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Last active November 6, 2017 04:52
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Agile Practices

Agile - PD

How you've used agile as a process at Turing and what kind of project management tools you utilized. Address these questions:

What were you already doing?

I've used on several projects to help prioritize and stay on task. Before mod 2 I made notes to myself or made checklists with project partners.

What did you put into place in Module Two? was the new addition in mod 2. In mod one I got off-task more easily and have been better able to stay with the mission of each assignment in mod 2.

What was effective?

I think it has been effective. By mod 2, the projects are so large in scale that without an effective workflow, I don't think I would have been able to complete them.

What do you want to improve on in future projects?

I still have a ways to go. The biggest thing that slows me down is still just the difficulty of programming when I'm not yet an expert. But I'd like to continue to get faster and more productive.

Description of the role you played in your pair/group projects this module -- what was your role as a teammate? How did you utilize your strengths and leadership skills?

I'm a doer. I just like to get stuff done and check it off the list. As well, I've learned how important it is to keep project partners encouraged so that they can be productive as well.

In Gametime, my partner was similar to me and so we were both very productive and accomplished a lot. In weatherly, we had more trouble, due to the difficulty of the material. However, due to a massive amount of effort, the project still turned out well.

My best strength as a leader is a willingness to dig in and do the hard work. People seem to be willing to work extra hard when paired with me because they know I'll be there with them the whole time.

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