates;
updatesPerSec = Math.round(updateCount / SPEED_COUNT_INTERV);
speedCountStartUpdates = world.updateCount;
Augment the zoom level
function zoomIn()
// Increment the zoom level if possible
if (zoomLevel < WORLD_ZOOM_MAX)
// Enable the zoom out button
zoomOutButton.disabled = false;
// If zooming in is no longer possible, disable the button
if (zoomLevel >= WORLD_ZOOM_MAX)
zoomInButton.disabled = true;
Reduce the zoom level
function zoomOut()
// If we are at the minimum zoom level, stop
if (zoomLevel === WORLD_ZOOM_MIN)
// Decrement the zoom level
// Enable the zoom in button
zoomInButton.disabled = false;
// If zooming out is no longer possible, disable the button
if (zoomLevel === WORLD_ZOOM_MIN)
zoomOutButton.disabled = true;
// Obtain the sprite size for this zoom level
var spriteSize = WORLD_SPRITE_SIZES[zoomLevel];
// Compute the coordinates at the corner of the map
var cornerX = world.gridWidth - canvas.width / spriteSize;
var cornerY = world.gridHeight - canvas.height / spriteSize;
// Update the camera coordinates
xCoord = Math.max(0, Math.min(xCoord, cornerX));
yCoord = Math.max(0, Math.min(yCoord, cornerY));
Augment the world update rate
function goFaster()
world.fastMode = true;
realTimeButton.disabled = false;
fastModeButton.disabled = true;
Reduce the world update rate
function goSlower()
world.fastMode = false;
realTimeButton.disabled = true;
fastModeButton.disabled = false;
Move the camera left
function moveLeft()
// compute the movement delta
var delta = WORLD_ZOOM_MAX - (zoomLevel - WORLD_ZOOM_MIN) + 1;
// compute the updated coordinates
var newXCoord = xCoord - delta;
// Update the coordinates
xCoord = Math.max(0, newXCoord);
Move the camera right
function moveRight()
// compute the movement delta
var delta = WORLD_ZOOM_MAX - (zoomLevel - WORLD_ZOOM_MIN) + 1;
// compute the updated coordinates
var newXCoord = xCoord + delta;
// Obtain the sprite size for this zoom level
var spriteSize = WORLD_SPRITE_SIZES[zoomLevel];
// Compute the coordinates at the corner of the map
var cornerX = Math.max(world.gridWidth - canvas.width / spriteSize, 0);
// Update the coordinates
xCoord = Math.min(newXCoord, cornerX);
Move the camera up
function moveUp()
// compute the movement delta
var delta = WORLD_ZOOM_MAX - (zoomLevel - WORLD_ZOOM_MIN) + 1;
// compute the updated coordinates
var newYCoord = yCoord - delta;
// Update the coordinates
yCoord = Math.max(0, newYCoord);
Move the camera down
function moveDown()
// compute the movement delta
var delta = WORLD_ZOOM_MAX - (zoomLevel - WORLD_ZOOM_MIN) + 1;
// compute the updated coordinates
var newYCoord = yCoord + delta;
// Obtain the sprite size for this zoom level
var spriteSize = WORLD_SPRITE_SIZES[zoomLevel];
// Compute the coordinates at the corner of the map
var cornerY = Math.max(world.gridHeight - canvas.height / spriteSize, 0);
// Update the coordinates
yCoord = Math.min(newYCoord, cornerY);
* Gradient: an Artificial Life Experiment
* Copyright (C) 2011 Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert
* This file is part of Gradient.
* Gradient is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Gradient is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Gradient. If not, see <>.
