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Ross Morsali rmorse

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rmorse / search-filter-dequeue-ugc-css.php
Last active December 7, 2024 17:09
Dequeue styles presets CSS from Search & Filter v3
add_filter( 'search-filter/frontend/enqueue_styles', 'search_filter_remove_ugc_styles' );
* Remove UGC styles (Styles Presets CSS file)
function search_filter_remove_ugc_styles( $styles ) {
$position = array_search( 'search-filter-ugc-styles', $styles, true );
rmorse / search-filter-v3-generate-blocks-query-loop.php
Last active December 3, 2024 22:01
Search & Filter v3 + Generate blocks query loop
// Adds Search & Filter filtering to a Generate blocks query loop.
add_filter( 'generateblocks_query_loop_args', function ( $query_args, $attributes ) {
// Replace `1234` with your S&F query ID.
$query_args['search_filter_query_id'] = 1234;
return $query_args;
}, 10, 2 );
* WordPress dependencies
import { createReduxStore, register, controls } from '@wordpress/data';
import apiFetch from '@wordpress/api-fetch';
import { addQueryArgs } from '@wordpress/url';
export const STORE_NAME = 'search-filter/settings';
const getUniqueKey = ( args ) => {
rmorse / block-edit-unique-id.js
Last active February 20, 2023 05:36
Generate unique IDs (as attributes) for blocks - ensure that duplicating a block will generate a new ID
* WordPress dependencies
import { useSelect, dispatch } from '@wordpress/data';
import { useLayoutEffect } from '@wordpress/element';
import './store';
const storeName = 'plugin-name/block';
function Edit( { attributes, setAttributes, clientId } ) {
// Get the stored attribute field ID.
rmorse / class-handlebars-helpers.php
Last active May 3, 2022 09:18
Adds support for `if truthy`, `if falsy`, `if equals` and `if not equals` to Handlebars PHP -
* Adds helpers to Handlebars to support the following expressions:
* If truthy - `{{#if_truthy varName}}...{{/if_truthy}}`
* If falsy - `{{#if_falsy varName}}...{{/if_falsy}}`
* If equal - `{{#if_equal varName anotherVar}}...{{/if_equal}}`
* If not equal - `{{#if_not_equal varName anotherVar}}...{{/if_not_equal}}`
* Supports the PHP implementation of Handlebars found here:
// re init layout after ajax request
$( document ).on( "sf:ajaxfinish", ".searchandfilter", function( e, data ) {
if ( window.elementorFrontend && window.elementorFrontend.elementsHandler && window.elementorFrontend.elementsHandler.runReadyTrigger) {
var runReadyTrigger = window.elementorFrontend.elementsHandler.runReadyTrigger;
runReadyTrigger( data.targetSelector );
// NEW - re-init elementor widgets inside the new results:
var ajaxTarget = $( data.targetSelector );
if ( ajaxTarget.length > 0 ) {
ajaxTarget.find( '.elementor-widget' ).each( function () {
rmorse / react-router-dom-v.6.02.prompt.blocker.js
Last active November 13, 2024 16:02
Adds back in `useBlocker` and `usePrompt` to `react-router-dom` version 6.0.2 (they removed after the 6.0.0 beta, temporarily)
* These hooks re-implement the now removed useBlocker and usePrompt hooks in 'react-router-dom'.
* Thanks for the idea @piecyk
* Source:
import { useContext, useEffect, useCallback } from 'react';
import { UNSAFE_NavigationContext as NavigationContext } from 'react-router-dom';
* Blocks all navigation attempts. This is useful for preventing the page from
* changing until some condition is met, like saving form data.
* Output an ACF post relationship field type using a shortcode:
* [ca_acf_relationship_field field="field_name"]
* You can also pass `post_id` as an attribute
* Works with Post Object and Relationship fields, when the return
* format is both post object and post ID
* This code assumes you are copying this into functions.php of
rmorse / add-custom-editor-colors.php
Last active January 7, 2024 02:58
Add custom colors to the WordPress editor via `add_theme_support`
* Add custom colors to the WordPress editor via `add_theme_support`
* This takes the existing colours (if your theme or a plugin has set any)
* and combines them with a new set of colours defined in the function
* New colours should be visible in the various color pickers found in
* WordPress admin
rmorse / change-prefix.php
Last active October 26, 2020 09:22
Bulk change WordPress table prefix
// Warning: There is nothing safe about this script - don't use in production - make a backup. Always delete when finished.
* Use this script to change the table prefix (renames the tables) in your WordPress install.
* Instructions:
* - Put this in a subdirectory from the root of your install - ie, create a new directory in the same folder as `wp-config.php`
and put this in it
* - Change the values `$old_prefix` and `$new_prefix` below, to match your requirements
* - Change the `$table_prefix` var in `wp-config.php` to your new prefix