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autodiscover in PHP - copied here for posterity. Originally by David Ramsden - Improvements by me :)
Open Source Autodiscover implementation in PHP.
Version: 1.0
Tested with:
- Microsoft Exchange Remote Connectivity Analyzer (1.3)
- iOS 4.3.5
- Outlook 2010 (SP0)
- Android 2.3.3
Allows auto configuration of ActiveSync and Outlook (or any other MUA that has
autodiscover support).
Example Apache vhost configuration (SSL is required for Autodiscover):
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache/ssl/certs/
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache/ssl/private/
# Force all requests to lowercase. Different MUAs, mobile devices etc
# request the Autodiscover URL in different cases.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteMap lc int:tolower
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} [A-Z]
RewriteRule (.*) ${lc:$1} [R=301,L]
DocumentRoot /var/www/autodiscover/htdocs
<Directory />
Options +FollowSymLinks -Indexes
AllowOverride Options Indexes Limit FileInfo AuthConfig
Alias /autodiscover/autodiscover.xml /var/www/autodiscover/htdocs/autodiscover.php
ErrorLog /var/www/autodiscover/logs/error.log
CustomLog /var/www/autodiscover/logs/access.log combined
Copyright (C) 2011 David Ramsden
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
David Ramsden david {at} 0wned {dot} it
/*** Begin Configuration ***/
// ActiveSync URL.
$_CONFIG['MobileSync']['Url'] = "";
function servername( $substitute_autodisover_with='mail' ) {
$host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
return preg_replace('/^autodiscover/', $substitute_autodisover_with, $host);
// IMAP configuration settings.
$_CONFIG['IMAP']['Server'] = servername('mail');
$_CONFIG['IMAP']['Port'] = "143";
$_CONFIG['IMAP']['SSL'] = "off";
$_CONFIG['IMAP']['SPA'] = "off";
$_CONFIG['IMAP']['AuthRequired'] = "on";
// SMTP configuration settings.
$_CONFIG['SMTP']['Server'] = servername('smtp');
$_CONFIG['SMTP']['Port'] = "587";
$_CONFIG['SMTP']['SSL'] = "off";
$_CONFIG['SMTP']['SPA'] = "off";
$_CONFIG['SMTP']['AuthRequired'] = "on";
/*** End Configuration ***/
// For other supported protocols and more protocol settings, see:
// Get contents of request made to Autodiscover.
$request = file_get_contents("php://input");
// XML document heading.
header("Content-Type: text/xml");
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n";
// Get the schema from the request.
preg_match("/\<AcceptableResponseSchema\>(.*?)\<\/AcceptableResponseSchema\>/", $request, $schema);
// Determine the type of device requesting Autodiscover.
if (preg_match("/\/mobilesync\//", $schema[1]))
// Mobile device.
preg_match("/\<EMailAddress\>(.*?)\<\/EMailAddress\>/", $request, $email_address);
<Autodiscover xmlns="">
<Response xmlns="<?php echo $schema[1]; ?>">
<DisplayName><?php echo $email_address[1]; ?></DisplayName>
<EMailAddress><?php echo $email_address[1]; ?></EMailAddress>
<Url><?php echo $_CONFIG['MobileSync']['Url']; ?></Url>
<Name><?php echo $_CONFIG['MobileSync']['Url']; ?></Name>
else if (preg_match("/\/outlook\//", $schema[1]))
// MUA (mail client).
<Autodiscover xmlns="">
<Response xmlns="<?php echo $schema[1]; ?>">
// Loop through each configured protocol.
while(list($protocol, $settings) = each($_CONFIG))
// Skip ActiveSync protocol.
if ($protocol == "MobileSync") continue;
<Type><?php echo $protocol; ?></Type>
// Loop through each setting for this protocol.
while(list($setting, $value) = each($settings))
echo "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<$setting>$value</$setting>\n";
// Unknown.
list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
<Autodiscover xmlns="">
<Error Time="<?php echo date('H:i:s', $sec) . substr($usec, 0, strlen($usec) - 2); ?>" Id="2477272013">
<Message>Invalid Request</Message>
<DebugData />
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