* For more information about this program, please e-mail the
* author, Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert at:
* maximechevalierb /at/ gmail /dot/ com
// Misc utility code
Assert that a condition holds true
function assert(condition, errorText)
if (!condition)
Abort execution because a critical error occurred
function error(errorText)
alert('ERROR: ' + errorText);
throw errorText;
Test that a value is integer
function isInt(val)
return (
Math.floor(val) === val
Test that a value is a nonnegative integer
function isNonNegInt(val)
return (
isInt(val) &&
val >= 0
Test that a value is a strictly positive (nonzero) integer
function isPosInt(val)
return (
isInt(val) &&
val > 0
Get the current time in seconds
function getTimeSecs()
return (new Date()).getTime() / 1000;
Generate a random integer within [a, b]
function randomInt(a, b)
assert (
isInt(a) && isInt(b) && a <= b,
'invalid params to randomInt'
var range = b - a;
var rnd = a + Math.floor(Math.random() * (range + 1));
return rnd;
Generate a random boolean
function randomBool()
return (randomInt(0, 1) === 1);
Choose a random argument value uniformly randomly
function randomChoice()
assert (
arguments.length > 0,
'must supply at least one possible choice'
var idx = randomInt(0, arguments.length - 1);
return arguments[idx];
Generate a random floating-point number within [a, b]
function randomFloat(a, b)
if (a === undefined)
a = 0;
if (b === undefined)
b = 1;
assert (
a <= b,
'invalid params to randomFloat'
var range = b - a;
var rnd = a + Math.random() * range;
return rnd;
function randomUnitFloat()
return Math.random() * 2 - 1;
Generate a random value from a normal distribution
function randomNorm(mean, variance)
// Declare variables for the points and radius
var x1, x2, w;
// Repeat until suitable points are found
x1 = 2.0 * randomFloat() - 1.0;
x2 = 2.0 * randomFloat() - 1.0;
w = x1 * x1 + x2 * x2;
} while (w >= 1.0 || w == 0);
// compute the multiplier
w = Math.sqrt((-2.0 * Math.log(w)) / w);
// compute the gaussian-distributed value
var gaussian = x1 * w;
// Shift the gaussian value according to the mean and variance
return (gaussian * variance) + mean;
Escape a string for valid HTML formatting
function escapeHTML(str)
str = str.replace(/\n/g, '<br>');
str = str.replace(/ /g, '&nbsp;');
str = str.replace(/\t/g, '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;');
return str;
* Gradient: an Artificial Life Experiment
* Copyright (C) 2011 Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert
* This file is part of Gradient.
* Gradient is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Gradient is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Gradient. If not, see <>.
* For more information about this program, please e-mail the
* author, Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert at:
* maximechevalierb /at/ gmail /dot/ com
// 2D Vectors
@class 2D vector
function Vector2(x, y)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
Add two vectors
Vector2.add = function (v1, v2)
return new Vector2(v1.x + v2.x, v1.y + v2.y);
Add a vector to another, modifying it in-place
Vector2.prototype.iadd = function (v) {
this.x += v.x;
this.y += v.y;
return this;
Multiply a vector by a scalar
Vector2.scalarMul = function (v, s)
return new Vector2(v.x * s, v.y * s);
* Gradient: an Artificial Life Experiment
* Copyright (C) 2011 Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert
* This file is part of Gradient.
* Gradient is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Gradient is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Gradient. If not, see <>.
* For more information about this program, please e-mail the
* author, Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert at:
* maximechevalierb /at/ gmail /dot/ com
// Virtual World
// World update duration
// Number of updates to perform between checks in fast mode
// Zoom level constants
const WORLD_ZOOM_MIN = 0;
const WORLD_ZOOM_MAX = 5;
// Sprite size constants
const WORLD_SPRITE_SIZES = [2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64];
// Plant respawning delay
// Built block decay delay
