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Last active October 22, 2021 02:29
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Class-based Snake Game With IDOM
import asyncio
import enum
import random
import time
from dataclasses import dataclass, replace
import idom
class GameState(enum.Enum):
init = 0
lost = 1
won = 2
play = 3
class GameView:
state = GameState.init
def render(self):
if self.state ==
return GameLoop(self, grid_size=6, block_scale=50)
start_button = idom.html.button(
{"onClick": lambda event: idom.set_state(self,},
if self.state == GameState.won:
menu = idom.html.div(idom.html.h3("You won!"), start_button)
elif self.state == GameState.lost:
menu = idom.html.div(idom.html.h3("You lost"), start_button)
menu = idom.html.div(idom.html.h3("Click to play"), start_button)
menu_style =
.snake-game-menu h3 {
margin-top: 0px !important;
return idom.html.div({"className": "snake-game-menu"}, menu_style, menu)
class Direction(enum.Enum):
ArrowUp = (0, -1)
ArrowLeft = (-1, 0)
ArrowDown = (0, 1)
ArrowRight = (1, 0)
class GameLoopState:
direction: tuple[int, int]
snake: list[tuple[int, int]]
food: tuple[int, int]
class GameLoop:
def __init__(self, game_view, grid_size, block_scale):
self.game_view = game_view
self.grid_size = grid_size
self.block_scale = block_scale
self.new_game_state =
def state(self):
return GameLoopState(
snake=[(self.grid_size // 2 - 1, self.grid_size // 2 - 1)],
food=(self.grid_size // 2 - 1, self.grid_size // 2 - 1),
def render(self):
self.frame_start_time = time.time()
# we `use_ref` here to capture the latest direction press without any delay
direction = self.state.direction
# capture the last direction of travel that was rendered
last_direction = direction.current
grid = create_grid(self.grid_size, self.block_scale)
def on_direction_change(event):
if hasattr(Direction, event["key"]):
maybe_new_direction = Direction[event["key"]].value
direction_vector_sum = tuple(
map(sum, zip(last_direction, maybe_new_direction))
if direction_vector_sum != (0, 0):
direction.current = maybe_new_direction
grid_wrapper = idom.html.div({"onKeyDown": on_direction_change}, grid)
assign_grid_block_color(grid,, "blue")
for location in self.state.snake:
assign_grid_block_color(grid, location, "white")
if self.state.snake[-1] in self.state.snake[:-1]:
assign_grid_block_color(grid, self.state.snake[-1], "red")
self.new_game_state = GameState.lost
elif len(self.state.snake) == self.grid_size ** 2:
assign_grid_block_color(grid, self.state.snake[-1], "yellow")
self.new_game_state = GameState.won
return grid_wrapper
async def render_effect(self):
if self.new_game_state !=
await asyncio.sleep(1)
idom.set_state(self.game_view, self.new_game_state)
frame_rate = 0.5
render_time = time.time() - self.frame_start_time
await asyncio.sleep(frame_rate - render_time)
new_snake_head = (
# grid wraps due to mod op here
(self.state.snake[-1][0] + self.state.direction.current[0])
% self.grid_size,
(self.state.snake[-1][1] + self.state.direction.current[1])
% self.grid_size,
new_state = self.state
if self.state.snake[-1] ==
new_state = set_food(self.state, self.grid_size)
new_snake = self.state.snake + [new_snake_head]
new_snake = self.state.snake[1:] + [new_snake_head]
new_state = replace(new_state, snake=new_snake)
idom.set_state(self, new_state)
def set_food(state, grid_size):
grid_points = {(x, y) for x in range(grid_size) for y in range(grid_size)}
points_not_in_snake = grid_points.difference(state.snake)
new_food = random.choice(list(points_not_in_snake))
return replace(state, food=new_food)
def create_grid(grid_size, block_scale):
return idom.html.div(
"style": {
"height": f"{block_scale * grid_size}px",
"width": f"{block_scale * grid_size}px",
"cursor": "pointer",
"display": "grid",
"grid-gap": 0,
"grid-template-columns": f"repeat({grid_size}, {block_scale}px)",
"grid-template-rows": f"repeat({grid_size}, {block_scale}px)",
"tabIndex": -1,
{"style": {"height": f"{block_scale}px"}},
[create_grid_block("black", block_scale) for i in range(grid_size)],
for i in range(grid_size)
def create_grid_block(color, block_scale):
return idom.html.div(
"style": {
"height": f"{block_scale}px",
"width": f"{block_scale}px",
"backgroundColor": color,
"outline": "1px solid grey",
def assign_grid_block_color(grid, point, color):
x, y = point
block = grid["children"][x]["children"][y]
block["attributes"]["style"]["backgroundColor"] = color, port=8000)
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