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Continuous Conversion of Kafka topics from JSON to Avro with KSQL

@rmoff / 04 Apr 2018

This is easy with KSQL :)

Here’s a dummy topic, in JSON:

$ kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --from-beginning --topic mysql_users
{"uid":1,"name":"Cliff","locale":"en_US","address_city":"St Louis","elite":"P"}
{"uid":2,"name":"Nick","locale":"en_US","address_city":"Palo Alto","elite":"G"}

In KSQL declare the source stream, specifying the schema (here a subset of the full schema, just for brevity):

ksql> CREATE STREAM source (uid INT, name VARCHAR) WITH (KAFKA_TOPIC='mysql_users', VALUE_FORMAT='JSON');

 Stream created

Now create a derived stream, specifying the target serialisation (Avro) and the target topic (this is optional; without it will just take the name of the stream):

ksql> SET 'auto.offset.reset' = 'earliest';
Successfully changed local property 'auto.offset.reset' from 'null' to 'earliest'
ksql> CREATE STREAM target_avro WITH (VALUE_FORMAT='AVRO', KAFKA_TOPIC='mysql_users_avro') AS SELECT * FROM source;

 Stream created and running

Check out the resulting Avro topic:

$ kafka-avro-console-consumer \
                   --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
                   --property schema.registry.url=http://localhost:8081 \
                   --topic mysql_users_avro --from-beginning

Because KSQL is a continuous query, any new records arriving on the source JSON topic will be automagically converted to Avro on the derived topic.

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Very nice Robin. And since Avro is being sent to topic target_avro, it will automatically register with the Schema Registry, correct? I see you are specifying the schema registry in your consumer, so I assume so.

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rmoff commented Aug 6, 2018

Yes, generated Avro will have its schema stored in the Schema Registry

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Have you tested without the KAFKA_TOPIC='mysql_users_avro'? A developer on a project we are doing reported that this all works flawlessly as long as there is an explicit topic name.

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This helped me out of a dead end with a small prototype - well done, thank you!

I wasn't able to apply the same technique "as is" to a JSON topic with a key defined (please note, I'm new to Kafka).
I didn't expect the key field "ITEM_ID" to vanish from the topic, as viewed through the kafka-console-consumer (Confluent Platform OSS 5.0.0). On the other hand, in ksql "ITEM_ID" is a column of the corresponding stream, but constantly null, its value being assigned -as expected- to ROWKEY. Oddly enough, a "SELECT ROWTIME, ROWKEY, ROWKEY AS ITEM_ID, ..." returns what I had expected.

A mistake of mine, or is it "working as designed"?
This is not a dead end, but any help would be greatly appreciated (and thank you again).

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Mistake of mine, solved.
Any field declared as "key" in the source topic is shown as ROWKEY in ksql, and the original name is lost. (Why?)
So, writing "create stream ( item_id string, item_name string ... ) ..." I eventually created a new "item_id", obviously null.
Coming from decades on relational systems, I assumed that referencing a non-existent column would be flagged as an error.
It is not, lesson learned ;)

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I saw the schema of data was already embedded in avro data. So why do we need to register the schema to SchemaRegistry ?

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why do we need to register the schema to SchemaRegistry?

You don't. KSQL does that for you.

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