const BLOCK_DECAY_DELAY = 15000;
// World cell kinds
const CELL_EMPTY = 0;
const CELL_PLANT = 1;
const CELL_EATEN = 2;
const CELL_WATER = 3;
const CELL_MINE = 4;
const CELL_WALL = 5;
@class World cell class
function Cell(cellType, agent)
// If the cell type is unspecified, make it empty
if (cellType === undefined)
cellType = CELL_EMPTY;
// If the agent is undefined, make it null
if (agent === undefined)
agent = null;
Cell type
this.type = cellType;
Agent at this cell
this.agent = agent;
@class Eaten plant class
function EatenPlant(x, y, time)
Plant position
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
Time at which to respawn
this.respawnTime = time;
assert (
isNonNegInt(this.x) && isNonNegInt(this.y),
'invalid plant coordinates'
assert (
'invalid plant respawn time'
@class Built block class
function BuiltBlock(x, y, time)
Plant position
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
Time at which to disappear
this.decayTime = time;
assert (
isNonNegInt(this.x) && isNonNegInt(this.y),
'invalid plant coordinates'
assert (
'invalid block decay time'
@class Represent a simulated world and its contents
function World()
World grid width
this.gridWidth = 0;
World grid height
this.gridHeight = 0;
Plants respawning flag
this.plantsRespawn = true;
Fast update mode flag
this.fastMode = false;
Total iteration count
this.itrCount = 0;
Total agent update count
this.updateCount = 0;
Last reset iteration
this.lastResetIt = 0;
World grid
this.grid = [];
this.population = [];
Total number of plant cells
this.numPlants = 0;
Plants currently available to eat
this.availPlants = 0;
List of eaten plants
this.eatenPlants = [];
Total plants eaten count
this.eatenPlantCount = 0;
List of built blocks
this.builtBlocks = [];
Cache of sprites last used during rendering
this.spriteCache = [];
Number of images left to be loaded
this.imgsToLoad = 0;
var that = this;
function loadImage(fileName)
var img = new Image();
img.src = fileName;
img.onload = function () { that.imgsToLoad--; }
return img;
// Load the sprite images
this.emptySprite = loadImage("images/sprites/grass2.png");
this.waterSprite = loadImage("images/sprites/water.png");
this.water2Sprite = loadImage("images/sprites/water2.png");
this.wallSprite = loadImage("images/sprites/rock.png");
this.plantSprite = loadImage("images/sprites/moss_green.png");
this.eatenSprite = loadImage("images/sprites/moss_dark.png");
this.mineSprite = loadImage("images/sprites/landmine.png");
this.antUSprite = loadImage("images/sprites/ant_up.png");
this.antDSprite = loadImage("images/sprites/ant_down.png");
this.antLSprite = loadImage("images/sprites/ant_left.png");
this.antRSprite = loadImage("images/sprites/ant_right.png");
Generate a random world
World.prototype.generate = function (
// Set the default generation parameters
if (plantsRespawn === undefined)
plantsRespawn = false;
if (waterSeedProb === undefined)
waterSeedProb = 0.0012;
if (plantSeedProb === undefined)
plantSeedProb = 0.004;
if (mineProb === undefined)
mineProb = 0;
if (rowWallsMean === undefined)
rowWallsMean = 0;
if (rowWallsVar === undefined)
rowWallsVar = 0;
if (colWallsMean === undefined)
colWallsMean = 0;
if (colWallsVar === undefined)
colWallsVar = 0;
// Ensure that the parameters are valid
assert (width > 0 && height > 0);
// Store the grid width and height
this.gridWidth = width;
this.gridHeight = height;
// Create a new world grid and fill it with empty cells
this.grid = new Array(width * height);
for (var i = 0; i < this.grid.length; ++i)
this.grid[i] = new Cell();
// Store the plant respawning flag
this.plantsRespawn = plantsRespawn;
// Clear the list of eaten plants
this.eatenPlants = [];
// Reset all counters
// Water generation
// For each row of cells
for (var y = 0; y < height; ++y)
// For each column
for (var x = 0; x < width; ++x)
// With a given probability
if (randomFloat(0, 1) < waterSeedProb)
// Make this a water cell
this.setCell(x, y, new Cell(CELL_WATER));
// For each pond generation pass
for (var i = 0; i < 23; ++i)
// For each row of cells
for (var y = 1; y < this.gridHeight - 1; ++y)
// For each column
for (var x = 1; x < this.gridWidth - 1; ++x)
