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Last active May 26, 2018 05:13
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Naive driver for debugging oughtinc/patchwork#4
import sys
from patchwork.actions import Reply, Unlock
from patchwork.datastore import Datastore
from patchwork.scheduling import RootQuestionSession, Scheduler
from patchwork.text_manipulation import make_link_texts
def main():
db = Datastore()
sched = Scheduler(db)
with RootQuestionSession(sched, "what is the sum of list [[6] []]") as sess:
initial_context = sess.current_context
print("The initial context was:\n {}".format(initial_context))
print("The final answer is:\n {}".format(sess.act(Reply("6"))))
print("\n* * * * *\n")
with RootQuestionSession(sched, "what is the sum of list [[6] []]") as sess:
if sess.is_fulfilled():
print("That question has already been answered: ")
print(make_link_texts(sess.final_answer_promise, db)[sess.final_answer_promise])
print("\n* * * * *\n")
with RootQuestionSession(sched, "what is the sum of list [[6] [[7] []]]") as sess:
if sess.current_context is None:
print("The expected failure occurred.")
print("You fixed it! Maybe.")
if __name__ == '__main__':
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