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Chip8 Mr Worm (made with Octo)
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# Chip8 Mr Worm
# rmmh 2014
:alias wafflex v4
:alias waffley v5
:alias headx v6
:alias heady v7
:alias headdir v8
:alias tailx v9
:alias taily vA
:alias growth vB
:proto queuedata
:alias queuehead vC
:alias queuetail vD
:const NDIRS 12
:const LASTDIR 11 # NDIRS - 1
: title-MrW 0xF8 0x04 0xA8 0x05 0xAB 0x85 0xAA 0x05 0xAA 0x05 0xAA 0x07 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x80 0x6D 0xCA 0xA6 0x8E 0xCA 0x8E 0x6E 0xCE 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
: title-orm 0x40 0x00 0x40 0x00 0x5D 0xDF 0x55 0x15 0x55 0x15 0xDD 0x15 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x05 0x40 0xCA 0x5B 0x7F 0x6A 0xAA 0x71 0xEA 0x5B 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
: dead-score 0xC0 0x00 0x80 0x00 0x80 0x00 0xDB 0xB7 0x52 0xA5 0x52 0xA7 0x52 0xA4 0xDB 0xA7 0x00 0x00 0x15 0x04 0x14 0x04 0x1D 0x77 0x15 0x55 0x15 0x75 0x00 0x10 0x00 0x70
: waffle-sprite 0xF8 0xA8 0xF8 0xA8 0xF8
: worm-dirtab
# struct { char offx, offy, sprite[5], _padding, ; };
: worm-ul -1 -2 0x70 0xF8 0xC0 0x80 0x00 0
: worm-u 0 -2 0x70 0xF8 0x88 0x00 0x00 0
: worm-ur +1 -2 0x70 0xF8 0x18 0x08 0x00 0
: worm-ru +2 -1 0x70 0x38 0x18 0x18 0x10 0
: worm-r +2 0 0x30 0x18 0x18 0x18 0x30 0
: worm-rd +2 +1 0x10 0x18 0x18 0x38 0x70 0
: worm-dr +1 +2 0x00 0x08 0x18 0xF8 0x70 0
: worm-d 0 +2 0x00 0x00 0x88 0xF8 0x70 0
: worm-dl -1 +2 0x00 0x80 0xC0 0xF8 0x70 0
: worm-ld -2 +1 0x40 0xC0 0xC0 0xE0 0x70 0
: worm-l -2 0 0x60 0xC0 0xC0 0xC0 0x60 0
: worm-lu -2 -1 0x70 0xE0 0xC0 0xC0 0x40 0
: queue-get # ( -- v0=item )
i := queuedata
i += queuetail
load v0
queuetail += 1
: queue-put # ( v0=item -- )
i := queuedata
i += queuehead
save v0
queuehead += 1
: queue-init # ( -- )
queuehead := 0
queuetail := 0
:proto move-worm
: place-waffle
i := waffle-sprite
wafflex := random 0xFF
waffley := random 0xFF
sprite wafflex waffley WAFFLEHEIGHT
if vf == 0 then return
sprite wafflex waffley WAFFLEHEIGHT
:proto score
:proto hiscore
: init
# clear score
i := score
v0 := 0
save v0
# random ortho direction
# headdir = (rand in [0, 3]) * 3
v0 := random 0x3
headdir <<= v0
headdir += v0
# random pos
headx := random 0xFF
heady := random 0xFF
tailx := headx
taily := heady
: hit-waffle? # ( -- vF=collidedWithWaffle )
i := waffle-sprite
sprite wafflex waffley WAFFLEHEIGHT
sprite wafflex waffley WAFFLEHEIGHT
: eat-waffle
sprite wafflex waffley WAFFLEHEIGHT
growth += 3
i := score
load v0
v0 += 1
i := score
save v0
:const bcd-temp 0x400
: draw-digits # ( v3=num, v4=x, v5=y )
i := bcd-temp
bcd v3
load v2
:proto nohundred
:proto noten
if v3 < 100 then jump nohundred
i := hex v0
sprite v4 v5 5
: nohundred
i := hex v1
v4 += 5
if v3 < 10 then jump noten
sprite v4 v5 5
: noten
v4 += 5
i := hex v2
sprite v4 v5 5
: set-hiscore # ( v3=score -- v0=score )
i := hiscore
v0 := v3
save v0
: show-score
i := dead-score
v4 := 15
v5 := 8
sprite v4 v5 0
v4 += 20
v5 += 3
:next score v3 := 0
v4 += -10
v5 += 6
:next hiscore v0 := 0
if v3 > v0 then set-hiscore
v3 := v0
# busy loop so score screen doesn't vanish
# because player is still trying to play
v0 := 100
v0 += -1
if v0 != 0 then again
vF := key
: collision
if vF == 1 then jump eat-waffle
: load-direntry # ( v0=dir -- v0=offx, v1=offy, i=sprite )
# i = worm-dirtab + 8 * v0
i := worm-dirtab
v0 <<= v0
v0 <<= v0
v0 <<= v0
i += v0
load v1 # i now points at the sprite
: remove-segment
# move worm
tailx += v0
taily += v1
# draw segment
sprite tailx taily TAILHEIGHT
: move-worm
# remove tail ?
if growth == 0 then remove-segment
if growth != 0 then growth += -1
# store current dir for tail
v0 := headdir
# move worm
headx += v0
heady += v1
# draw segment
sprite headx heady TAILHEIGHT
if vf == 1 then collision
: title
i := title-MrW
v0 := 16
v1 := 9
sprite v0 v1 0
i := title-orm
v0 += 16
sprite v0 v1 0
vF := key
: main
v0 := 7
if v0 key then headdir += -1
v0 := 9
if v0 key then headdir += 1
if headdir == NDIRS then headdir := 0
if headdir == -1 then headdir := LASTDIR
: queuedata
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