// Count the number of water neighbors
var numWater = this.countNeighbors(x, y, CELL_WATER);
// With a certain probability
if (randomFloat(0, 1) < 0.02 * numWater + (numWater? 1:0) * 0.004 * Math.exp(numWater))
// Make this a water cell
this.setCell(x, y, new Cell(CELL_WATER));
// Wall generation
// Choose a random number of row walls
var numRowWalls = Math.round(randomNorm(rowWallsMean, rowWallsVar));
// Create a map for the row walls
var rowWallMap = new Array(this.gridHeight);
// For each row wall to generate
for (var wallCount = 0; wallCount < numRowWalls;)
// Choose a random row
var y = randomInt(2, this.gridHeight - 3);
// If another wall would be immediately adjacent, skip it
if (rowWallMap[y - 1] === true || rowWallMap[y + 1] === true)
// compute the two endpoints
var x1 = randomInt(1, this.gridWidth - 2);
var x2 = randomInt(1, this.gridWidth - 2);
// compute the length
var len = Math.abs(x1 - x2);
// If the wall is too short or too long, skip it
if (len < 5 || len > this.gridWidth / 4)
// For each column
for (var x = x1; x != x2 && x > 0 && x < this.gridWidth - 1; x += ((x2 - x1) > 0? 1:-1))
// If this cell is water, skip it
if (this.cellIsType(x, y, CELL_WATER) === true)
// Make this cell a wall
this.setCell(x, y, new Cell(CELL_WALL));
// Increment the wall count
// update the row wall map
rowWallMap[y] = true;
// Choose a random number of column walls
var numColWalls = Math.round(randomNorm(colWallsMean, colWallsVar));
// Create a map for the column walls
var colWallMap = new Array(this.gridWidth);
// For each row wall to generate
for (var wallCount = 0; wallCount < numColWalls;)
// Choose a random column
var x = randomInt(2, this.gridWidth - 3);
// If another wall would be immediately adjacent, skip it
if (colWallMap[x - 1] === true || colWallMap[x + 1] === true)
// compute the two endpoints
var y1 = randomInt(1, this.gridHeight - 2);
var y2 = randomInt(1, this.gridHeight - 2);
// compute the length
var len = Math.abs(y1 - y2);
// If the wall is too short or too long, skip it
if (len < 5 || len > this.gridHeight / 4)
// For each row
for (var y = y1; y != y2 && y > 0 && y < this.gridHeight; y += ((y2 - y1) > 0? 1:-1))
// If this cell is water or any neighbor is a wall cell, skip it
if (this.cellIsType(x, y, CELL_WATER) === true||
this.countNeighbors(x, y, CELL_WALL) > 1)
// Make this cell a wall
this.setCell(x, y, new Cell(CELL_WALL));
// Increment the wall count
// update the column wall map
colWallMap[x] = true;
// Food generation
// For each plant generation pass
for (var i = 0; i < 11; ++i)
// For each row of cells
for (var y = 1; y < this.gridHeight - 1; ++y)
// For each column
for (var x = 1; x < this.gridWidth - 1; ++x)
// If this cell is not empty, skip it
if (this.cellIsType(x, y, CELL_EMPTY) === false)
// Count the number of water neighbors
var numWater = this.countNeighbors(x, y, CELL_WATER);
// If there are any water neighbors, continue
if (numWater > 0)
// Count the number of plant neighbors
var numPlant = this.countNeighbors(x, y, CELL_PLANT);
// With a certain probability, if there are no plant neighbors
if (randomFloat(0, 1) < plantSeedProb && numPlant === 0)
// Make this a plant cell
this.setCell(x, y, new Cell(CELL_PLANT));
// Otherwise, if there are plant neighbors
else if (randomFloat(0, 1) < 0.04 * numPlant)
// Make this a plant cell with the same color as the neighbors
this.setCell(x, y, new Cell(CELL_PLANT));
// Count the number of plants in the world
this.numPlants = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.grid.length; ++i)
if (this.grid[i].type === CELL_PLANT)
// Initialize the number of available plants
this.availPlants = this.numPlants;
// Border wall generation
// For each column
for (var x = 0; x < this.gridWidth; ++x)
// Make the top border a wall
this.setCell(x, 0, new Cell(CELL_WALL));
this.setCell(x, 1, new Cell(CELL_WALL));
// Make the bottom border a wall
this.setCell(x, this.gridHeight - 1, new Cell(CELL_WALL));
this.setCell(x, this.gridHeight - 2, new Cell(CELL_WALL));
// For each row
for (var y = 0; y < this.gridHeight; ++y)
// Make the left border a wall
this.setCell(0, y, new Cell(CELL_WALL));
