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Forked from brainlid/.iex.exs
Created April 2, 2024 14:37
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My .iex.exs file that lives in my Home directory. Gets loaded and used in every IEx session on my machines. I borrowed and stole all the great ideas from others an tweaked them over the years.
Application.put_env(:elixir, :ansi_enabled, true)
# IEx shell customization for color
# - Added as a comment:
# - Original source:
# - Can add to a specific project or can put in the User home folder as a global config.
# Updates from:
# -
timestamp = fn ->
{_date, {hour, minute, _second}} = :calendar.local_time
[hour, minute]
|>, 2, "0")))
|> Enum.join(":")
colors: [
syntax_colors: [
number: :light_yellow,
atom: :light_cyan,
string: :light_black,
boolean: :red,
nil: [:magenta, :bright],
ls_directory: :cyan,
ls_device: :yellow,
doc_code: :green,
doc_inline_code: :magenta,
doc_headings: [:cyan, :underline],
doc_title: [:cyan, :bright, :underline],
"#{}%prefix#{IO.ANSI.reset} " <>
"[#{IO.ANSI.magenta}#{timestamp.()}#{IO.ANSI.reset} " <>
":: #{IO.ANSI.cyan}%counter#{IO.ANSI.reset}] >",
"#{}%prefix#{IO.ANSI.reset} " <>
"(#{IO.ANSI.yellow}%node#{IO.ANSI.reset}) " <>
"[#{IO.ANSI.magenta}#{timestamp.()}#{IO.ANSI.reset} " <>
":: #{IO.ANSI.cyan}%counter#{IO.ANSI.reset}] >",
history_size: 50,
inspect: [
pretty: true,
limit: :infinity,
width: 80,
# Fix for map key sorting: `data = %{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4}`
custom_options: [sort_maps: true]
width: 80
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