this.setCell(1, y, new Cell(CELL_WALL));
// Make the right border a wall
this.setCell(this.gridWidth - 1, y, new Cell(CELL_WALL));
this.setCell(this.gridWidth - 2, y, new Cell(CELL_WALL));
Reset the world to its post-creation state
World.prototype.reset = function ()
// Store the iteration count
this.lastResetIt = this.itrCount;
// Respawn all plants
// Remove all built blocks
// Clear the current population
this.population = [];
// Remove any ants from the world grid
for (var i = 0; i < this.grid.length; ++i)
this.grid[i].agent = null;
for (var i = 0; i < this.grid.length; ++i)
assert (
this.grid[i].agent === null,
'non-null agent pointer after world reset'
Respawn eaten plants
World.prototype.respawnPlants = function (respawnAll)
// By default, do not respawn all plants
respawnAll = !!respawnAll; // undefined -> false
// For each eaten plant
for (var i = 0; i < this.eatenPlants.length; ++i)
var plant = this.eatenPlants[i];
// If it is not time for this plant to be respawned, skip it
if (plant.respawnTime > this.itrCount && !respawnAll)
// Make the corresponding cell a new plant
this.getCell(plant.x, plant.y).type = CELL_PLANT;
// Increment the available plant count
assert (
this.availPlants <= this.numPlants,
'invalid available plant count'
// Shift the eaten plant array down
this.eatenPlants[i] = this.eatenPlants[this.eatenPlants.length - 1];
this.eatenPlants.splice(-1, 1);
Decay built blocks
World.prototype.decayBlocks = function (decayAll)
// By default, do not decay all blocks
if (decayAll === undefined)
decayAll = false;
// Remaining built blocks array
var builtBlocks = [];
// For each eaten plant
for (var i = 0; i < this.builtBlocks.length; ++i)
var block = this.builtBlocks[i];
// If it is not time for this block to be removed, skip it
if (block.decayTime > this.itrCount && !(decayAll === true))
// Make the corresponding cell empty
this.getCell(block.x, block.y).type = CELL_EMPTY;
// Update the built blocks array
this.builtBlocks = builtBlocks;
Update the world state
World.prototype.update = function ()
// If fast updating mode is enabled
if (this.fastMode === true)
// Get the time at which we start this update
var startTime = getTimeSecs();
// Until the update time slice is elapsed
while (getTimeSecs() < startTime + WORLD_UPDATE_TIME_SLICE)
// If all agents are dead, yield early
if (this.population.length === 0)
// Perform a small number of update iterations
for (var i = 0; i < WORLD_UPDATE_ITR_COUNT; ++i)
// Iterate only once
Perform one world iteration
World.prototype.iterate = function ()
// For all agents in the population
for (var i = 0; i < this.population.length; ++i)
var agent = this.population[i];
// Update the agent state
// If the agent is no longer alive
if (agent.isAlive() === false)
// Get the agent's position
var pos = agent.position;
// Nullify the agent pointer of its cell
this.getCell(pos.x, pos.y).agent = null;
// Remove the agent from the population
this.population.splice(i, 1);
// Move to the next agent in the population
// If eaten plants are to be respawned, place them back in the world
if (this.plantsRespawn === true)
// Decay the built blocks
// Increment the iteration count
Render the world
World.prototype.render = function (canvas, canvasCtx, xPos, yPos, zoomLevel)
assert (
'invalid zoom level'
// If there are images left to load
if (this.imgsToLoad > 0)
clearCanvas(canvas, canvasCtx);
canvasCtx.fillStyle = "White";
canvasCtx.fillText("Loading sprites...", 10, 10);
// Ensure that the arguments are valids
assert (
xPos < this.gridWidth &&
yPos < this.gridHeight &&
zoomLevel >= WORLD_ZOOM_MIN &&
zoomLevel <= WORLD_ZOOM_MAX
// Get the sprite size for this zoom level
var spriteSize = WORLD_SPRITE_SIZES[zoomLevel - WORLD_ZOOM_MIN];
// Compute the number of rows and columns of sprites to render
var numRows = Math.ceil(canvas.height / spriteSize);
var numCols = Math.ceil(canvas.width / spriteSize);
// Compute the number of sprites to render
var numSprites = numRows * numCols;
// If the sprite cache size does not match, reset it
if (this.spriteCache.length !== numSprites)
clearCanvas(canvas, canvasCtx);
this.spriteCache = new Array(numSprites);
// Choose the animated water sprite
var waterAnim = (this.itrCount % 4 <= 1);
var waterSprite = waterAnim? this.waterSprite:this.water2Sprite;
// Initialize the grid and frame y positions
var gridY = yPos;
var frameY = 0;
// For each row
for (var rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < numRows && gridY < this.gridHeight; ++rowIdx)
// Reset the grid and framey position
var gridX = xPos;
var frameX = 0;
// For each column
for (var colIdx = 0; colIdx < numCols && gridX < this.gridWidth; ++colIdx)
// Get a reference to this cell
var cell = this.getCell(gridX, gridY);
// Declare a reference to the sprite to draw
var sprite;
// If this cell contains an ant
if (cell.agent !== null)
// Switch on the ant direction
switch (cell.agent.direction)
// Set the sprite according to the direction
case AGENT_DIR_UP : sprite = this.antUSprite; break;
case AGENT_DIR_DOWN : sprite = this.antDSprite; break;
case AGENT_DIR_LEFT : sprite = this.antLSprite; break;
case AGENT_DIR_RIGHT: sprite = this.antRSprite; break;
// Invalid agent direction
error('invalid agent direction (' + cell.agent.direction + ')');
// Switch on the cell types
switch (cell.type)
// Empty cells
case CELL_EMPTY: sprite = this.emptySprite; break;
// Water cells
case CELL_WATER: sprite = waterSprite; break;
// Wall cells
case CELL_WALL: sprite = this.wallSprite; break;
// Alive and eaten plants
case CELL_PLANT: sprite = this.plantSprite; break;
case CELL_EATEN: sprite = this.eatenSprite; break;
// Mine cell
case CELL_MINE: sprite = this.mineSprite; break;
// Invalid cell type
error('invalid cell type');
assert (
sprite instanceof Image,
'invalid sprite'
assert (
isNonNegInt(frameX) && isNonNegInt(frameY),
'invalid frame coordinates'
assert (
'invalid sprite size'
// Get the cached sprite for this frame position
var cachedSprite = this.spriteCache[numCols * rowIdx + colIdx];
// If the sprite does not match the cached entry
if (sprite !== cachedSprite)
// Draw the scaled sprite at the current frame position
canvasCtx.drawImage(sprite, frameX, frameY, spriteSize, spriteSize);
// Update the cached sprite
this.spriteCache[numCols * rowIdx + colIdx] = sprite;
// Update the grid and frame position
gridX += 1;
frameX += spriteSize;
// Update the grid and frame position
gridY += 1;
frameY += spriteSize;
Place an agent at a specific location on the map
World.prototype.placeAgent = function (agent, x, y)
// Ensure that the arguments are valid
assert (
x < this.gridWidth &&
y < this.gridHeight &&
agent !== null,
'invalid arguments to placeAgent'
// If this cell is not empty, placement failed
if (this.cellIsType(x, y, CELL_EMPTY) === false ||
this.getCell(x, y).agent !== null)
return false;
// Set the ant position
agent.position = new Vector2(x, y);
// Set the agent pointer for this cell
this.getCell(x, y).agent = agent;
// Add the ant to the population
// Placement successful
return true;
Place an agent on the map at random coordinates
World.prototype.placeAgentRnd = function (agent)
assert (
agent !== null,
'invalid parameters to placeAgentRnd'
// Get the initial population size
var initPopSize = this.population.length;
// Try to place the ant up to 512 times
for (var i = 0; i < 512; ++i)
// Choose random coordinates in the world
var x = randomInt(0, this.gridWidth - 1);
var y = randomInt(0, this.gridHeight - 1);
// If the agent can be placed at these coordinates
if (this.placeAgent(agent, x, y) === true)
assert (
this.population.length === initPopSize + 1,
'agent not added to population'
assert (
world.getCell(agent.position.x, agent.position.y).agent === agent,
'agent pointer not valid after adding agent'
// Placement successful
return true;
assert (
this.population.length === initPopSize,
'agent not added but population size changed'
// Placement failed
return false;
Place an agent on the map near some coordinates
World.prototype.placeAgentNear = function (agent, x, y)
assert (
agent !== null,
'invalid parameters to placeAgentNear'
// Get the initial population size
var initPopSize = this.population.length;
// Try to place the ant up to 512 times
for (var i = 0; i < 512; ++i)
// Choose random coordinates in the world
var nearX = x + randomInt(-12, 12);
var nearY = y + randomInt(-12, 12);
// If the coordinates are outside of the map, try again
if (nearX < 0 ||
nearY < 0 ||
nearX >= this.gridWidth ||
nearY >= this.gridHeight)
// If the agent can be placed at these coordinates
if (this.placeAgent(agent, nearX, nearY) === true)
assert (
this.population.length === initPopSize + 1,
'agent not added to population'
assert (
world.getCell(agent.position.x, agent.position.y).agent === agent,
'agent pointer not valid after adding agent'
// Placement successful
return true;
assert (
this.population.length === initPopSize,
'agent not added but population size changed'
// Placement failed
return false;
Move an ant to new coordinates
World.prototype.moveAgent = function (agent, x, y)
// Ensure that the parameters are valid
assert (agent != null);
// Get the ant position
const pos = agent.position;
// Obtain references to the concerned cells
orig = this.getCell(pos.x, pos.y);
dest = this.getCell(x, y);
// Ensure that the ant pointer is valid
assert (
orig.agent === agent,
'invalid agent pointer'
// If the destination cell is a wall or water, deny the movement
if (dest.type === CELL_WALL || dest.type === CELL_WATER)
return false;
// If there is already an ant at the destination, deny the movement
if (dest.agent !== null)
return false;
// Update the pointers to perform the movement
orig.agent = null;
dest.agent = agent;
// Update the agent position
agent.position = new Vector2(x, y);
// Move successful
return true;
Eat a plant at the given coordinates
World.prototype.eatPlant = function (x, y)
// Ensure that the parameters are valid
assert (x < this.gridWidth && y < this.gridHeight);
// If this cell is not an available plant, stop
if (this.cellIsType(x, y, CELL_PLANT) === false)
return false;
// Make this cell an eaten plant
this.getCell(x, y).type = CELL_EATEN;
// Add the plant to the list of eaten plants
this.eatenPlants.push(new EatenPlant(x, y, this.itrCount + PLANT_RESPAWN_DELAY));
// Decrement the available plant count
// Increment the eaten plant count
// Plant successfully eaten
return true;
Build a block at the given coordinates
World.prototype.buildBlock = function (x, y)
// Ensure that the parameters are valid
assert (x < this.gridWidth && y < this.gridHeight);
// If this cell is not empty, stop
if (this.cellIsType(x, y, CELL_EMPTY) === false ||
this.getCell(x,y).agent !== null)
return false;
// Make this cell a wall block
this.getCell(x, y).type = CELL_WALL;
// Add the block to the list of built blocks
this.builtBlocks.push(new BuiltBlock(x, y, this.itrCount + BLOCK_DECAY_DELAY));
// Plant successfully eaten
return true;
Test if a world cell is empty
World.prototype.cellIsEmpty = function (x, y)
// Perform the test
return (this.getCell(x, y).type === CELL_EMPTY);
Test the type of a cell
World.prototype.cellIsType = function (x, y, type)
// Perform the test
return (this.getCell(x, y).type === type);
Count cell neighbors of a given type
World.prototype.countNeighbors = function (x, y, type)
// Count the neighbor cells of the given type
var count =
(this.cellIsType(x - 1, y - 1, type)? 1:0) +
(this.cellIsType(x , y - 1, type)? 1:0) +
(this.cellIsType(x + 1, y - 1, type)? 1:0) +
(this.cellIsType(x - 1, y , type)? 1:0) +
(this.cellIsType(x + 1, y , type)? 1:0) +
(this.cellIsType(x - 1, y + 1, type)? 1:0) +
(this.cellIsType(x , y + 1, type)? 1:0) +
(this.cellIsType(x + 1, y + 1, type)? 1:0);
// Return the count
return count;
Set a given grid cell
World.prototype.setCell = function (x, y, cell)
// Ensure that the coordinates are valid
assert (
x >= 0 && y >= 0 &&
x < this.gridWidth && y < this.gridHeight,
'invalid coordinates in setCell'
// Ensure that the cell is valid
assert (cell instanceof Cell);
// Set the cell reference
this.grid[y * this.gridWidth + x] = cell;
Get a given grid cell
World.prototype.getCell = function (x, y)
// Ensure that the coordinates are valid
assert (
x >= 0 && y >= 0 &&
x < this.gridWidth && y < this.gridHeight,
'invalid coordinates in getCell'
// Return a reference to the cell
return this.grid[y * this.gridWidth + x];
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